Martial Inverse

Chapter 2055: Crazy


"chi la"

A dazzling thunder appeared, and Feng Hao immediately beheaded the jumping beasts, similar to before, without letting these beasts get close, Feng Hao directly started ahead of time, intercepting and killing these beasts halfway up,

During this process, because Feng Hao's killings became more and more frequent, other ferocious beasts also became more ferocious.

The most exaggerated thing is that once there were seven fierce beasts jumping up at the same time. Faced with this situation, no matter how powerful Feng Hao was, he couldn't handle it. Fortunately, Wu Liang was by his side. When the situation comes, Wuliang will make a move,

"Feng Hao, if this continues, we will definitely not be able to fight against these endless beasts. Before we leave here, we will be exhausted to death." Wuliang whispered, holding the Jinghong Holy Sword in his hand, looking down The roaring ferocious beast suddenly felt its scalp go numb,

Feng Hao remained silent, but his brows were tightly frowned. He had already noticed this imagining. As time went by, more and more beasts gathered around him. to reduce,

However, at this moment, Wuliang looked down and found that the light from the jade pendant around his waist became weaker and weaker, and began to tremble rapidly, and his expression became anxious at the moment.

"What's going on." Feng Hao noticed the change in Wuliang's expression, and was slightly taken aback in his heart. Could it be that something happened to the Wuxue three,

"Junior Sister Wuxue and the others are in danger now, otherwise the brand marks on the jade pendant would not show such fluctuations." Wu Liang looked very anxious, gritted his teeth and looked at the monsters trapped around him, wanting to rush out forcefully.

"Don't be impulsive. With your ability, there is absolutely no way to break out of the encirclement. If you make any rash moves, I'm afraid your end will definitely not be good." Looking at his expression, Feng Hao knew the guess in Wuliang's mind, and stopped him immediately off him,

"Then what should I do?" Wu Liang said with a very anxious expression, "I can't sit idly by."

Hearing this, Feng Hao also frowned. This situation is indeed extremely difficult. After a while, Feng Hao's face slowly tightened, and he said to Wu Liang: "After I finish this attack, you take the opportunity to leave , go as fast as you want, and leave me alone."

"What are you going to do?" Wuliang glanced at Fenghao and asked in surprise,

"If things go on like this, we will definitely not be able to leave here in a short time. We can only let one of them leave first. I will attract the attention of all the beasts later, and you will take advantage of this opportunity to leave." Feng Hao said solemnly,

"How about that, do you want to face such a huge number of monsters alone?" Wu Liang immediately objected,

"Leave me alone, no matter how many these beasts there are, they won't cause me much harm." Feng Hao shouted in a low voice, and even if he didn't give infinite chances to refute, there were dense and dazzling thunderbolts on his arm Mang, a huge mass of thunder mang was rapidly formed in his hands,

"Fenghao, you..." Wuliang looked at Fenghao, not knowing what to say, he knew that Fenghao did this to fulfill him, let him get out of trouble here as soon as possible, so as to find Wuxue, but in this way, Fenghao Hao will face these fierce beasts alone,

"Let's go."

Feng Hao let out a deep roar, and immediately the thunder in his hand expanded suddenly. Accompanied by the loud hissing sound, and the dazzling light, the slightly dim environment like the Dreaming Swamp was immediately affected. As the night awakens the day,

Feng Hao's move is naturally huge, attracting the attraction of many ferocious beasts. Suddenly, angry roars sounded continuously, and these ferocious beasts subconsciously felt that Feng Hao was controlling them. The power of divine punishment is a very terrifying force, but they all exist without feeling fear. After roaring, they jumped up in mid-air one after another, biting towards Feng Hao,

Wuliang also gritted his teeth at this time, glanced at Feng Hao, gritted his teeth, and shot out violently, because Feng Hao exploded with the power of divine punishment, attracting all the ferocious beasts, and there was no such thing at the moment. Noticing the immeasurable departure,

Therefore, Wuliang directly escaped from the encirclement of fierce beasts. He glanced back at Feng Hao who was in the thunder, gritted his teeth, and then flew away in the direction guided by the jade pendant.

Lei Mang became brighter and brighter, piercing voices kept ringing, Feng Hao's figure kept dodging in the air, no matter where he moved, there would be these fierce beasts jumping up from the swamp to stop him way to go,

However, what Feng Hao can do is to kill the fierce beasts in front of him as much as possible. Otherwise, if he stops for a while, he will be attacked by fierce beasts all around his body.

Looking at the back of Boundless Leaving, Feng Hao also heaved a sigh of relief, but his attacks did not relax at all, instead they became more and more frequent. Bright thunder still erupted from time to time, with green liquid constantly emerging,

In this way, it lasted for about an hour, Lei Mang calmed down slowly, Feng Hao stood in mid-air, panting non-stop, at this time, the corpses of ferocious beasts were densely scattered on the swamp, the smelly green The liquid flows over the ground,

A nearby area centered on Fenghao is full of corpses and blood of ferocious beasts. In the distance, there are dense crowds of ferocious beasts roaring uneasily, but they do not approach as before.

Because these fierce beasts felt fear, after Feng Hao's fight, he couldn't even remember how many beasts he had killed, until finally these ferocious beasts felt fear in their hearts, and after gradually pushing away , his situation is much better,

"See if you still want to come and die." Feng Hao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, glanced at the beasts around who still refused to leave, and cursed fiercely, then turned around and looked at Running in the direction where the immeasurable left,

During this process, although some of these fierce beasts roared, none of them dared to rush out and continue to attack Feng Hao. After Feng Hao's crazy killing just now, these fierce beasts who didn't know what to fear did not dare to face Feng Hao shot,

However, after getting rid of the entanglement of the fierce beast, Feng Hao directly followed the guidance of the breath left by Wuliang, and flew forward, but soon he found something wrong, because he saw a pitch black,

Yes, it was pitch black, and inside the Dream Swamp, it was actually shrouded in darkness! (To be continued)

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