Martial Inverse

Chapter 2057 Dilemma

Feng Hao knows that these unknown creatures are very cunning, and the surrounding environment is completely unfavorable to him, so after the blow just now, the thunder mang that the unknown creature was contaminated with has already had a trace of soul imprinted on its body .

Slightly closing his eyes, sensing the direction of the imprint, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth also slightly raised, and immediately his figure flickered slightly, and after a short while, a very dazzling ball exploded in the boundless darkness. Raymond.

Accompanied by a strange cry, the thunder light dissipated slowly. Feng Hao looked at the unknown creature that was completely hit by the power of heavenly punishment before his eyes, and then died completely. He also breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not dare to completely Relax, because there is also its kind nearby.

With thunder in his hands, Feng Hao squatted down and observed the dead unknown creature carefully. He was quite shocked in his heart. The appearance of this unknown creature was not much different from that of a human race, but the skin of the whole body was extremely black. It is harder, it can be said to form a layer of armor or something, presumably ordinary weapons cannot break its defense.

And Feng Hao also noticed that the fingers of these unknown creatures have sharp nails, and these nails are also pitch black, and may even contain highly poisonous.

"Strange, could it be that apart from Zhenwu Continent and Penglai World, there are other unknown spaces?" Feng Chen frowned, obviously he couldn't guess the origin of these unknown creatures.

Previously it was deduced that it might be some kind of creature in the Dream Swamp, but after thinking about it, there are some fierce beasts in the Dream Swamp, living under the swamp all year round, and these creatures obviously have wisdom, it should come from that space node appeared.

After careful observation, he found nothing else, Feng Hao also stood up, glanced around, frowning, the most important thing now is to find Wuliang and others.

However, the surrounding area is pitch black, and there are still many unknown creatures, so how can I find them?

However, at this moment, the sound of piercing the air came again from behind, Feng Hao's expression changed immediately, his figure did not dodge, and a bright silver glow spread out from his arms again, with a snort, piercing through the darkness.

Pairs of green eyes emerged from the darkness, among which five or six unknown creatures thought of Feng Hao and launched an attack, and the sound of sharp claws piercing the air was particularly sharp.

Feng Hao snorted coldly, shook his arm violently, and immediately a thunder dragon rushed out of his body. The ferocious thunder dragon roared and rushed towards these unknown creatures. Filled with this dark space.

After Thunder Dragon appeared,

Roaring continuously, circling back and forth in the dark space, wherever they passed, those green eyes revealed a kind of panic, obviously very afraid of this power of divine punishment.

Facing the power of heaven's punishment, these unknown creatures have no room to resist. Once they are infected, they must make a miserable cry, and then disappear, turning into a cold corpse.

This was a mass killing. Under Feng Hao's deliberate precautions, these unknown creatures had no way to get close to him and were killed.


Suddenly Feng Hao's face changed, he just vaguely saw something in the place where Thunder Dragon passed by, because the brilliance of the silver light can temporarily increase the brightness of some places.

With a movement in his heart, Lei Longxuan immediately turned around, gave up chasing and killing those unknown creatures, and circled according to the trajectory he had just passed. However, at this moment, Feng Hao's eyes lit up, and he saw several black chrysalis-like creatures. Things are floating.

"what is that?"

Feng Hao became suspicious, he had never noticed the existence of these light pupae before, because the surrounding area was pitch black, it was a completely dark world, even if he could sense it, he couldn't sense it.

Feng Hao signaled the thunder dragon to hover around him, preventing the sudden attack of those unknown creatures, and he himself came to the place where the light chrysalis was, with a silver thunder light lingering in his arms, and the situation in front of him suddenly became clear visible.

Appearing in front of Feng Hao's eyes was a light chrysalis as tall as a person, surrounded by black light, and there were more than one. Feng Hao counted and found that there were four in total.


Feng Hao frowned, as if thinking of something, didn't the Academy have three people who entered the Misty Swamp, if Wuliang was added, wouldn't it be exactly four?

Could this be...?

Feng Hao's expression became serious, and he sensed it carefully, and soon he knew clearly that there was a kind of vitality in this black light chrysalis, but this kind of vitality was gradually weakening.

"This is Wuliang waiting for someone!"

Feng Hao immediately came to a conclusion in his mind, the four black light chrysalis in front of him are definitely four people from the academy, but what happened, why even Wuliang who came behind was in such a predicament?

After pondering for a moment, Feng Hao stretched out his palm slowly, reaching towards one of the light chrysalis in front of him, but before he got close, the black light chrysalis suddenly changed slightly, even Feng Hao also couldn't react.

The surface of the black light chrysalis was filled with fluctuations, shot out violently, and entangled Feng Hao's palm. Feng Hao's expression changed drastically, and he cried out in his heart that something was wrong, so he quickly pulled his hand back, but it was too late.

The bursting black light tightly entangled Feng Hao's palm, and for a moment, Feng Hao felt that the blood in his body was flowing faster, as if his vitality was gradually passing away.

"Can these black rays of light absorb my own vitality?" Feng Hao was puzzled, and just when he was about to use the power of heaven's punishment, a weak wave came.

"Feng Hao, is that you?"

"Boundless?!" Feng Hao's body stiffened suddenly, and what was inside the chrysalis in front of him was actually Boundless?

"Hurry up, get out of here!" The immeasurable spiritual thoughts came out, extremely weak, as if they would disappear at any moment, which made Feng Hao's heart tense up.

"chi la"

The power of heaven's punishment appeared in the arm, and the dazzling thunder light condensed into the palm of his hand, just as Feng Hao thought in his heart, after these strange black rays of light came into contact with the power of heaven's punishment, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. He quickly retreated from Feng Hao's palm.

Seeing this, Feng Hao also heaved a sigh of relief. These black rays of light are so weird that they can absorb his vitality invisibly. In this way, Wuliang and others were also attacked because of this, and they were formed into light chrysalis by the black rays of light. Continuously absorbed vitality!

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