Martial Inverse

Chapter 1958: In the Darkness

Chapter 1958 In the Darkness

The old man with a fairy demeanor was speechless by the angry middle-aged man's words.

If it were other forces or races, his Xuandao Valley could indeed flatten them without any effort, but the human race was a tough bone, no matter how sharp his ancient Xuandao minions were, they couldn't shake them.

"I don't care what conflicts you have with the human race. In short, if you interfere with the affairs of the Hundred Clans Continent, then don't blame me for being merciless.//Visit to download txt novel//"

Xuanyuan Rui's righteous words made the old man's face darken again,

"The little human race doesn't need me, Xuan Daogu, to do it myself. The Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan are enough for them to be in a hurry." The old man pretended to be disdainful, and sneered,

"I never imagined that things have come to this point, and you still have internal strife."

Xuanyuan Rui shook his head, his eyes were full of sighs, and said, "Have you forgotten the dark period that your ancestors went through? Do you really think that your Xuandao Valley can stop those things by yourself? of,."

How terrifying those dark creatures are, and only the descendants of their ancient blood know a little bit,

Passed down to the present, whether the ancient bloodlines are strong or weak, they are very clear in their hearts, even their ancestors, the purest batch of ancient bloodlines, paid a heavy price to seal those creatures in the three restricted areas among,

If those creatures break the seal now, the consequences can be imagined,

The old man's complexion suddenly changed, and he didn't argue with Xuanyuan Rui.

"If we don't want the world to fall into a dark period again, then we must unite and use all our strength to guard the forbidden area of ​​the sky."

Xuanyuan Rui stood up and said in a high voice,

No matter whether it is a stubborn middle-aged man or an old man with a sense of demeanor, at this moment, none of them objected.

It is also very strange that the monsters in the restricted area of ​​Tianjue have no trace of leaving the passage of the restricted area, as if they have fallen into a deep sleep again, which is puzzling.

However, Xuanyuan Rui knew that this must be the calm before the storm. When will the rain come?

It is impossible to predict at all, maybe, once it arrives, the whole world will be plunged into darkness,


On the Tianwu Continent, strange things happened again and again, and for some unknown reason, the thirteen ancient cities on the Tianwu Continent mutated again, piercing through beams of bright light, forming a formation on the sky, forming a black hole-like existence, It was like a big hole was opened in the sky, making everyone who saw it fearful, thinking it was the end of the world,

However, the strange thing is that not long after, it was as calm as last time, as if nothing had happened,

This news was naturally heard by the senior members of the Feng family. However, Feng Zhentian and the others had no choice but to order the Thirteenth Ancient City to be strictly guarded. If there was any change, it would be reported directly to the Imperial Palace.


Darkness, endless darkness, black as ink,

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the darkness, lighting up the surrounding space...

An object that looks like a heart is suspended in the void, surrounded by a gray air current, its surface

On the surface, there are flashes of electric arcs, which look very strange.

On it, there is a green plant, three inches high, three leaves, oval in shape, slightly swaying, it looks very agile, the meridians are crystal clear, and the inside of the glint flows, clearly, it looks extremely extraordinary,


With the bursts of subtle humming sounds, the plant swayed slightly, rippling and falling on the heart, making the heart full of vitality, and it has been beating normally without stopping ,

And above the heart and the plants, there are three things hanging...

A tiny palace, and two faint blue beads, they always follow the heart wandering in the endless darkness, never leave, never leave,


Following the sound of the phoenix, a fiery red figure appeared, looking at the beating heart in the void, those red eyes were filled with sadness, and the voice wept blood,

"Do you want to help him?"

An old voice suddenly sounded in this quiet space, arousing the attention of the fiery red phoenix. She glanced left and right for a while, and finally stopped her gaze on one of the blue beads hanging above her heart.

Right in her line of sight, this faint blue bead diffused a burst of gleaming light, gradually condensing into an old figure,

"This kid is too reckless, and he doesn't care about the seriousness."

Looking at the still beating heart, Elder Fen let out a long sigh,

There is no doubt that this heart belongs to Feng Hao, and the bead plant is naturally Shennong Xiancao,

At that time, Huangfu Wushuang used the Supreme Divine Weapon. He took the risk of refining the nine essences left by the God of Nothingness, and wanted to take the opportunity to break through. In the end, he ended up exploding, and everything disappeared.

If it weren't for the protection of this fairy grass, I'm afraid he would have been smashed to pieces, and there would be nothing left.

However, the current situation may not be easy to go there, whether it can survive is still a problem,


Seeing that he didn't speak, the phoenix shadow groaned a little hastily, as if asking something,

Obviously, this phoenix shadow is Huang Shuiyue who has been sleeping in Feng Hao's body for a long time. It was because Feng Hao's body was blown up that she woke up from the deep sleep.

"Now, his body is blown to pieces, and if he wants to be reborn, there is only one way..."

Looking at Huang Shuiyue, who was just an illusory phoenix shadow, Fen Lao frowned deeply, then shook his head, "This is unfair to you, if that kid knew, he wouldn't allow it."


Hearing what he said, Huang Ying seemed to be in a hurry, flapping her wings, as if saying that she could give everything,

Fen Lao didn't want to say it at first, but after seeing the heart that was beating more and more slowly even under the protection of Shennong Xiancao, he gritted his teeth, "Then let's be selfish for a while, I hope , this kid, don't be reckless again..."

In the void, dots of shining light, and dots of crimson light, slowly penetrated into that heart, and gradually, that heart beat stronger, and finally, an incomparable burst of glare,

I don't know how long it took, but in the darkness, a light spot appeared, carrying a huge suction force, directly sucking this strong light into it...

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