Martial Inverse

Chapter 2019 Killing

The five-color divine light diffused out, and collided with that soul shock, causing many ripples to spread continuously in the space, Li Xiangtian next to him was also affected by this, and the soul shock ripple instantly spread to him It was too late for Wu Ni to dodge him.


Li Xiangtian spat out a mouthful of blood, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, looking in horror at the evil thoughts at the top of the holy rank that had already merged into one.

"Half-step emperor,,,,."

Although Li Xiangtian is not as tyrannical as Huangfu Wushuang, he will not be so embarrassed when facing the evil thoughts of the peak of the holy rank before. The only thing is this. After fusion, the evil thoughts in front of him are already half-step emperor Boundary.

"How is it possible that it will merge into the realm of the half-step emperor." Li Xiangtian roared in his heart, almost unable to believe his eyes, the half-step emperor, in the Zhenwu Continent, is the Daoist of the Taoist temple and the scholar of the academy The two reached it.

"So what about the half-step emperor? It's just an evil thought, and it will never be as good as a living person." Huangfu Wushuang's cold voice resounded, and at this time the Heavenly Kun Divine Mirror suspended in his hand burst into terrifying fluctuations, constantly The five-color divine light was swallowed up so hard that people couldn't look directly at it.

Li Xiangtian remained silent. What Huangfu Wushuang said was right. After all, he was not a real half-step emperor. No matter how strong he was, it was just a ray of evil thoughts, but this was scary enough. Huangfu Wushuang, who holds the Supreme Divine Weapon, is really capable. Is it suppressed?

At this time, in front of Huangfu Wushuang, that evil thought let out a deep roar, and its blood-red eyes showed a ferocious intent. At this time, it had already reached the half-step Great Emperor Realm, and it seemed that it was afraid of the Supreme Divine Weapon in its heart. It has been weakened a lot.

"Tiankun God Seal."

Huangfu Wushuang shouted coquettishly, the five-color divine light on her body suddenly shrank into the Tiankun mirror in her hand, and the next moment, a thick divine light suddenly shot out, forming a divine seal, carrying a terrifying divine power It fell with a bang.

When this divine power appeared, the entire ruins boiled, countless evil thoughts uttered ear-piercing screams, and the terrifying fluctuation of the Tiankun mirror spread throughout the ruins.

"That woman is really crazy. She made such a big commotion. I really don't know whether to live or die." Wu Liang and the others naturally sensed this terrible fluctuation, and curled their lips in disdain.

"However, Huangfu Wushuang is really terrifying, holding the supreme divine weapon, looking at the Zhenwu Continent, only the elder brother and the Daoist can suppress him.

"Wu Wang glanced at the direction from which the energy fluctuations came from, and he also felt a kind of coldness in his heart. If such an attack is shot against himself and others, there is absolutely no chance of surviving.

"Just kidding, isn't there still Feng Hao? The power of heaven's punishment is much more powerful than that of Huangfu Wushuang. Didn't you see that even if you have the Supreme Divine Weapon, you have to be afraid of Feng Hao?" Not used to a woman like Huangfu Wushuang.

"Hehe, no matter what, she and I will have a life and death in the end." A flash of light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if his memory had recovered a lot.

"By the way, Feng Hao, has your memory recovered?" Boundless forced back the evil thoughts in front of him, and took the time to turn around and ask Feng Hao. As time went by, he found that there was a slow change in Feng Hao. , the transformation cannot be put into words, but it is truly felt.

"It should be about the same." Feng Hao looked at the Lei Mang in front of him who was wrapped in two evil thoughts of the peak of the holy rank, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. As long as the two evil thoughts of the peak of the holy rank are annihilated, then there will be two crystals Fragments appear, as long as you refine it by yourself at that time, maybe the memory will be restored again.

Moreover, he was also vaguely aware that the crystal fragments on these holy-level peak evil thoughts formed in their bodies because the energy of something was exposed, and part of the energy was absorbed by these holy-level peak evil thoughts. Such fragments.

As for these fragments, Huangfu Wushuang must have known about them, maybe the last two people were fighting for this one thing in the end.

The vast heaven-kun divine power pervades the entire ruins, and in the depths of the ruins, there are constantly more powerful fluctuations permeating out. These are the most terrifying evil thoughts hidden in the depths, even those in the past During the time, people from the outside world entered, but they were never awakened, but this time, the unique supreme divine power of the Tiankun Divine Mirror awakened them all from their slumber.


Shocking voices continued to come, different from the piercing voices before, these voices were full of terrifying mental shock, even if they were far apart, they could still be felt.

Li Xiangtian's face became paler and paler. Under these voices, he could feel that he was as small as a grain of sand. This time, it can be said that he really overturned the ruins.

The vast Tiankun Shenwei rushed past, but it didn't annihilate everything directly like last time. The half-step emperor's evil thought made a piercing sound, and the invisible spiritual impact energy spread away, unexpectedly blocking it. Tiankun God Seal.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiangtian was frightened. He was able to stop even the power of the Supreme Divine Weapon. The evil thoughts in this half step of the Great Emperor's realm were too terrifying.

Huangfu Wushuang frowned slightly, but then she slowly let go of her frown, because she saw that although the Tiankun God Seal was blocked, there was a sign that the evil thoughts were gradually becoming irresistible. is going down.

Seeing this, Huangfu Wushuang couldn't help but let out a cold snort. Sure enough, not a moment later, the vast Tiankun Shenwei still crushed everything and rushed forward, directly sweeping across the entire passage.

Seeing that evil thought that was half a step into the realm of a great emperor, Li Xiangtian let out a long sigh of relief even if he was slowly embracing the vast five-color divine light, and fell powerlessly to the ground. The back is full of cold sweat.

The vast power of the gods not only crushed the evil thoughts that were half a step away from the Great Emperor's realm, but also directly annihilated those ordinary holy-level evil thoughts that were in the distance, and suddenly the entire passage returned to dead silence.

Huangfu Wushuang stretched out his palm, and four irregular crystal shards flew into her palm from the ground. Seeing these four shards, Huangfu Wushuang smiled.

Lingzhu, you must get it,

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