Martial Inverse

Chapter 2143 Invincible?

Chapter 2143 Invincible,

The body of the Supreme Good and Evil suddenly began to swell. Looking at this posture, even if he wanted to explode himself, he was unwilling to let Qingtian Demon Lord get everything about him.

"Old ghost, don't be ignorant."

Seeing the actions of the Supreme Good and Evil, the Qingtian Demon Lord naturally knew what he wanted to do, and his face changed slightly at the moment. He wanted to prevent the Supreme Good and Evil from self-destructing, because once he self-destructed, he would not be able to swallow enough energy. The energy is enough for him to drink a pot. You must know that Feng Hao and the woman in white have been eyeing him all the time.

Once Feng Hao and the woman in white find a chance to attack him, there is absolutely no room for him,

At that moment, Demon Lord Qingtian's expression also became ferocious. He would never allow the Supreme Being of Good and Evil to be the Supreme Treasure. The moment his handprints changed, the red rays of light lingering on the Supreme Being of Good and Evil suddenly began to change.

The red light was constantly distorted, and it turned into a thorny object gradually, producing countless sharp thorns, which stabbed fiercely on the body of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil,

The already inflated Supreme of Good and Evil, after suffering this kind of change, his body deflated like a ball, and the berserk power in his body began to be continuously swallowed by the red light.

"Just accept your fate, hahaha."

Seeing that the self-destruction of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil was finally stopped by himself, the Qingtian Demon Venerable laughed wildly, and the runes that appeared on his body began to flicker continuously, and the whole person became even more bewitching.

For this scene, Feng Hao and the woman in white want to stop it, but they are powerless. They are all focused on the manipulation of the light beam, and they can't be distracted at all.

About a moment later, the body of the Supreme Good and Evil finally turned into a blood mist with a bang, and the blood mist was swallowed directly, leaving only a faint light floating in the air.

Haori Zhizun saw it, and finally couldn't help but want to shoot. The whole person turned into an afterimage and rushed over. This is the soul of the Supreme Good and Evil. If it is swallowed up, then there is really no such person as the Supreme Good and Evil in this world. up,

"Go away." As soon as Supreme Haori moved, Qingtian Mozun sensed it, and immediately waved his hand and shot out a burst of red energy, which shocked Supreme Haori back.

"Haha, soul, I want to devour even the soul." Qingtian Demon Venerable also smiled ferociously afterward, and the handprint was slightly on one side, and the bloody light that shot into the sky immediately,

Directly contained this group of faint rays of light, and then returned to his body,

The Supreme Being of Good and Evil was completely devoured by Qingtian Demon Venerable, even his soul, but he was not in a hurry to act, he glanced at the energy beam that had not yet fallen in the sky, and sneered at the corner of his mouth,

He wants to refine the soul of the Supreme Good and Evil. Only in this way can he fully obtain the power of the Supreme Good and Evil. At that point, who else can stop him in this Zhenwu Continent?

An anxious look flashed across Feng Hao's silver eyes, but he had no choice but to watch this scene happen. He had no way to stop the death of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil.

Qingtian Demon Venerable became more powerful, which made him feel more troublesome. If this continues, even if the woman in white makes a move, there is no way to kill him.

In desperation, Feng Hao could only act like a dead horse as a living horse doctor, directly spitting out a mouthful of blood, which directly merged into the beam of light in front of him, and was absorbed as much as possible. Feng Hao didn't know if this was effective, but he also Only one try,

After Feng Hao's blood essence submerged, the bright pillar of energy suddenly became violent, and the strands of thunder began to grow thicker, lingering on the surface, and at the same time, the specter behind Qingtian Demon Venerable also getting darker and darker,


After a while, the phantom behind Qingtian Demon Venerable finally couldn't resist the damage caused by the energy light beam, and it was directly scattered, and the light beam containing terrifying power fell directly and hit Qingtian Demon Venerable ,

However, at that moment, Feng Hao seemed to see Demon Lord Qingtian opened his eyes,

The whole world seems to be filled with this kind of dazzling light, and the sound of explosions can be heard in my ears. The aftermath of the explosion and the entire Taoist temple, all the buildings were destroyed at this moment, as if ruins,

After the light lasted for a while, it slowly dissipated, and the whole world returned to calm. After Haori Zhizun and others opened their eyes and saw the ruins in front of them, they couldn't help showing a touch of surprise. Such power, It's amazing,

"Where is Qingtian, is he dead?"

"I didn't feel his breath."

"Did he just die like this?"

All of a sudden, many powerhouses started talking about it, and the majestic soul power spread throughout the entire Shifang Mountain Range, but no one could feel the breath of Qingtian Demon Lord, as if he had disappeared.

Even Feng Hao is no exception. When he closes his eyes, the majestic soul power radiates out. He has not found the breath of Qingtian Demon Lord. Could it be that he is really dead? Feng Hao can't believe this point.

He opened his eyes, glanced down, and then his pupils tightened. He saw the Shura Blood Spear standing vertically on the ground trembling slightly, with a strange red light flowing, but the Qingtian Demon Venerable seemed to have disappeared. ,

"Is he really dead?" Feng Hao couldn't help but turned around, looked at the woman in white and asked suspiciously,

The white-clothed woman attacked twice in a row, which exhausted her a lot. She closed her eyes, took a few breaths, opened them and shook her head. Even she couldn't detect the existence of the other party.


However, at this moment, a blood-colored light that soared to the sky suddenly rushed out from the ground, reaching Jiuxiao, a huge real-like phantom slowly emerged from the blood-colored light, and the Shura blood gun trembled slightly for a while. , is to fly out automatically,

"Sure enough, he's not dead." Feng Hao's face was turned aside, and it seemed that Demon Lord Qingtian seemed to have refined the soul of the Supreme Being of Good and Evil, and now he became even stronger.


There was a loud roar that shook the sky, and immediately a figure appeared in the blood-colored light, and it was the Qingtian Demon Lord.

"Just because you want to kill me, it's so naive, I'll show you what real power is." Qingtian Supreme had a ferocious face, holding the Shura blood gun, and waved his hand, and immediately a majestic blood-colored light was like Wang Yang burst out like an explosion, and went straight to the many strong men including Supreme Sun,

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