Martial Inverse

Chapter 1978: Academy, Infinite

The voice sounded like thunder in the ears of everyone present. Many people felt their ears buzzing and panicked in their hearts. They all raised their heads in horror and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

A long sword was suspended in mid-air, but a man with a sword was standing on top of the long sword, and the embroidery on the chest of his clothes marked his identity.

Martial realm, academy!

Seeing this person, Feng Wuying's pupils constricted immediately, and she cried out, "You are Wuliang!"

Academy, Wuliang, is also a legendary name. He is only thirty years old, but he is already a rare holy rank powerhouse in this world!

The appearance of Wuliang naturally caused panic among these people in the Taoist temple. You must know that although the academy and the Taoist temple are the two giants in Zhenwu Continent, the relationship between the two is not very harmonious, otherwise it will not be a division. Two places, one is Dao Domain and the other is Martial Realm".

People from the academy and the Taoist temple have never met too much. Although it is impossible to say that they will fight and kill when they meet, they will never show good looks to the other party, especially since this is still in the Taoist domain, and there are warriors from the academy. Not many.

At this time, Feng Hao looked at Wuliang with a rather curious expression, and raised his eyebrows. The other party was already a strong man of the holy rank, and he was not a weak warrior among the holy ranks. At least he could make himself feel a little jealous.

Wuliang is the first saint-level powerhouse that Feng Hao has seen since he came to Zhenwu Continent.

Huangfu Wushuang's expression became a little weird, because in her cognition, the Taoist temple was almost from the same lineage as Xuandao Valley, so as the opponent of the Taoist temple, the Academy, probably came from Ling Xiaofeng's lineage.

At this moment, Wuliang showed a smile, and said: "You are Feng Wuying of the Taoist temple? Yes, it seems that the Taoist temple will add another holy rank in the future." Wuliang is a strong man of the holy rank, so he can see through it at a glance. Seeing Feng Wuying's cultivation, he was quite surprised at the moment.

But then when his eyes fell on Feng Hao, he couldn't help but let out a small sigh, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and soon this look of doubt turned into seriousness.

Because he found that even he himself couldn't see through Feng Hao's cultivation!

In his eyes, Feng Hao looked ordinary, and there was no energy fluctuation overflowing from his body, but the strange thing was that the blood in Feng Hao's body was indeed as majestic as the ocean, to such an extent that he even gave birth to a kind of terrifying a feeling of.

Feng Hao, it can cause danger to him! This is the first thought in Wuliang's mind,

Although he is a strong man of the holy rank, he naturally knows that there are three, six, and nine ranks in the holy ranks. The Taoist saint is the holy rank, and he is also the holy rank, but the Taoist saint can crush him with one thought, and he But there is no resistance!

Then he shifted his gaze to Huangfu Wushuang in pangbian, his face also became weird, because he couldn't detect Huangfu Wushuang's aura, obviously he didn't have any cultivation in his body, but it gave him an extremely oppressive feeling , as if in Huangfu Wushuang's body, there was a ferocious giant hidden, which might devour people at any time.

"When did so many powerhouses appear in the Taoist Temple?" Wuliang was also horrified. If these two people were the holy rank powerhouses of the Taoist Temple, then it would be too exaggerated. You must know that as the two giants in the Zhenwu Continent The forces are also very clear about each other's forces. They know how many saint-level powerhouses each has, and the strengths of both sides are not much different. This is the scene where the two giant forces coexist.

However, Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang were not on the known list of the Taoist temple. This is what made Wu Liang feel terrible in his heart, and his expression became stern at the moment.

"It seems that your Taoist temple hides too deeply. If you didn't come here today to see this primordial divine body, you would not have discovered that there are such two strong men in the Taoist temple."

Wuliang looked at Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang, and said in a calm and authentic voice, obviously he underestimated the importance that the Taoist temple attached to the Primordial God Body, and there were actually two holy rank powerhouses appearing.

"I'm not a Taoist." Although Feng Hao doesn't like to pay too much attention to these things, he still gets straight to the point and makes his identity clear in advance, so as not to be directly regarded by Feng Wuying as a member of the academy like just now , Do it yourself.

"I'm not either." Huangfu Wushuang said with a smile. She suddenly thought that this time it was obviously because Xiao Yu was a Primordial Divine Body and the vision produced by her awakening made the two giants unable to sit still, so they directly sent If the strong come, I'm afraid they will fight for Xiao Yu!

The calculations in Huangfu Wushuang's mind were shrewd. The confrontation between the two giants would naturally allow her to see the background of Taoist temples and academies. At this time, she had lost all her cultivation, so naturally she would not be involved in such things like this.

Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang's answers made Wu Liang stunned. He never thought that Feng Hao and Huangfu Wushuang were not strong Taoists?

Feng Wuying of Pangbian suddenly showed annoyed expression, and gave Feng Hao a hard look. At this time, there is no holy rank powerhouse present in the Taoist temple, and Wu Liang can't be restrained at all. If Feng Hao doesn't speak, then Wu Liang will naturally He was afraid of Feng Hao and others, so he couldn't make a move.

But all of this was cleared up by Feng Hao's few words, letting Wuliang know that there are no holy warriors in the Taoist Temple in Green Town at this time, so he might do it right away, or even forcibly take away the Primordial Divine Body.


Wuliang laughed, his expression turned cold suddenly, and he said, "Do you think I'm a child? There are not many saint-level powerhouses in this world. If you are not the holy-rank powerhouses hidden in the Taoist temple, then the world has fallen of?"

When Huangfu Wushuang heard the words, he immediately covered his mouth and laughed lightly. If he really wanted to understand, she and Feng Hao could indeed be said to have fallen from the world.

"Believe it or not has nothing to do with me." Feng Hao glanced at Wuliang indifferently, he couldn't figure it out, is there no holy rank powerhouse except for the academy and the Taoist temple?

Wuliang was silent, and he looked at Feng Hao's expression as if he was joking. Then he thought about it and said with a smile: "Since you are not from the Taoist temple, then I will take this Hongmeng divine body away! Let those old men from the Taoist temple Get mad!"

As the voice fell, the immeasurable figure turned into a ray of rainbow light, and went straight to Xiaoyu, intending to take him away by force.

The movement was so fast that even Feng Wuying didn't react, but Feng Hao didn't do anything because he felt another breath had already appeared.

"Wu Liang, this is the Dao domain, you cannot be presumptuous!" Another voice sounded in everyone's ears at that moment.

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