Martial Inverse

Chapter 2115 Exile to the Endless Starry Sky

Chapter 2115 Killing Li Xiangtian

The display of this illusion has something to do with Li Xiangtian's spirit. Although he hit him, he didn't seem to cause any harm to him, but Feng Hao knew that even so, Li Xiangtian could not avoid his attack.

This attack seemed to have no effect on Li Xiangtian, but at that moment just now, Feng Hao keenly caught the opponent's breath weakening a little at that moment,

"Since you said you are immortal, then I will kill you until you collapse." The corners of Feng Hao's mouth slightly raised. In fact, this illusion, he will definitely be able to break it after spending some time, but for Feng Hao, he Not much time, he wants to break this illusion in the fastest and most direct way,

Thinking of this in Feng Hao's heart, he calmed down slightly at the moment, his figure suddenly stretched out, his arms stretched out directly, and the terrifying power of heaven's punishment erupted instantly,

A ray of thunder pierced through the sky, directly covering the entire endless starry sky. Wherever he went, the power of heaven's punishment was pervasive.

For Feng Hao's strength, Li Xiangtian was astonished, but he had absolute confidence in his illusion. He kept waving his arms and swaying the power of endless stars. The entire starry sky seemed to be boiling.

Huge stars were moved by Li Xiangtian in the distance, turned into popular meteorites, and charged fiercely with terrifying energy fluctuations. The scene came like the end of the world.

Li Xiangtian's face was tense. Although there was a bright silver light in front of him, he couldn't detect Feng Hao's trace, but this endless starry sky was a field he evolved with illusion, and all of this was under his control.


Li Xiangtian pointed to a certain space, and suddenly dozens of huge stars descended, instantly producing a huge energy explosion, and Feng Hao's figure was forced to appear.

"It's useless. In the endless starry sky, I am the ruler." Li Xiangtian smiled ferociously, flicking his fingers again and again, as if he had made some kind of mysterious handprint, and then ruthlessly landed on the void in front of him,

Feng Hao's face changed slightly, and something bad appeared in his heart. The next moment, his body felt an invisible suction force, and his body was pulled forward uncontrollably.

I saw that where Li Xiangtian pointed his finger before, the starry sky suddenly collapsed, and an invisible black hole gradually formed, exuding terrible suction, constantly pulling Feng Hao's body to rush into the black hole,

Feng Hao let out a furious roar, and immediately cast the reckless mystery directly, a pair of huge wings kept flapping, trying to escape the pull of this black hole in the starry sky,

"The most terrifying thing in the vast starry sky is the unknown black hole. By the way, the black hole I created pierces through the endless void. Once it is inhaled, it will be exiled into the chaotic void. , and I can’t come back.” Li Xiangtian laughed loudly, this is the supreme magic technique of the Taoist temple, and he only learned it recently, and it’s really well-deserved when it’s performed today.

Feng Hao remained silent, the black hole in the starry sky erupted with unimaginable suction, even if he used the power of heavenly punishment, he still couldn't stop his body from being pulled away by the black hole.

Facing the black hole in the starry sky, Feng Hao found that he didn't have any blocking ability, and he was shocked. If this continues, he will be exiled to the endless starry sky just like Li Xiangtian said.

At this time, if you want to use the magical space displacement magic, there is definitely not enough time, and this endless starry sky is Li Xiangtian's domain, so I am afraid that whatever you do will fall into Li Xiangtian's attention.

"There is no other way, I can only try my best." Feng Hao's face gradually softened. It is not very scary to be exiled to the endless starry sky. returned in a very short time,

What he has to do now is to leave his mark here without Li Xiangtian not paying attention, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Feng Hao let out a furious roar, his whole body was covered with bright thunder, and it swept out in an instant, rushing towards Li Xiangtian like a silver river,

The silver power of heaven's punishment, wherever it passed, the space was completely shattered. Although it did not stop the black hole's suction on itself, it had slowed down a little, and Feng Hao also left more than one mark in the process. ,

"Still dying."

Li Xiangtian's heart skipped a beat when he saw the power of heaven's punishment rushing towards him. This is absolutely unsolvable unless he is seriously injured, but at this time Feng Hao can't escape the pull from the black hole in the starry sky. Power, it will be a matter of time to be exiled to the endless starry sky, why should I take risks, I might as well hide,

Thinking of this, Li Xiangtian's body instantly became illusory, and those terrifying powers of divine punishment rushed through, directly destroying this space, and his body also became dim, appearing in another place the next moment. one direction,

"Haha, Feng Hao, you have underestimated me, don't worry, I will treat your woman and your flesh and blood well." Li Xiangtian's eyes showed a ferocious look, and he kept showing his handprints with both hands, speeding up. The formation of starry black holes,

Feng Hao remained silent. He couldn't resist the terrifying pulling force from the black hole. This was not Li Xiangtian's power, but the power between heaven and earth. Li Xiangtian borrowed it to deal with himself temporarily.

"Li Xiangtian, just wait, even if I am exiled to the endless starry sky, I will still be able to come back." Feng Hao roared angrily, the power of Heaven's Punishment was still boiling, rushing in all directions,

"Haha, I'll wait, come back if you have the ability." Li Xiangtian thought that Feng Hao was dying, but he didn't know that wherever the power of heaven's punishment passed, there was a small electric current that disappeared into the space. It disappeared, but Li Xiangtian didn't notice it at all.

Finally, a black hole in the starry sky gradually formed, and Feng Hao had no ability to resist at all. This was another kind of extreme space power between heaven and earth, and his body was directly sucked into the black hole.


Li Xiangtian watched Feng Hao's body being drawn into the black hole, and let out wild laughter. Although this is an illusion formed by his soul power, this black hole is actually connected to the endless void outside. At this time, Feng Hao The whole person disappeared on Zhenwu Continent,

"What kind of martial arts, it's just so vulnerable." Li Xiangtian stood in the endless starry sky, sneering again and again, but the next moment his face suddenly became extremely ugly,

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