Martial Inverse

Chapter 2005 You stupid woman

Saint-level powerhouses are all local warriors who can be buried!

A touch of horror emerged in Feng Hao's heart, what exactly is this so-called relic? Even the holy rank powerhouses are doomed? At the moment, his expression has also become a lot more cautious.

"The land of relics can be divided into two types. One is the common land of relics. Occasionally, the entrants will get some strong people left by the long-gone strong. The other is extremely terrifying, because the barren desert After countless years, some terrible things have been derived!" Wuliang explained that the three of them, even Li Xiangtian, knew this, but Fenghao and Huangfu Wushuang were not from the Zhenwu Continent. , Of course I don't know.

"Derived from something?" Huangfu Wushuang's expression became strange, he looked at Li Xiangtian and asked, "Is it a ghost or something?"

Hearing this, Li Xiangtian shook his head with a wry smile. It would be easy to deal with if it was an ordinary ghost. The problem is that these things are extremely difficult even for the existence of Daosheng.

"Evil thoughts, there is no shortage of corpses of former half-step emperors or holy rank powerhouses in the ruins, because the barren desert is where the entire Zhenwu Continent is restricted, and because of this, something happened to these corpses. These mutations gave rise to a terrifying existence called evil thoughts." ..

"You mean the corpse is psychic?" Feng Hao frowned, the matter was far more difficult than he thought.

"That's right, it can be understood in this way that these evil thoughts were all born in the corpses of the strong men who fell, and they learned to cultivate. In general, there will be no evil thoughts in the ruins, unless there is a semi-human being near us. The corpse of a strong man who has stepped up!" Wu Liang shrugged.

"The volatility of your fight has already successfully attracted some evil thoughts. If you continue to fight, it will even wake up those more powerful evil thoughts. The half-step emperor-level evil thoughts are not something we can contend with."

After Wuliang finished speaking, everyone fell into silence. It seemed that they were also in a predicament now, and they might face the evil thoughts of Emperor Banbu at any time.

"Don't underestimate these evil thoughts. Even if the Daoist and the Book Saint join hands, they may not be able to resist these evil thoughts, especially some evil thoughts at the peak of the holy rank have regenerated their own spiritual wisdom. Not only can they practice, but they are more powerful than us. It's cunning." Seeing Huangfu Wushuang's expression, Li Xiangtian didn't seem to take these evil thoughts seriously, and immediately reminded him aloud.

"At the beginning, there was a strong man in the Taoist temple, whose cultivation base was at the peak of the holy rank. Later, he broke into a ruin, but in the end he awakened the evil thoughts sleeping in it. In the end, he couldn't escape. You can imagine how terrible these evil thoughts are. Terrible."

However at this time,

Wu Liang's face changed suddenly, because he heard those piercing inexplicable laughter again, and immediately signaled for everyone to keep quiet, while he listened attentively.

Seeing Wuliang's expression, Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and closed them slowly. After a while, some faint laughter sounded in his ears. And millet feeling.

The laughter was getting closer and closer, a black shadow walked quietly among the already dilapidated walls, a pair of scarlet eyes stared closely at Feng Hao and the group.


As the voice got closer and closer, Wu Liang shouted softly, and suddenly, his sight fell between a certain fallen wall, where there was a black shadow, but it was hidden and well remembered, not easy to be found.

However, at the moment when the immeasurable voice fell, Feng Hao also opened his pupils suddenly, and his body moved suddenly as if teleported, leaving afterimages in the air, rushing towards that black shadow.

Feng Hao wanted to see what these evil thoughts were?

However, the reaction of the evil thought was unexpectedly quick. The moment Feng Hao's body unfolded, it seemed to have a sense, and it shrank back suddenly, shuttling through the fallen wall, letting Feng Hao Suddenly rushed to nothing.

The ear-piercing laughter became louder and louder, as if there were countless people grinning in their ears. Everyone could clearly know that there was an evil thought nearby, and there was more than one!

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, wanting to continue searching, but at the next moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow quietly approaching behind Wuliang and the others from another direction.

"Be careful, behind you!"

Feng Hao was afraid that he would be disturbed by evil thoughts, so he used the sound transmission to let Wuliang and the others know, but before Wuliang and the other three came back to their senses, Huangfu Wushuang had already made the move.

The majestic five-color divine light appeared in an instant, and the Tiankun mirror shook slightly, shooting out an extremely bright five-color divine light, carrying a mighty divine power, and shot away directly behind the black shadow !

Seeing this, Wu Liang suddenly shouted softly: "Don't do it!"

However, it was already too late, Huangfu Wushuang activated the Tiankun magic mirror, and the mighty power of the gods filled the air. At that moment, the black shadow had no possibility of escaping, and it made a piercing sound, and was directly annihilated in the Among the five colors of divine light, there is not a single scum left, as if it has been purified.

"Is this the terrible evil thought you said?" Huangfu Wushuang glanced at it, and the evil thought was so easily annihilated by him. At that moment, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Wu Liang, shaking his head and laughing: " What is there to be afraid of?"

"Damn, you stupid woman!"

At this moment, Wuliang was so angry that Huangfu Wushuang was jumping up, and he didn't hesitate to swear directly at Huangfu Wushuang, pointing at Huangfu Wushuang's nose and scolding: "How powerful do you think you are, if you do something like this, we will all be killed! of!"

"You scolded me just now?!" Huangfu Wushuang's face darkened all of a sudden, coldness flickered in his eyes, wisps of killing intent permeated from her body, and Wuliang directed at this person over and over again. For her, if it wasn't for the sake of the book sage, he would have killed her a long time ago!

"So what if I scold you, you big-breasted and brainless woman!!!" Wu Liang also had no fear of Huangfu Wushuang, with an angry expression on his face, he said, "Ask Li Xiangtian, how stupid what you did just now is! !!"

Hearing what Wuliang said, Huangfu Wushuang also felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, and then he set his sights on Li Xiangtian and asked him to explain.

Li Xiangtian noticed Huangfu Wushuang's eyes, and he couldn't help but sighed in a low voice, "You shouldn't have killed that evil thought just now."

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