Martial Inverse

Chapter 1995: Xu Wu

When Feng Hao saw Wuliang, a strange look appeared on his face. Why did Wuliang appear this time? Could it be that this place is some kind of extraordinary place that even attracted the two giants? Everything started because of him,

"What a coincidence." Feng Hao thought for a while, in this situation, he really couldn't think of other words to talk, the atmosphere was very strange,

"Hey, you guys are fighting."

The expression in Wuliang's eyes became serious for a moment. The energy fluctuations remaining in the air proved that someone seemed to have made a move just now. At the moment, the monk was also confused and didn't know what happened.

"Probably." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders. Although he didn't even know what was going on in this battle, although Huangfu Wushuang's attack was a sneak attack, it didn't give him a feeling of surprise. As expected, she would attack herself,

"Aren't you husband and wife? How could you do it?" Wuliang glanced at Huangfu Wushuang and Feng Hao suspiciously, only to see Huangfu Wushuang's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't take this sentence to heart, and Feng Hao There is a strange calm in the eyes,

"She is not my wife." Feng Hao shook his head slowly,

Hearing this, Wu Liang was stunned for a moment, and with a thought on the back of his head, he said depressedly: "I heard that she has become the deputy head of the Taoist temple, so it's not because it is the Taoist temple that you and your husband and wife will be separated."

"Wuliang, you don't have to humiliate our Taoist temple."

"Haha, Brother Wuliang, you are unscrupulous again."

"How come the Taoist temple has become the place you said to instigate the separation of husband and wife."

At the same time, both Wuwang and Wuwo laughed loudly, on the contrary, Li Xiangtian blushed and angered immediately, pointed at Wuliang and said angrily, but his skin is not as thick as Wuliang, the latter is completely unmoved Instead, he said to himself: "Maybe it's really a matter of Taoism."

For Wuliang's words, even Feng Hao couldn't help laughing, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. It seems that this academy is much better than the Taoist temple. At least Wuliang still feels like a good person to himself.

"If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

Huangfu Wushuang, one of the heroines in this incident, almost dripped water gloomyly. She stared at Wuliang with killing intent on her face, and her body gradually condensed five colors of light. This incident can be said to be the most embarrassing thing for her. One of the incidents also fell in Feng Hao's hands. If he recovers his memory in the future, he will definitely use this incident as a joke.

Huangfu Wushuang stepped out,

The whole person is shrouded in the five-color divine light, with murderous intent, staring at Wuliang with malicious intentions, and a group of five-color divine light is gathering in his hands, which is extremely dangerous.

Seeing Huangfu Wushuang's actions, the smiles on the faces of Wuliang and the others were also slow smiles. Looking at Huangfu Wushuang's aura, it was definitely not something any of the three of them could compete with. It was too strong.

"It seems that you and the academy do have some kind of relationship." Wuliang glanced at Huangfu Wushuang indifferently. Although the other party was strong, there were three people on his side, so he was not afraid.

Feng Hao was at the side, looking at Huangfu Wushuang at this moment, his body was shrouded in the five-colored aura, vaguely similar to the figure of the woman in the memory who also appeared in the five-colored aura, slowly moving coincide,

After a while, Feng Hao couldn't help sighing, because he found that Huangfu Wushuang was the vague five-color figure in his memory, and it was that figure that attacked him, but he didn't know it, it was too stupid up,

"Wife, I think it's almost like an enemy of life and death." Feng Hao murmured in his heart, and looked up at Huangfu Wushuang's expression gradually turning cold. Although he has not fully recovered his memory, since he can judge that Huangfu Wushuang is definitely not His wife and the like, and the other party has murderous intentions towards him, so he naturally doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

In the previous confrontation, Feng Hao had always been hesitant in his heart, so he didn't put in all his strength. However, until this moment, the doubts in his heart disappeared. The next time he makes a move, he will definitely not show any mercy.

Thinking of this, Feng Hao had a vague understanding in his heart, and there seemed to be some more memories in his mind, but when he thought about it carefully, he forgot something, and felt that the whole person seemed to brighten up,

"Wu Liang, this is a Taoist matter, do you want your academy to intervene?"

At this moment, seeing the tension in the atmosphere, Li Xiangtian finally stood up. If it hadn't been for the last moment, he didn't want to fight with these people from the academy, and Li Xiangtian also had his own conjecture. Seeing Wuliang's appearance, he probably didn't know Feng Hao is a matter of vain martial arts. Taking advantage of this, he must act first, otherwise, it will even turn into a battle between the academy and the Taoist temple in the end.

"Feng Hao is not a member of your Taoist temple, but you have to deal with him. I know him well, and if I can't see him, I will attack naturally." Wuliang raised his head and smiled authentically. He also had his own little calculation in his heart.

Li Xiangtian and others appeared here probably to find Xu Wu. Although they don't know how Feng Hao got in, it is obviously more cost-effective to win Feng Hao as an ally.

"This is not the style of your academy." Li Xiangtian's face darkened. This Wuliang was simply making trouble. Although there was a strong man like Huangfu Wushuang, but there were three people on the opposite side, which was obviously an evenly matched situation.

However, the next moment, Wuliang's voice turned his face completely livid, because Wuliang directly asked Feng Hao why he started fighting with them,

"Feng Hao, why did you start fighting with people from the Taoist temple? I remember that you are not of a belligerent nature."

Wuliang looked at Feng Hao with his head tilted, he was a little puzzled and said that the Taoist temple would not take the initiative to attack a person, unless this person is very important to the Taoist temple,

"Oh, they said I was Xu Wu, so they started fighting as soon as they met." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, his eyes fell on Wu Liang, and said, "You know what Xu Wu is."

false martial arts,

The sound of these two words actually caused a moment of silence in the hall, and then the three people in the academy looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"They really said that you are Xuwu." The corner of Wuliang's mouth raised slightly, looked at Feng Hao and said with a smile. own momentum,

Feng Hao nodded, frowning, what is this Xuwu, why do Taoist temples and academies care so much about it?

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