Martial Inverse

Chapter 2046 Immortal

readx(); The appearance of this voice made the faces of everyone present extremely exciting. Dao Sheng's expression was full of disbelief, and his eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. He did not believe that Feng Hao could survive this ceremony come down

"Haha, good boy,,, I have always underestimated you. [This article comes from]" Shu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. Feng Hao didn't die, which was really beyond his expectation. Facing Dao Sheng's blow, even he was quite a headache,

"No, it's absolutely impossible. How can a holy rank survive my move." Dao Sheng's expression suddenly became extremely exciting. Feng Hao's ability to survive means that the power he used That formula has no effect at all, it means that he wasted a hundred years of life,

A strong man at the peak of the holy rank only has a lifespan of nine thousand years. A strong man like him who is a half-step emperor, coupled with some heaven-defying secret techniques and combined with medicinal materials, may be able to break through ten thousand years. It is also a minority, a hundred years is not a small number for Daosheng's current age,

"Haha, old man, you have smashed your own foot this time." Seeing Dao Sheng's expression, the book sage also laughed loudly,

At this time, the space next to the book sage suddenly distorted, a terrifying energy breath emerged, accompanied by a young figure, it was Feng Hao,

At this time, Feng Hao's face was slightly pale, and he didn't have any injuries on his body, and even his breath didn't weaken in the slightest.

"Boy, you have a lot of cards in your cards. You actually managed to survive that blow and act like a normal person." Seeing Feng Hao's appearance, the book sage also showed a surprised expression.

Originally, the book sage thought that Feng Hao avoided this attack by relying on some amazing things. Although he did not die, he would be severely injured, but now it seems that he is still at his peak state, as if there is no one at all. damage,

"Hehe, good luck." Feng Hao smiled slightly, and he was also relieved in his heart. The moment he faced the move performed by the Taoist Sanctuary just now, the moment the murderous intent contained in it exploded, he immediately Realizing that something was wrong, it was not a force he could contend with, especially when he later felt that his body and soul had suffered terrible energy obliteration,

Without any hesitation, he directly activated the Phoenix Nirvana Regeneration Technique. In an instant, the power of the spirit orb in his body began to surge. Although under the power of the Taoist saint, his body was constantly being wiped out, but his soul However, he was not affected in any way, and he also took the opportunity to hide in the void, using magic to re-nirvana himself,

"Hey, old man, I'm afraid you will have to pay a lot for that move, right?

I'm afraid you'll have to fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain. "Feng Haoxuan immediately set his eyes on Daosheng, showing a bright smile,

"You!" Seeing Feng Hao's smile, Dao Sheng was filled with anger, and wanted to do it again, but this time, Shu Sheng had been paying attention to him, how could he let him do what he wanted again,

The book sage stepped forward, guarding Feng Hao behind him, looked at the Taoist sage coldly and said: "You are an old man, you are shameless and want to continue beating, I will accompany you."

The book sage is another old immortal, which makes Dao sage feel aggrieved, his face is extremely red, his body is trembling constantly, he is gnashing his teeth and staring at Feng Hao, if eyes can kill, Feng Hao would have died by now can't die anymore,

Dao Sheng can no longer do anything at this time, because Shu Sheng makes a move, at most it will be a tie. If Feng Hao continues to intervene at this time, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to him.

The book sage also had a cold face, and his heart was full of killing intent. If he took advantage of this time to attack the Taoist saint, it would undoubtedly occupy a very favorable position. Feng Hao and him teamed up, maybe they could really hit the Taoist saint seriously, even

But in that case, the price to be paid is really too high. Even he might have to lose half of his life. After all, a strong man who is half a step into the realm of the Great Emperor does not mean that he can kill if he wants to, unless it is the Great Emperor. , one finger is enough to kill,

"You guys are ruthless enough." Taoist narrowed his eyes, glanced at Feng Hao coldly, and said: "I can't kill you today, but in the future, as long as you step out of the martial realm, the whole Taoist temple will definitely hunt you down .”

"I, Feng Hao, have never been afraid of your Taoist temples. Come and kill me if you have the ability." How could Feng Hao be threatened so easily, even in the face of a half-step emperor, he would not be weak ,

Dao Sheng's expression became even more embarrassing, and with a cold snort, he turned around and left, taking Li Xiangtian and Huangfu Wushuang directly through the air. But for a powerhouse like Banbu Great Emperor, it is just an easy task.

Before leaving, Huangfu Wushuang glanced at Feng Hao coldly, his expression was indescribably indifferent, Feng Hao felt Huangfu Wushuang's gaze, and seemed to see something in this gaze, but the next moment, Huangfu Wushuang Wushuang has already disappeared in the land of relics,

"Finally send these troublesome guys away."

Seeing Dao Sheng's departure, the three of Wuliang breathed a long sigh of relief. After all, the two giants of Zhenwu Continent confronted each other for the first time, and it can be said that they were evenly matched.

"Haha, Feng Hao, come to the academy with us." The book sage smiled slightly and turned his attention to Feng Hao. This time he came forward, naturally he hoped that Feng Hao could join the academy.

Feng Hao pondered for a moment, and then nodded. After all, the book sage's behavior was even for him, and he did not hesitate to turn against the Taoist temple. Presumably compared to Taoist temples, academies will be more interesting,

"Since the senior scholar is so kind, if I, Feng, refuse, I will be sorry to all of you."

Seeing Feng Hao's approval, Wu Liang laughed loudly, patted Feng Hao's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Finally, I have lured you into the academy, and let you run away when I met you in Daoyu, this time you There is no escape."

Hearing Wuliang's jokes, everyone also laughed, and then the book sage gently raised his hand to cut through the space, broke through the void, and left the ruins directly with Feng Hao Wuliang and others.

After this time, the evil thoughts in the ruins of the barren desert no longer exist, because the source of all this, the Lingzhu has been refined by Feng Hao, (to be continued)

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