Martial Inverse

Chapter 2184 Attacked

Chapter 2184 Attacked

Sensing the changes in the surrounding environment, Feng Hao also began to pay attention, but he didn't notice that there was anything unusual around here, and he continued to move forward directly, and the speed slowed down a lot.

The temperature coming from the surroundings is getting lower and lower, even Feng Hao feels a little bit unable to resist, the blood in his body seems to be frozen, and he hastened to use his own energy to drive out the cold.

"What the hell is going on in this hellish place?" Feng Hao couldn't help but curse in his heart, Bing Yang is really too weird, he flew in mid-air, but he didn't gain anything, it's been such a long time .

"The ice here is obviously much thicker than before, almost invisible." Feng Hao soon discovered something different, that is, the ice near this place is much thicker, unlike before Wherever I passed, the ice layer was still transparent and I could see what was underneath, but here I couldn't see it at all.

Suddenly, he stopped, his eyes scanned the ice layer below, and fell into deep thought. He felt that he had missed something, and doubts arose in his heart, and he was also trying to landed on the ice.

With his feet on the ice, Feng Hao frowned even more, because he found that the ice in the area he was in was much thicker, like flat ground, which is really rare in the frozen ocean.


However, at this moment, a slight sound came, breaking the silence here, and Feng Hao came back to his senses in an instant. He stepped on the ground and wanted to fly into the air, but for some reason, he stepped on it. But the ice layer split open suddenly!

Feng Hao felt that his body was unbalanced, and his whole body fell into the frozen ocean. An extremely cold temperature spread from the bottom of his feet to his whole body, making his soul feel like it was about to be frozen.

A burst of wind came from the back of his head, which made Feng Hao feel a sense of threat, and immediately urged the power of heavenly punishment in his body with all his strength, rushed out from the soles of his feet, and instantly smashed the ice layer that had already frozen his calf. Shattered, his figure flickered, and he directly shifted his shape and left his original position.


The huge ice layer was shattered directly at this moment, Feng Hao flickered into the air, looking at what happened below him in shock, he couldn't help but slightly opened his mouth, his face was full of surprise.

What he saw was a black shadow hundreds of meters long, like a long whip, breaking through the ice layer, and ruthlessly pulled towards where he was just now. Wherever he passed, the ice layer was shattered.

Ice shards splashed out of the sky.

And Feng Hao also saw clearly that the shadow of the black long whip was clearly the tentacles of the monster in his eyes. After a failed blow, he quickly disappeared into the ice ocean, unable to detect the opponent's trace at all.

Seeing this, Feng Hao couldn't help but take a cold breath. He finally understood why there were no strange beasts in this place. It seemed that there was a very scary strange beast that made them dare not approach, but he was He didn't notice its fluctuation at all, and almost let the opponent succeed.

"This monster... from the blow just now, I'm afraid it has the strength to fight against the half-step emperor." Feng Hao's face gradually became dignified, his heart moved, and he immediately thought of it, could it be this? Is it the strange beast that guards the Nine Nether Ice Grass?

The Supreme Sun once said that he knew that there was a terrifying beast guarding the Jiuyou Ice Grass, but he himself did not explain clearly what it looked like. Now it seems that it is very possible that the Jiuyou Ice Grass is here nearby!

Thinking of this, Feng Hao's eyes became fiery, he searched for so long, isn't it for the Jiuyou Ice Grass?

However, at this moment, the ice layer exploded again, and the black shadow struck again, at an extremely fast speed. This time Feng Hao saw it directly, it was simply a tentacle, the tentacle of some kind of strange beast, but His heart is also extremely dignified. A tentacle is so long, so how terrifying is its real shape?

The tentacles came through the air, and there were countless densely packed tentacles on it, which glowed with black light and might contain poison. Presumably, once they were caught, there was almost no room for resistance.

"In that case, then I'll cut it off!" Feng Hao's eyes burst into divine light, and his fighting spirit spurred on. Immediately, a sharp energy blade condensed in his hand. He stomped his feet in the void, and the whole body People just burst out!

"Chi Chi Chi!"

But at this moment, the ice below broke apart suddenly again, and three or four identical tentacles reappeared, forming a pincer attack, attacking Feng Hao together!

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao's expression changed slightly, he glanced around, and found that he had almost no room to retreat, so he had no choice but to speed up and slash towards the tentacle in front of him!

Forcibly break through and cut off the tentacles!

Feng Hao did not choose to evade, but showed his strong side. The energy blade in his hand shone brightly, like the scorching sun in the sky, and the whole ice ocean trembled.


Feng Hao's speed was extremely fast, he came directly in front of that tentacle almost in the blink of an eye, and there was a burst of stench that made people sick, Feng Hao closed his breath slightly, looked at the tentacles He frowned tightly on the countless spikes. These abnormal smells emanated from these spikes, which made the energy in his body show signs of getting out of control, obviously a kind of poison.

The horror of this tentacle is beyond Feng Hao's imagination. He didn't expect it to contain such a strong poison. Immediately, his eyes froze, the energy blade in his hand fell, and he slashed directly, making a series of crisp sounds .

Accompanied by a few sporadic sparks, Feng Hao's expression changed drastically. The blow just now almost made his wrist crippled. This tentacle is too hard, even beyond his imagination. .

And that tentacle was also hit by Feng Hao. Although it didn't cut off the tentacle, it also caused him a lot of damage. At that moment, it retracted into the ice layer again, and Feng Hao also took advantage of it. This gap flashed out, avoiding the joint attack of the three or four tentacles behind him.

"Boom boom boom!"

After Feng Hao dodged the second attack, this terrifying beast seemed to be unable to hold back anymore, and the whole ice ocean was trembling!

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