Martial Inverse

The second thousand and eighty-fourth chapter God thunder, 8 desolation

Nine Heavens Shocking Thunder, one of the most terrifying divine punishments in the rumors, there are nine divine punishments coming, each of which will be twice as terrifying as the previous one, so superimposed, until the nine divine punishments are completely passed, it is considered a successful avoidance. Excessive punishment,

However, just now it was just the first punishment from heaven, which caused Feng Hao to almost collapse physically. It can be seen how terrifying this so-called thunder is, and it is the same with Feng Hao. safely through,

The second heavenly punishment arrived as scheduled, and in an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, it seemed that the whole world was darkened, and then a ray of light pierced the sky completely, becoming a roaring angry dragon, rushing straight down,


Before the thunder light arrived, the space had already collapsed. The thunder dragon that rushed out of Feng Hao's body was like the formation of the nine thunder dragons in the previous body. It was also terrifying, but it was far less than the second thunder light. as bright as


The second Heaven's Punishment fell and hit the Thunder Dragon fiercely. At the moment of the impact, invisible space ripples spread out. The Thunder Dragon didn't last long, but was directly defeated. The Heaven's Punishment fell with great momentum.

This time, Feng Hao had already made preparations, and the aura in his body was condensed to the peak. He wanted to guide the second Heavenly Punishment into his body to temper again, because although the first Heavenly Punishment almost killed him, it brought him The change is also surprising enough,

At least Feng Hao felt some changes in his body, these changes made him stronger,

In the past, the power of heavenly punishment would only be concentrated in the dantian, but now it is different. Feng Hao feels that he can explode the previous power of heavenly punishment at any time with just one thought, and it is even more terrifying.

In an instant, the thunder of God's Punishment fell, and it was covered with silver light for a hundred miles. In an instant, a vast sea of ​​thunder burst out again, and Feng Hao was like a solitary boat in the ocean, submerged in it ,

Feng Hao's furious roar continuously came from the sea of ​​thunder, like the first divine thunder, it seemed that the heavens and the earth were impenetrable, Xu Fenghao, an existence against the sky, wanted to strangle him in the cradle,

As the second thunder burst out, even the two supreme beings could not avoid the terrifying power, and retreated far away again, all of them felt palpitations because of the horror of the thunder.

This child is too terrifying. If it is really taken away by the God Lord of Light, the two supreme beings do not have the confidence to kill it, so they can only use other means to seal it.

At this time, Huangfu Wushuang had already rushed over, and when she saw that Feng Hao had triggered such a terrible thunder punishment, she was horrified in her heart,

"He actually took the lead in breaking through the Half-Step Great Emperor.


Huangfu Wushuang stared at the dazzling sea of ​​thunder, and sighed in her heart. From the first day she knew Feng Hao, her own cultivation had always suppressed him. Now this situation has finally changed completely. Feng Hao broke through to the half-step emperor first than herself,

In the past when he was in the holy rank, Feng Hao was weaker than himself, and he was able to compete with him, and even surpassed himself. This time, Feng Hao took the lead in breaking through, and she was hit hard. Not as good as a Fenghao,

Lei Mang flashed, Feng Hao's condition was very bad at this time, his body surface continued to explode, and blood flowers emerged from the Lei Mang, after a while, the surface of Feng Hao's body was scorched black, and some parts of his skin even turned. opened, exposing the forest-white bones,

Even so, there is a flash of superb light in Feng Hao's eyes. Although the body is damaged, it is tantamount to a transformation. Only by enduring the pain caused by the transformation can he become more to be strong,

This time, it wasn't just the Lingzhu that continuously released the majestic energy, Feng Hao noticed that the fairy grass formed by the Shennong Pharmacopoeia had melted into his heart, continuously emitting soft power, flowing in his body ,

In this cycle, Feng Hao soon sat down cross-legged, completely ignoring the serious injuries on the surface of his body, and calmed down to refine the power of heaven's punishment in his body, trying to let his whole body get an impossible feeling. metamorphosis of speech,

About half an hour later, the boiling sea of ​​thunder gradually calmed down, Feng Hao's scorched skin cracked again, revealing Bai Zhe's skin like a newborn baby, with a hazy glow flowing, his whole body was moving from complete in transformation,


Feng Hao yelled angrily, his body was like a bottomless pit again, and he quickly absorbed the surrounding Leimang into his body crazily again. For ordinary warriors, these Leimang would not dare to be contaminated at all, but Feng Hao relied on The power of heaven's punishment to strengthen oneself,

Although Feng Hao didn't know why the heavenly punishment he was facing was so terrifying, but he saw the sky above his head, the thunderclouds had never dissipated, and they kept rolling, as if an even more terrifying heavenly punishment was brewing god thunder,

He doesn't have much time. After he has survived the punishment, the next punishment will follow, so he must hurry up and try to restore his state to the peak. The usual way of absorbing energy is definitely not enough With the wind at this time,

Fortunately, Feng Hao can absorb all these punishments from heaven, and while tempering his body to become stronger, he can also save energy in his dantian to meet the next punishment from heaven.

Seeing Feng Hao's actions, everyone fell into silence. Although Jinglei Jiuxiao was terrifying, considering the current situation, Feng Hao might not be able to survive. Once Feng Hao survived, then


The thundercloud rolled, and a moment later, the third divine thunder fell, and the sky and the earth trembled. This time, Feng Hao did not wait for the divine thunder to fall on his own, but his figure flickered, and he rushed directly into the air.

Looking at this scene, including the two supreme beings, the book sage and the Taoist sage all showed astonishment on their faces. Ordinary warriors have survived the punishment of heaven, but they can avoid it if they can. , Feng Hao's move is too crazy,


Feng Hao's body was directly hit by the divine thunder, and he fell from the mid-air, and then the bright thunder light spread out. No one knew what was going on with Feng Hao at this time.

About an hour later, Lei Mang calmed down again, Feng Hao frantically absorbed the power of divine punishment around him,

Fourth Ray of Thunder

Fifth Ray

The sixth god of thunder

Eighth Thunder

The two supreme beings were dumbfounded as they watched Feng Hao forcibly endured one punishment after another until Feng Hao had already passed through the Eight Paths of Thunder, that is, as long as Feng Hao survived it again, then he You can become a half-step emperor,

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