Martial Inverse

Chapter 2048: The Academy, No Characters

"Haha, that's right, that's the real academy. If one day you want to fight against the Taoist temple, then these people will be the real backbone." Among the many admiring sights, I passed through many buildings and came to the tower,

Feng Hao stood under the tower, and his eyes gradually became dignified. This towering black tower itself has not weak power fluctuations. On it, you can even see lines that appear and disappear from time to time, flowing dimly. the light of

Moreover, what frightens Feng Hao the most is that there are many auras in the black tower, among which there are three majestic auras, like a sleeping real dragon, which will wake up at any time,

"Academy, as expected of an academy." Feng Hao smiled slightly, and said: "Just this black tower, even if a Taoist saint comes with an emperor's army, it may not be able to break through."

"There are also three strong men of the holy rank inside. They should be the brothers Wu Liang said. This force is really tyrannical. No wonder it can be as famous as the Taoist temple." Feng Hao sighed, although both Taoist temples and academies, Compared with the many forces in the Penglai world and even the races on the Hundred Clans Continent, a few holy ranks are indeed nothing, but the most important thing is that both Taoist temples and academies have the cultivation base of a half-step emperor ,

Moreover, Feng Hao can still feel the strong energy fluctuations in the body of the book sage and the Taoist sage. The two of them are not ordinary half-step emperors, but the kind of strong men who may break through to become emperors at any time. What they lack is only one opportunity,

"Good eyesight." Wuliang said with a smile: "The powerhouses that have appeared in this generation of academies are the most powerful generation in the academies of all ages. There are nine holy rank powerhouses including me. There are ten strong men."

"And this black tower was refined by the founder of the academy, and its power is comparable to that of the Supreme Divine Weapon."

Feng Hao also fell silent after listening to it. It seems that a long, long time ago, whether it is an academy or a Taoist temple, I am afraid that there is a lot of origin. Could it be related to the world of Penglai?

However, just as Feng Hao was meditating, in the black tower, there were also countless figures descending from the sky, directly falling down from the top floor of the tower, there were three people in total, and after seeing the book sage, they all respectfully Salute to the big brother,

"Hey, why are there only three of you, Wuxue and those three little girls?" After Wuliang glanced at the three of them, he found that there were three missing. Time rushes out,

"Wuxue and the others are already going to the Dream Swamp. I heard that there is a space crack on the other side, and countless monsters emerge." One of the gentle men in blue robes also said with a smile,

"Brother Wuhen, why do you have the heart to watch the two of them go to Misty Swamp?

"Hearing this, Wu Liang's face changed slightly, as if that Misty Swamp was a great place,

"Are you worried about Junior Sister Wuxue, or I'll talk to him before she comes back." Another man who looked thinner snickered next to him, looking at Wuliang with playful eyes,

"Wu Ya, are you looking for a beating? I'm your brother, show me some respect." Wu Liang straightened his face and said dissatisfied to this thin man, but this demeanor was just pretending. It is also full of ease,

"Hey, my little brother Wuliang, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I have gained a lot of courage." At this time, another feminine man in a white robe smiled at Wuliang, and actually squeezed out his orchid fingers to point at Wuliang. immeasurable,

Seeing this feminine man, no matter whether it was Feng Hao or others, all of them felt goosebumps all over their bodies at the same time, feeling uncomfortable all over, even the book sage, his face became unnatural, he coughed a few times,

"I can't help senior sister or senior brother, just let the young one go if you are old." Wu Liang seemed to be very afraid of this person, and stepped back half a step, with only a wry smile on his face,

Feng Hao burst out laughing, it was the first time he saw Wu Liang who was not afraid of the sky and the earth was not afraid, and he also showed this expression, and he also has a very strong interest in these brothers in the academy.

"Cough cough, Feng Hao, let me introduce you." The book sage coughed a few times, and said to the gentle man in the blue robe, "This is Wuhen, the second senior brother of the academy."

"And this one is Wuya, Wuliang's younger brother. Don't underestimate his small stature. His speed is unrivaled among the holy ranks."

"The last one is helpless. The third senior brother of the academy is second only to me and Wuhen in cultivation."

"As for Wuliang, Wuwu, and Wuwang, you already know each other. There were three little girls in the movie, but they went out to perform missions. I will introduce them to you after they come back." The book sage said with a smile,

Afterwards, the book sage glanced at the crowd, pointed at Feng Hao, and said, "This is Feng Hao, that is, Xu Wu in the prophecy."

After the scholar's words fell, the expressions of those in the academy gradually froze. They looked directly at Feng Hao and kept looking up and down, as if they were extremely interested in Feng Hao.

"Xu Wu, tsk tsk, it is indeed the beginning of the chaos in the prophecy." Wuhen smiled slightly, and he felt a kind of extremely majestic energy fluctuation in Feng Hao's body. However, there is even an illusion that this person can stand shoulder to shoulder with the elder brother,

"Hi, I'm Wu Ya. It seems that senior brother has found us a peerless powerhouse when he went out this trip." Wu Ya also smiled again, smiling at Feng Hao,

Feng Haojie responded with a smile and nodded one by one, and he was relieved in his heart. It seems that the people in the academy did not have other views of themselves because of the existence of the prophecy.

"Hey, is this Xu Wu? He looks so strong." At this time, a soft voice came out, Feng Hao's face suddenly became frozen, and his whole body became very uncomfortable.

Seeing that he can't be such a masculine man, but reveals such a feminine and feminine side, not only Feng Hao, but also other people are speechless,

"Just get used to it slowly," Wuliang whispered behind Feng Hao, obviously he had experienced this kind of brilliance in language,

"Okay, let's talk about what's going on." The book sage waved his hand, and everyone jumped into the air, heading straight to the top of the black tower.

Looking at the figures of the people in the academy in front of him, Feng Hao sighed in his heart, the academy is really a land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, this group of powerhouses without characters, even in the world of Penglai, is an extremely terrifying force ,

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