Martial Inverse

Chapter 1950: Lei Wei vs Kamui

The moment Feng Hao opened his eyes, even though the Wuyuan vortex in his body was spinning rapidly, providing him with a steady stream of power of heavenly punishment, he saw that there were countless tiny thunderbolts in his outstretched palms. Mans are jumping,

The power of heaven's punishment that destroyed everything slowly spread out, and Feng Hao's injuries had fully recovered at this time, his body slowly rose into the air, and looked at Huangfu Wushuang from a distance,

Under the pressure brought by Feng Hao, Huangfu Wushuang also had to treat it seriously at this moment. Now Feng Hao used the power of heavenly punishment in his body again. deficit,

The atmosphere in the flowing light space suddenly became solidified, and the thunder on Feng Hao's body flickered continuously, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Immediately, a strong and bright thunder burst out from him, as if a real punishment from heaven had descended. At this moment, even Huangfu Wushuang had to temporarily close his eyes, unable to look directly at the ultimate power of destruction.


A moment later, the sky-shattering dragon chant came out of the bright thunder light, and countless thunder lights emerged, as if destroying the world, which made people feel palpitating.

Huangfu Wushuang opened her eyes, and she saw eight thunder dragons appearing beside Feng Hao, accompanied by his thunder aura, as if the god of thunder descended. At this moment, Feng Hao almost transformed into the god of thunder who mastered the power of heavenly punishment in the world. generally,

"Tiankun's body."

Feng Hao chuckled lightly, his eyes were filled with endless thunder. After using the power of heaven's punishment, he was completely unafraid of those five-color energies. The five-color energies that surrounded Huangfu Wushuang before were as majestic as an ocean. I can no longer get close to Feng Hao,

The entire streamer space is filled with five-color energy and the power of divine punishment, each occupying one side, forming a situation where water and fire are incompatible.

The power of heaven's punishment offset the divine power of Tiankun's divine body for Fenghao, which made him feel a lot less pressure.

Feng Hao glanced at Huangfu Wushuang, who had an ugly complexion, and immediately activated his handprints, and said softly, "Incarnation."

He once again performed the wild mystery, like turning into a great demon god, with fiery red veins, huge wings, and visually stunning arm scales. amazing,


Feng Hao's throat squirmed,

Immediately after making a sound like a dragon chant, at this moment, the thunder light on his body quickly sputtered out to the surroundings, forming an existence like an aura,

Huangfu Wushuang's eyelids twitched, and she raised her head subconsciously at the same time. The five-color energy lingering around her surged rapidly and slowly pushed forward, forming a confrontation with Lei Mang.

But after a while, Huangfu Wushuang's complexion became even uglier, because she saw the five-colored light representing the divine power of Tiankun. At this moment, after being in contact with those thunder-man protections, she actually began to be gradually swallowed generally,

This speed was extremely slow, but Huangfu Wushuang felt exactly that the Tiankun divine power he possessed had no possibility of resisting Feng Hao's thunder and punishment power at all!

"Damn it, it's the power of heaven's punishment again!"

Huangfu Wushuang's mood can be described as extremely bad. The power of thunder and punishment that Feng Hao exerted does not appear to be very terrifying, but this kind of power of heaven's punishment is terrifying because it is extremely destructive, even though her Tiankun Shenwei is The inheritance of the Supreme cannot avoid this result.

"I know that in addition to the tyrannical offensive method of the Tiankun God Seal, you also have such a terrible defensive method as the Kunlun body. I broke your Kunlun body last time. I don't know if you can resist it this time. Got it."

Feng Hao raised his head and sneered, looked at Huangfu Wushuang with a livid face, stretched out his hand and clenched it tightly, and immediately a current was formed quickly, turning into a dark white long sword, this was pure punishment from heaven Condensed by the power, representing the ultimate destructive power,

After saying this sentence, Feng Hao's body trembled slightly, and immediately disappeared from where he was. The next moment, his body rushed out, and the huge wings of fiery red light kept flapping, making Feng Hao speed reached its peak.

The dark white long sword left afterimages in the air. Wherever it passed, the power of divine punishment appeared, causing broken traces to appear in the space.

Seeing Feng Hao approaching, Huangfu Wushuang reacted, and immediately waved his hand, the majestic five-color energies around him surged out like a flood, like a flood and river, and swept away Feng Hao.

"I said before, in front of the power of heaven's punishment, your so-called Tiankun gods are nothing but paper tigers!"

After the sound fell, the dark white long sword was lifted up, and then fell down with a bang, a silvery white sword energy, carrying the terrifying power of heavenly punishment, shot out suddenly, rushing towards the five-color energy that surged in front of it ,

"chi la"

The silver-white sword light met these five-color energies without a pause, just like cutting white paper, and with a snort, it cut the majestic five-color energies like a flood into two pieces.

This time, the power condensed by the power of heaven's punishment is even more terrifying. After breaking the five-color energy, it continued to rush towards Huangfu Wushuang, as if this sword was going to cut Huangfu Wushuang in two. momentum,

However, at this time, Huangfu Wushuang also condensed the Tiankun Divine Seal again. The moment the five-color divine light blocked the silver sword light just now, she took the opportunity to condense the Tiankun Divine Seal,

"fall. "

A soft shout came out from Huangfu Wushuang's mouth, and immediately her hands were pushed forward fiercely, and the divine seal condensed in that hand also fell down quickly, formed by condensing the power of punishment that day. Jianmang touches together!


With a loud noise, the five-color energy collapsed, accompanied by a scoffing electric current. At this moment, the power of Tiankun Shenyin and the power of heaven's punishment were both annihilated in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Wushuang's face became extremely ugly. The previous Tiankun Divine Seal could at least seriously injure Feng Hao, but at this moment, even if he used the Tiankun Divine Seal again, it was not as good as the opponent's sword light.

However, at the next moment, Huangfu Wushuang's pupils constricted, because she found that Feng Hao in front of her had gone, and she hurriedly scanned the surroundings, but there was no trace of Feng Hao.

Huangfu Wushuang suddenly had a bad thought in her heart, she tapped her toes, and retreated quickly, but a joking voice sounded beside her ears,

"You seem to be a little late."

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