Martial Inverse

Chapter 2088 Unreasonable

Chapter 2088 I can't explain why

At this time, Feng Hao was extremely depressed to the extreme, the two supreme beings could be said to have bitten him as the Lord of Light, and continuously cast various offensive spells on him, intending to kill him here.

The majestic energy pervades everywhere, the void is constantly being shattered, and the power of the half-step emperor is so terrifying that the world is eclipsed by it.

Feng Hao is at a disadvantage, facing the two supreme beings who can display the same level of cultivation, the means he can display are limited. After all, the other party is not an existence of the level of the holy rank, and he does not want to beheaded.

The half-step emperor, who came into contact with the realm of the word emperor, began to understand the world, left his own brand in the world, there are many ways to save his life, how can he be killed easily?

In desperation, Feng Hao could only dodge the attack from the two supreme beings constantly, and displayed many kinds of divine arts that were the Lord of Light, which also made the two supreme beings more certain that Feng Hao had already It was taken away.

Feng Hao naturally didn't know that the more he used the magic of the God of Light at this time, the more he would convince the two Supreme Beings, but he had no choice at the moment.

The two supreme beings teamed up, Feng Hao could only rely on magic to evade, and he had almost no power to fight back, and he had to beware of Taoist saints, he believed that Taoist saints would never let go of any chance to kill him .

Feng Hao knew in his heart that if this continues, it might be extremely unfavorable to him, and immediately he began to think about various ways to leave safely, and after a while, a bright light flashed in his mind.

Space displacement magic!

Another unique skill of God Lord Guangming, it has to be said that God Lord Guangming has mastered space to a very deep level, and many of the magical arts created by himself are related to space.

Including the cosmic void technique performed earlier, to completely hide oneself in the endless void, avoiding all attacks, and this spatial displacement magic is a means of escape.

As long as there is something that has left its own energy imprint before casting this kind of magic, in the moment of danger, it can instantly activate this magic, move it, and cross the distance of space, connecting the caster and the remaining The positions of the things under the energy branding are reversed.

The magic of space displacement is not only limited to things, it can even be used by living people. As long as the opponent is marked with his own energy brand, it can exert unexpected effects at critical moments.

At present, if Feng Hao wants to get out of trouble, he may have to rely on this kind of magic.

At that moment, he raised his head and looked at the Shusheng and Huangfu Wushuang in the distance, his heart moved.

It was within his expectation that the book sage didn't attack him, but the book sage didn't come out to stop him either, which made him wonder what the origins of these two supreme beings were.

Could it be the supreme being hidden from the world by the two behemoths of the Taoist temple and the academy?

Thinking of this, Feng Hao also knew the difficulty of the book sage, but the predicament in front of him, I am afraid that he would need the help of the book sage to get out of it. At the moment, Feng Hao took advantage of the terrifying energy everywhere, and quietly shot out a divine thought The sound transmission was given to the Book Saint.

"Senior Shusheng, I need your help."

The Shusheng who was watching the battle suddenly trembled, he heard that it was Fa Fenghao's voice transmission, but now the Supreme Master Haori has made up his mind to kill Feng Hao, he has no way to intervene.

"I don't need your shot, just let me leave a mark on your body."

Feng Hao's second voice transmission continued, this method was not discovered by anyone, but Huangfu Wushuang, who was also on the sidelines with the book sage, caught a glimpse of the change in the book sage's expression.

Huangfu Wushuang frowned slightly, and a look of suspicion appeared on her pretty face. She felt that there was something wrong with the book sage, but she didn't know that the book sage was already secretly transmitting voice with Feng Hao.

The book sage pondered for a while, and immediately nodded without a trace. Although he didn't know what Feng Hao's plan was, no matter from which angle he stood, the academy owed Feng Hao a lot.

After getting the approval of the book sage, Feng Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, now he just needs to find an opportunity to brand his energy on the book sage, and then cast the magic of space displacement.

At the moment, Feng Hao also started his plan. Only by taking advantage of the chaos can he be able to print out the energy imprint quietly. Otherwise, if he is intercepted by others halfway, it will be tantamount to wasting all previous efforts.

With a long roar, Feng Hao also used his other methods openly and fully, and fought with the two supreme beings. Although they are two supreme beings, it may take a little time to suppress him.

"chi la"

As soon as Feng Hao's divine thought moved, dense lightning flashes appeared on the surface of his whole body, and a long silver light sword was rapidly condensed in his hand, which was condensed by the power of heaven's punishment in his body.

With a fighting spirit in his heart, Feng Hao swayed, and he jumped out. The silver light sword in his hand swung away, and suddenly a force of divine punishment like a real dragon shot out instantly.

After half a step of God's punishment, Feng Hao felt that his body had undergone some amazing changes again, his whole body was filled with majestic power of punishment, and these powers of punishment were stronger than before. horrible.

Even the current Feng Hao, facing Huangfu Wushuang's Tiankun Shenwei, is confident that he can suppress the opponent in a very short time!

The power of heaven's punishment erupted suddenly, causing the expressions of the two supreme beings to change slightly. Facing the power of heaven's punishment, even they did not dare to force it, and could only rely on their own means to resist.

Seeing the two supreme beings temporarily suppressed by his power of divine punishment, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth rose slightly, and then his body trembled slightly, and then disappeared in place, not knowing which direction to go.

However, Dao Sheng stepped out abruptly. He has been paying close attention to Feng Hao's actions. After all, he knows that Feng Hao has a lot of tricks. Maybe he really has a way to get rid of the attacks of the two supreme beings, so he can find a gap to escape .

And this is the reason why Dao Sheng didn't make a move. At the moment Feng Hao disappeared, Dao Sheng sneered again and again, aware of the subtle fluctuations in the space, moved directly to the right, and shot a majestic light, Instantly recorded somewhere in the space.

The space twisted slightly, and immediately Feng Hao's figure was forced to appear from the void, looking indifferently at the Taoist who made a sudden attack.

"Hey, boy, do you think you can hide it from us? Don't think about it, you can't leave here today!" Dao Sheng smiled.

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