Martial Inverse

Chapter 2050: The Bad News Comes

"Could it be that Brother Feng has something to do with Ling Xiaofeng?" Hearing this, the Shu Sheng was also slightly taken aback, and even then showed a happy expression,

Feng Hao nodded with a smile. Le Xin has a good relationship with him. From this point of view, it is not a bad thing for him to join the academy temporarily. At least the academy is from Ling Xiaofeng's lineage.

"Haha, that's really great. If we can leave Zhenwu Continent in the future, I'm afraid Brother Feng will have to take us to find Lingxiao Peak." The Book Saint laughed loudly, because the Book Saint realized that Feng Hao's cultivation was not low, This kind of powerhouse should have a high status in the Penglai world,

"Of course there is no problem with this. There are many strong people in the academy. I think Ling Xiaofeng would be very happy to know that your lineage was separated countless years ago." Feng Hao also nodded with a smile,

"By the way, why did you leave the Zhenwu Continent? How did the powerful Taoists and academies break away from the Penglai world, and even opened up the Zhenwu Continent." Feng Hao frowned, always puzzled by this question, Although Wuliang once said that at the beginning, the most powerful people of these two lines led some people to leave the world of Penglai in order to avoid a certain terrible thing.

However, among this group of people back then, there was no shortage of strong men, even emperors and supreme beings, so what would it be that could make strong men of their level feel fear? Does such a thing really exist in the world of Penglai? ,

"We know the specifics because too much time has passed, but none of the letters left by the ancestors explained the thing they feared, and even they could not resist it, but Xuandao Valley and Lingxiao Peak at that time Among them, there are different opinions, and later the two branches of the academy and the Taoist temple were separated, and even the most powerful people opened up the Zhenwu Continent." The book sage also sighed, and it is unknown that the Zhenwu Continent appeared. How many years have passed, the past history has long since disappeared with time,

"In the Penglai world, I have never heard of an existence that can harm the level of a great emperor, let alone something that even a powerful person like the supreme fears." Feng Hao shook his head. Perhaps these things, only Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng Only some old fossils in the two giants inside will know,

"So the Academy wanted to leave the Zhenwu Continent long ago and return to the Penglai world. However, the Zhenwu Continent was restricted by the most powerful people at the time. Unless someone became an emperor, he could break through the Zhenwu Continent. I joined hands with Daosheng, and I can't leave."

"It turns out that no one in the Zhenwu Continent has ever been able to become an emperor." Feng Hao fell into contemplation, and it is undoubtedly the same in the Penglai world. Under such circumstances, it is not easy to become an emperor.

Feng Hao wanted to continue talking, but at this time, something strange happened.

Suddenly, the jade pendants on the waists of many strong men in the academy automatically shimmered,

Whether it is the book sage or Wuliang and the others, their complexions suddenly changed, as if something major had happened.

"Well, what's the matter." Feng Hao looked at Wuliang in puzzlement, and glanced over everyone's waist, and found that they all had the same jade pendant on their waists. After careful identification, only the font in the center was different. generally,

"Junior Sister Wuxue and the others are in trouble." Wuliang's face suddenly became serious, holding the jade pendant with a faint light at his waist, and said: "This is a kind of jade pendant made by our academy, only our brothers and sisters Only then, in the event of danger, as long as you activate the jade pendant, no matter how far apart, it will be able to induce other people to feel it."

"Furthermore, Junior Sister Wuxue and the others are all holy ranks. Normally, they would not use this jade pendant. Now it means that they may have encountered serious trouble." The jade pendant, that is to say, encountered or even threatened their lives in danger,

"Didn't they go to the Misty Swamp? How could there be an existence that made them feel dangerous?" things, but not life-threatening,

"Yes, a few days ago, there were strange fluctuations in the space nodes that were shrouded in mist, and the few of us couldn't spare time, so the three of them went together. Logically speaking, the space nodes are at most not Stable, if there are some cracks, you just need to repair them in the past." As the second senior brother, Wuhen naturally knows the ins and outs of the matter relatively well.

"Wait, what is the Misty Swamp you are talking about, and there are space nodes." Feng Hao was stunned for a moment. He came to Zhenwu Continent. Even when he lost his memory, he had never heard of these things.

"Do you still remember that I once told you that there are many places on the Zhenwu Continent, even if it is a holy rank powerhouse, it is dangerous. This Misty Swamp is one of them. The so-called space nodes can be said to be Zhenwu. In the mainland, only academies, Taoist temples, and some top affiliated forces know that ordinary people have no way to get in touch." Wuliang explained,

"Because the Zhenwu Continent was opened up by the strongest people using their great magical powers, but because it was opened up by human power, and with the gradual fall of those original powerhouses, some places on the Zhenwu Continent also appeared. Some changes, the instability of space, lead to the appearance of some space vortices leading to unknown places, and we simply call such places space nodes.”

"There is such a thing." Feng Hao showed a look of astonishment on his face, then pondered for a while, and then said: "Since there are space nodes, can't we leave Zhenwu Continent through these space nodes?"

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Shusheng and others shook their heads, Wuliang took the lead and said: "Zhenwu Continent has restrictions, and all people in Zhenwu Continent cannot leave through space nodes, but other creatures in unknown places However, it is possible to enter the Zhenwu Continent through these nodes, and the accusations of the two forces of the Academy and the Taoist Temple are that once they discover the emergence of space nodes, they will send holy rank powerhouses to repair them."

"There are still creatures in the unknown land." Feng Hao frowned tightly, guessing in his heart that there are too many hidden things on the Zhenwu Continent, and he has never heard of such a problem in the world of Penglai.

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