Martial Inverse

Chapter 2136: The Sovereign of Good and Evil Appears

Accompanied by the voice of Supreme Sun Hao, Feng Hao's heart skipped a beat, and then he raised his head and looked at the figure of the woman in white. At this moment, he could not feel the figure of the woman in white.

Perhaps, to be precise, he felt the breath of women in white everywhere, that is to say, at this moment, the women in white merged with the heaven and the earth, achieving the true unity of heaven and man!

It was this kind of realm that created the Supreme Master of the True Martial Continent back then!

"Oh my god, it's incredible. It's only half a step of the Great Emperor Realm, but you can't bring this kind of understanding to the fullest! Apart from the Primordial Priest, she is the second most powerful person I have ever seen!"

The Supreme Lord Haori murmured, looking at the back of the woman in white, his eyes were full of fiery eyes, this kind of fiery is completely for power, for the pursuit of heaven and earth, at this moment, the woman in white is heaven and earth!

The hideous look on Qingtian Supreme's face also slowly solidified, as if he had seen the most unbelievable thing about Shime, this Shijiè, there is actually someone nénggou who can do this yidiǎn!

At this moment, even the black thunderclouds in the sky froze. Under the power of the woman in white, méiyou was born with a heart of disobedience. The word supreme is perfect at this time The chapters of the novel are updated the fastest.

Qingtian Supreme was trembling all over, he felt that there was an invisible energy in this world that was rapidly solidifying, causing him to be restrained a little bit, this kind of energy became more and more obvious.

Obviously, this is the woman in white who is invoking the aura of heaven and earth to suppress Zijijinháng. Even he cannot use this method!


How could Supreme Qingtian be restrained voluntarily? He shouted angrily, and the spear in his hand trembled. It has to be said that the origin of this Asura blood spear is very mysterious. The strange energy is constantly flowing out, without being oppressed by the woman in white at all.

As Shura's blood gun continued to tremble, Qingtian Supreme's face gradually turned red, and the red runes all over his body burst out again, and they were directly inserted into the ground, causing the entire Shifang Mountains to tremble!

In this case, the ground of the entire Taoist temple once again rushed out endless blood, and the formation was revived again, but at this time, except for those strong men, Yijing still has no one else, including the people of the Taoist temple. Yijing is all dead!

"He wants to be a shime?" Supreme Sun's face changed slightly,

Even if this shihou activates the formation, it will not be able to bring him more power, because at this time in the Taoist temple, no one can absorb it for him.

"Could it be..." At that moment, Feng Hao's face changed suddenly, and he shouted at the academy and the group: "Quick retreat!"

At this time, most of the rest are powerhouses at the level of emperors and god masters. Only the academy and his party are the few remaining holy ranks, such as Wuliang and others. They are the most direct targets!

"Qingtian Supreme, you bastard!" Haori Supreme also reacted immediately, knowing that the other party was going to attack Ziji's people, he was also angry in his heart at that moment!

Supreme Qingtian grinned furiously, completely ignoring the terrifying woman in white. At this moment, he wanted to absorb the vitality of other people again in exchange for more powerful power!


Behind Qingtian Supreme, the space began to distort continuously, blood-red energy began to rise continuously, and after a while, a terrifying blurred sound and shadow appeared!

This blurred voice roared up to the sky, holding a blood-colored spear in his hand as well. Feng Hao and others keenly discovered that this huge vague figure had some inevitable connection with the many densely packed runes on the ground of the Taoist temple. !

But at this time, after hearing Feng Hao's reminder, Wu Liang and the others had big faces and retreated quickly. This is a contest between the strong and they, as holy ranks, cannot intervene in this kind of battle at all, even if there is a slight aftermath , is also enough to destroy their spirits!

Because thinking that Supreme Qingtian was about to attack Wuliang and the others at this time, Feng Hao, Supreme Haori, and the Book Sage all flickered over in unison, wanting to protect them, no matter how tyrannical Supreme Qingtian was, the three of them would be able to resist together.

However, the development of things often exceeded their expectations. The blood-colored rays of light that emerged from the ground appeared against Wu Liang and others, and the targets turned out to be those strong men!

This Yidiǎn was also unexpected by Feng Hao and others, because they never expected that the Supreme Qingtian would be so terrifying, and the Soul Devouring Myriad Transformation Formation that he unleashed would not even be able to deal with the Great Emperor!


The screams came out, and at that moment, there was a bloody light rushing out of the ground to surround the body of a great emperor, and then he was dragged down to the ground fiercely!

His expression was full of fear, because the energy he injected into his body was fading rapidly, he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't break free, these bloody energy tightly bound him to the ground.

Everyone looked at this scene and took a cold breath. This is too scary, can't even the emperor escape?

"Supreme Qingtian, you have gone too far!"

Just at this time, a divine master couldn't bear it any longer. His whole body was like a scorching sun, bursting out with bright light. He struck a terrifying blow and landed on the ground fiercely, intending to destroy these formation patterns.


However, this attack did not have the desired effect. When it landed on the ground, it caused some ripples, but it was directly swallowed up like a stone bull entering the sea.

"Jie Jie"

At this time, the Qingtian Supreme let out a piercing laugh. At the same time, the aura of the great emperor who fell off the ground began to weaken continuously, and he didn't even have the ability to resist, so he could only watch Ziji's whole body The energy is constantly being devoured!

And the bloody energy on Qingtian Supreme became more alluring, and the blurry figure behind him became more and more gazing, like a fierce god about to be born, the aura alone was enough to make everyone fearful.

"It's this kind of power!" The Supreme Qingtian kept grinning grinningly, glancing over the many strong men present with gloomy eyes, as if looking at Ziji's prey. In his eyes, these strong men are just food to increase strength !

At this time, due to the impetus of the Soul Devouring Myriad Transformation Formation, there were more and more dark clouds in the sky, and there were even faint signs of covering the entire Shifang Mountain Range, but the Supreme Qingtian ignored it completely.

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