Martial Inverse

Chapter 1989: Astrologer

Facing the dominance of the Daoist, Huangfu Wushuang did not have any timidity, and said in an indifferent voice: "Feng Hao and I are from Penglai, and his physique is a body of vain martial arts. According to the prophecy, Feng Hao is the person you are looking for. "

vain body,

The Daoist was contemplating, and Li Xiangtian and Ao Jian also looked at each other, unable to judge whether what Huangfu Wushuang said was true or false,

After a while, Dao Sheng said slowly: "In this case, then you have to stay and get rid of Feng Hao."

Huangfu Wushuang nodded, this was just as she wished, Feng Hao had to be killed by her personally, if other people in the Taoist temple knew that Feng Hao had a fairy house on him, then things would become extremely difficult,

"Yes, but it will take time. No one knows where Feng Hao is now." Huangfu Wushuang also sighed. If he could keep Feng Hao back then, why would he spend so much effort at this time? In the vastness, who can find a person who has lost his trace,

"Xiangtian, can you deduce it?"

Dao Sheng raised his head slowly, looked at his eldest disciple and asked, if even Li Xiangtian said no in this world, then there really is no one who can find Feng Hao's whereabouts at this time,

"I can give it a try." Li Xiangtian hesitated for a moment, and he didn't have much confidence in his heart, because he tried to deduce Huangfu Wushuang's origin earlier, but he suffered the backlash of some kind of force. Withdrawing, I'm afraid the end will be very bad,

After the voice fell, Li Xiangtian made a palm print with both hands, and his expression became extremely solemn, his lips moved slightly, as if he was chanting words, and a little bit of light began to emerge slowly on his body,

These divine lights floated in front of Li Xiangtian and condensed into a light group, and then the light group was continuously distorted, with an inexplicable power fluctuation permeating out,

At this moment, a flash of astonishment flashed across Huangfu Wushuang's pretty face, she looked at the ray of light, because she saw countless mountains and rivers from it, as if reflecting another world,

"Eldest brother's technique of phasing is becoming more and more refined. I am afraid that in this world, apart from the master and the one from the academy, no one in Zhenwu Continent can hide from the inference of senior brother."

Ao Jian praised sincerely from the side, Li Xiangtian's cultivation is not only in the holy rank, but also he has mastered a highly admirable secret technique, that is the technique of Xiangtian, which can infer all people and things,

Dao Sheng glanced at Li Xiangtian, and nodded without any trace.

This skill of Xiangtian was left by a certain ancestor of the Taoist temple, but he has not been able to learn it for tens of thousands of years. The art of heaven, but has already learned this secret art,

Li Xiangtian closed his eyes tightly, turning a deaf ear to the words of Aojian and Daosheng. At this moment, he was completely immersed in his own world. At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into heaven and earth, and he was quickly looking for the one among all living beings. a different person,

However, he searched for a long time, but he didn't catch any trace of Xuwu, and he couldn't even deduce that he couldn't even find a trace of Fenghao. At this moment, Li Xiangtian saw a barren desert, vaguely Watching a figure advance in the wind and sand,

What Li Xiangtian saw was naturally displayed in the ray of light in front of him. When Huangfu Wushuang saw this figure from behind, his pupils shrank suddenly, and she recognized that it was Feng Hao!

"it's him."

Ao Jian cried out, he also recognized that this figure belonged to Feng Hao, after all, when Feng Hao left, the words he said shocked him too much,

Seeing Feng Hao's back, Dao Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes became extremely sharp, Xu Wu, the Xu Wu mentioned in the prophecy is this person!

However, when Li Xiangtian tried to infer this one from this back, the light cluster suddenly burst open, and Li Xiangtian also spit out a mouthful of blood instantly, his face became extremely pale, and he backed away again and again,

The fragments of the light cluster that exploded did not disappear, but turned into sharp arrow-like energy spots, rushing towards Li Xiangtian!

The next moment, the sword in Aojian's hand was pulled out abruptly, and a startled rainbow flashed across, covering all these fragments of the light cluster, and immediately there were bursts of low-pitched explosion sounds,

A moment later, the startled rainbow disappeared, and the fragments of the light cluster were also annihilated in the startled rainbow. There was a sound of piercing through the air, and Ao Jian's sword was sheathed again. However, Ao Jian's face became slightly pale at this time, and the corners of his mouth even turned slightly pale. Spilled blood,

"How can the power of backlash be so strong that you will be injured as well." Dao Sheng's face flashed with surprise. He knew that Li Xiangtian wanted to deduce something, and sometimes it would cause some backlash, but he had never seen backlash. It's so powerful that even holy-level powerhouses can be harmed.

"Master, please forgive me for my incompetence." Li Xiangtian took a deep breath, calmed the turbulent blood in his body, and said: "Feng Hao is not from the Zhenwu Continent, and his cultivation is far beyond me, Ming Ming There is a rule protecting him, even I can't peep, I tried to peek just now, but I suffered the backlash of that rule."

Dao Sheng nodded. It's no wonder that Li Xiangtian, unless he is a strong man of his level who performs the phase-to-heaven technique on Feng Hao, it will not cause backlash. Otherwise, if other people come, I am afraid it will still be a bit tricky.

"The one just now was indeed Feng Hao, but he couldn't capture his specific location." Ao Jian wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly, seeing that he was only one step away,

"Where is the most desert in Zhenwu Continent?" Huangfu Wushuang was silent for a moment, then asked,

Daosheng raised his head slowly, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said, "Desolate desert."

Li Xiangtian and Ao Jian next to him were also stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and said, "Feng Hao actually went to the barren desert."

Afterwards, Li Xiangtian closed his eyes, thinking back to what he had seen just now, the endless desert, and the continuous wind blowing continuously, it was indeed like a barren desert,

"Where is the barren desert? Why do you even show such expressions?" Huangfu Wushuang looked at Aojian's surprised expression in doubt, and was a little puzzled.

At this time, Feng Hao, who was walking in the sky full of wind and sand, suddenly raised his head consciously, and glanced at the sky. At that moment, he felt as if someone was watching him, (to be continued)

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