Martial Inverse

Chapter 1930: Half a catty 2

Chapter 1930

The pitch-black and boundless poisonous sea gradually returned to calm after the vibration on the ground stopped. However, it was obviously much lighter. From the outside world, it was almost possible to see the surrounding area of ​​the poisonous sea with the naked eye. Area.

It can be seen to what extent the toxicity in the Beiman forbidden area has been weakened.

But at this time, in the deepest part of the poisonous sea, a sweet-looking girl was facing a very ferocious giant beast. It was very strange. The girl didn't seem to be afraid of the ferocious giant beast in front of her. The relationship seems to be quite close, and besides, that ferocious giant beast, in front of this young and beautiful girl, is also very docile, and it doesn't seem to be in the slightest danger.

"It's too high for me to reach."

Xiao Qingmeng raised her hand, trying to touch the top of its head, but found that she couldn't reach it.

"Master, then I will become smaller..."

After the giant beast finished speaking, its huge mountain-like body shrank rapidly.


After the calm and calm for a long time, a young girl came out holding a little black dog with black and bright fur, but with two scary fangs. Her little face was full of excitement.


After seeing Feng Hao, Xiao Qingmeng rushed over.

"Are you okay?"

Although he had seen Xiao Qingmeng standing in front of him alive and kicking, Feng Hao checked her worriedly, and he was relieved when he found that she was really unharmed.

"This is Xiao Hei."

Like offering a treasure, Xiao Qingmeng lifted up the little black dog he was holding.


After her words fell, there was a strange noise, and after Feng Hao and Xiao Qingmeng heard the sound, they found that it was Xiao Qiuqiu, and it was like a goat's epilepsy. , tossing and tossing on the ground, his feet hammering the ground constantly, and there were some weird noises from his mouth, much like a laughing person jumping forward and backward.

Although Xiao Qingmeng and Feng Hao were puzzled by this scene,

However, the little black dog in Xiao Qingmeng's hands, with two fangs longer than his head, squinted his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes.

It is also very helpless, and I don't know if it is hereditary. Xiao Qingmeng seems to have no special talent for naming or anything. Seeing that it has a dark fur, it directly chooses a very simple... Xiao Hei.

At that moment, its intestines were green with regret.

Why do you want to ask for a name? !

However, looking at Xiao Qingmeng's watery and innocent big eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse at all, because he was afraid that he would be disappointed and sad when he saw Xiao Qingmeng.

"Xiao Qiuqiu doesn't seem to be much better."

The little black dog spit out human words, and the voice was full of humanized ridicule, which directly petrified the movements of the epileptic little ball, and froze in place.


Xiao Qiuqiu turned over directly, her jewel-like eyes were shining with divine brilliance, staring straight at the little black dog in Xiao Qingmeng's hand, as if very hostile.

"Little Qiuqiu, don't bully my Xiaohei, or I'll let Daddy beat you!"

Xiao Qingmeng, who had seen Xiaoqiuqiu's tricks before, hid the little black dog behind her and whispered to Xiaoqiuqiu.

In a word, the corners of the mouths of the two little beasts who were fighting each other twitched fiercely.

It seems that the two of them seem to be the same, and neither of them is much better...

Poor them, their reputation has been ruined by this name!

For a time, they were reborn doting concubines full of resentment towards their masters.

"Xiao Meng'er, don't you think it's better for Xiao Hei to be called Wangcai?"

Feng Hao seems to have a soft spot for this name, so to speak, as long as a certain little black dog almost has a short-circuited heart, dies, and foams at the mouth.

"This name is good, this name is simply perfect!"

The little Qiuqiu on the side was making trouble, echoing Feng Hao's words, and suggested, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "I think it's called Wangyun, Wangbao...any of these are fine. I heard that this can bring the master Good luck."

"It's true."

After hearing this, Feng Hao nodded in agreement, and set his eyes on the frightening little Qiuqiu, "Okay then, you can change your name to Wangyun from now on!"


This directly caused Xiao Qiuqiu, who was in shock, to kick all four feet and lay on the ground, as if he had died of breath.

Is this called digging your own grave? !

"I always feel that I'm not lucky, so it's because of this problem..." Feng Hao said with a thoughtful face, but there was an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth.

He can now be sure that the little black dog with two long fangs growing in Xiao Qingmeng's hand is the poison sealed in the core of the Beiman forbidden area.

Although he has some complaints about this poison, at the very least, for Xiao Qingmeng's sake, this poison allowed him to enter the core of the forbidden area twice, and obtained Beimangwutou and colorful colored glaze. However, it is not bad.

"Master, I already have a name, and I'm used to calling it, so I don't think I need to change it..."

"Little master, I think the name Xiao Hei is really good, so I will call it Xiao Hei, and I won't change it..."

Under the strife, the sad little girls on both sides cried without tears.

"Time is running out, it's time to go back and get ready..."

Glancing at the evening sky, Feng Hao put away the smile on his face and replaced it with a cautious one.

Since it is a storm that cannot be avoided, he has never thought about avoiding it, so let's face it bravely!

Feng Hao really wanted to see what kind of tricks the Wuling and Mangyan clans had!

"Let's go, go back, go back..."

Xiaoqiuqiu couldn't wish for it. I'm afraid that Fenghao will change its name to Wangyun on a whim. It would be better to kill it directly.

"Xiao Hei, thank you for holding back twice."

While walking, Feng Hao smiled kindly at the little black dog lying in Xiao Qingmeng's arms, and followed the footsteps of Xiao Qiuqiu, and left here quickly.

Back at Shengtian Academy, Feng Hao didn't alarm anyone, and together with Xiao Qingmeng, brought two little beasts to the courtyard where Fengchen, Qiongsu, Qingwu, and Yuning were located.

When mother and daughter meet, they naturally tell each other how much they miss each other. When Qiongsu sees Xiao Qingmeng, who has grown up, she is also surprised from ear to ear, and keeps repeating that my little Qingmeng can get married...

This night, the relatives gathered together, it was very harmonious, even the air was filled with the taste of happiness, and the laughter spread far and far.

"Protect my family, don't let them lose a hair, otherwise, I'm asking for you!"

The next day, the first thing Feng Hao said when he walked out of the room was to give Xiao Qiuqiu such instructions.

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