Martial Inverse

Chapter 1939: Yu Ning's Comprehension

Chapter 1939 Yu Ning's Comprehension

The game is settled,

Until now, Feng Chen, Feng Zhentian and others were slightly relieved,

At the same time, they were even more moved inexplicably,

Because, even in this kind of scene, Feng Hao has always let the little ball and the little black dog protect their safety, even disregarding his own danger,

Although Feng Hao didn't say anything, they could feel this kind of heart,

Although they want to reject this kindness and want the little black dog to join the battle freely, but considering that in order not to distract Feng Hao, they can only stand still and wait for the result.

But at this time, no one noticed that Yu Ning stood there blankly, and the thoughts in her mind had been stagnant in the scene where the people of the human race were under the oppression of the powerful Yan family.

Those helpless faces, that look of despair deeply stimulated her nerves,

At that moment, Yu Ning really wanted to help them and protect them, but at this moment, she was shocked to find that she was not capable enough,

She couldn't help them, she could only watch them die in agony without doing anything,

Yu Ning's heart was bleeding, the pain made her unable to breathe, and her eyes were covered with mist,

"Why, did I do something wrong before? Is strength really that important?"

She has never thought that having super strength is a good thing, because she has seen too many powerful people bullying those weak people. In her eyes, strength is a tool to hurt people.

Therefore, she has always had a resistance to strength, and she has never cared about it.

However, now, Yu Ning feels that if she has enough strength, then she can save these dead people of the human race.

At this moment, she seemed to understand that strength can hurt people, but it can also save people.

All of this depends on the thought of the person who controls the power,

Yu Ning, who has never thought of practicing, because after seeing this tragic massacre, for the first time in her life, she has the desire to improve her own realm.


"Mansion Master, you should evacuate as soon as possible, and be careful of the ambushes of the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan." Dongfang was approaching Feng Hao, reminding in a low voice,

Although the current situation is very good, who can guarantee that all the strength of the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan are here?

If there is another batch of ambush soldiers, then...

"I won't go."

Feng Hao said in a light tone, his eyes looked into the distance, even if he didn't see the eyes of those fleeing human race people, he knew that there were thousands of eyes watching him,

If he retreats at this time, it means that he is afraid of the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan. When the big battle is approaching, he cannot let the morale of the clan be lowered.

"Guardian, arrange for my family to evacuate."

Looking at the blockade that was still broken, Feng Hao still ordered,

"As ordered."

Dongfangzheng sighed slightly, and did not continue to persuade. Instead, he brought a group of imperial guards from the imperial palace forward, took over the protection of Fengchen and others, and entered the Liuguang space at the same time, intending to return to Shengtian Academy.

There is the shelter of the Nuwa stone, an ancient god soldier, and nothing can break into it. It is an absolutely safe place.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of the strong man of the Mangyan clan who had been recovering from his injuries.

Although he still doesn't know the identities of Feng Chen, Feng Zhentian and others, but this group of cultivation bases are obviously low, but they have been enjoying the protection of a strong man with similar strength to his own, which is obviously very abnormal.

Undoubtedly, this shows that their identities are special,

"Could it be that these are his most important people?"

Thinking about it, he had a better idea,

"kill him."

He pointed at Feng Hao and yelled loudly. At the same time, he himself was the first to rush towards Feng Hao.

Sure enough, when he rushed towards Feng Hao, whether it was Huang Tianyun, Liu Canyan, or Xiao Qiuqiu, they all immediately returned to Feng Hao, forming an iron triangle shape,

And the little black dog also opened its mouth, spit out a mouthful of pitch-black poison energy, preventing their attack,

However, when they put all their energy on Feng Hao, the strong man of the Mangyan clan disappeared.


Not long after, together with Dongfang Zheng, all the imperial guards flew upside down from the flowing light space, spitting blood, and several imperial guards died on the spot.

"not good."

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao's heart twitched, with an ominous premonition,


The space was quickly divided, and with a smug grin, the strong man of the Mangyan clan controlled an aura, imprisoning Feng Chen, Feng Zhentian and other members of the Feng family came out from inside,

"It's a bad thing."

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Xiao Qiuqiu, Huang Tianyun and the others immediately changed.

They never thought that this guy's target was not Feng Hao, but these people from the Feng family, so he easily succeeded.


Dongfang was struggling to stand up, clutching his chest with guilt on his face,

Even if they want to work hard, they are far from the strong men of the Mangyan clan, which makes them not even qualified to work hard.

Feng Hao bit his lip, his face was gloomy and frightening, although he didn't speak, but the erratic breath on his body revealed his restless mood,

"It seems that you should care about them."

The strong man from the Mangyan clan looked at Feng Hao very comfortably, happy that he had finally caught Feng Hao's vital point,

"Let them go."

Feng Hao's words are very calm, indifferent and scary, without any emotional color,

Those who are familiar with his personality know that his Nilin is his relative, who will be killed if he touches it.

"Ha ha……"

The strong man from the Mangyan clan laughed, and with a slight shake of his palm, everyone including Feng Chen and Feng Zhentian showed painful expressions.

However, including Xiao Qingmeng, everyone did not open their mouths to cry out. The determination in their eyes told Feng Hao not to sacrifice for himself,

"It's not impossible if I let them go..."

"Want my life."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Hao took the words,


The strong man of the Mangyan clan also had a condensed expression, "Don't play tricks with me, as long as I notice the slightest abnormality, I will crush them first."

While speaking, he expanded his aura, and during the turmoil, he felt an invisible and colorless mist spreading towards him. Immediately, he shook his hand slightly,

For a while, Feng Chen and the others vomited blood, their faces were miserable,


Seeing this scene, Feng Hao immediately stopped the little black dog, with a ferocious expression on his face,

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