Martial Inverse

Chapter 2365: Settlement

Chapter 2365 Settle accounts

Watching Xiao Qingmeng's departure, Feng Hao glanced over the other people, seeing the tearful eyes of his wives, his heart ached, knowing that he would disappear for a hundred years, he had to cry A few women, but fortunately, he is back now.

Afterwards, Feng Hao saw that the injuries on Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan were so obvious at this time, and the coldness in their eyes was a little bit more, although he knew that the injuries on these two people were so serious. It was caused by the Supreme Being of the Profound Dao Valley, but the group of powerful people from other races in front of him were also responsible.

Feng Hao didn't say anything, but walked to the two of them silently, a very pure blue energy emerged in the palm of his hand, this is the power of the Lingzhu, for the Lingzhu, since the punishment from God, he has I found that there was no trace of the Lingzhu in my body, but I could feel the power of the Lingzhu still existed.

The faint blue energy contained majestic vitality, and it directly entered the bodies of Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan. The next thing that surprised these two people happened was that the terrible injuries on their bodies were actually It is healing at an extremely frightening speed.

"Feng Hao, will this deplete your original source?" Although Huang Yuntian was astonished, he was also worried that healing Feng Hao's original source would suffer if he healed the two of them in this way.

"Yeah, the two of us can't die, don't waste your resources just because of our injuries." Liu Canyan also said aside, after reaching the realm of the Great Emperor, changes will occur in the body, and the power in the body will be transformed into A kind of power called origin, which is popularly known as "Emperor Qi".

For a great emperor, the power of the source is the most important, and the main difference between the strengths of the emperors depends on the size of the source energy.

"Don't worry, these won't consume my origin." Feng Hao also shook his head with a smile.

Because of the power of the Lingzhu, he also found that the majestic energy contained in the Lingzhu seems to be able to be used by himself, even if he is seriously injured like Huang Yuntian, once the power of the Lingzhu is infused, it will not take long. will be healed.

At this time, the powerhouses of other races looked at each other, and they all sensed that something was wrong. Now that the Supreme Master of Xuandao Valley has left, and I heard that the saint of Xuandao Valley has returned, so that means that this time, the matter of Xuandao Valley must be serious. Will not shoot again.

But they were sad, Xuandao Valley let go of it, but they are still on the opposite site, if it was the same as before, who would dare to stop the powerhouses of these races uniting?

However, today is different, not to mention how much shock Feng Hao's strong return has caused them, even the appearance of those supreme beings behind Feng Hao,

It was enough to deter them.

At this time, most of them already have the idea of ​​quitting, but dare to leave? Supreme hasn't even spoken to let them go. If they leave without authorization, no one will be able to bear Supreme's anger, especially the strong Wu Ling clan. I can't react, maybe I didn't destroy the human race today, but instead included my own Wuling family!

The atmosphere of silence shrouded the entire Shengtian Academy. Different from what happened just now, the faces of every human race in the entire Shengtian Academy were filled with excitement. They knew that Feng Hao, the leader of the human race, had returned. Naturally, there is no need to think about the worries.

The human race will no longer perish, because of Fenghao!

After treating Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan, Feng Hao glanced coldly at those strong men from their respective races, and smiled grimly: "Now let's settle the score properly."

Hearing what Feng Hao said, Huang Yuntian and Liu Canyan looked at each other and smiled strangely. On the contrary, looking at those strong men from various races, their expressions changed. They naturally knew very well what Feng Hao said. mean.

"Everyone, when you come to Shengtian Academy, you have to leave something before you leave." Feng Hao stood up and turned around to face the powerhouses of a dozen other races with a light smile.

"Feng Hao, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you want to be an enemy of a hundred clans?" The bald and strong man from the Moro clan was obviously panicked. Feng Hao was not afraid, but there were several supreme beings in their Watching behind him.

This is what makes them most afraid. Otherwise, even if Feng Hao returns, they would have left directly or continued to attack the human race.

"Enemies with hundreds of races?" Feng Hao raised a smile, looked at the dozen or so strong men from different races, shook his head and said, "I want to be enemies with you, but do you dare to be enemies with me?" ?”

At that moment, the faces of these people became extremely exciting, everyone's eyes showed anger, Feng Hao's words were too much! Does it mean that the hundred clans dare not be enemies with him? It's just a human race!

However, although these powerhouses were angry, they still restrained their actions, because the current situation is really as Feng Hao said, with the existence of these supreme beings, there is really no one among the hundreds of clans who can compete with them.

Unless the hundreds of races unite, otherwise it is impossible to attack the human race, Supreme, but this name already makes many people chill.

"What? Am I wrong? I'll just put my words here today. If you want to do something to the human race, just do it!" Feng Hao's attitude was unusually strong, and he didn't give these people any room to retreat.

However, it is also because of Feng Hao's strong attitude that the human races behind are very excited, especially Dongfang is waiting for the older generation of strong men, trembling all over. After so many years, the human race can finally become strong again, even if Even in the face of hundreds of clans, he is not afraid at all!

" was correct to regard Feng Hao as the leader of the human race at the beginning!" Dongfang Zheng said excitedly.

Others were very moved, especially Leng Yusen and After Shadow, Feng Hao is now the real emperor, but they are only half-step emperors, the gap between them has widened, and they used to be It can be discussed side by side with Feng Hao, but Feng Hao, who is now the great emperor, can completely face the two of them joining forces!

"Daddy said well, beat them to death, that bald man just now wanted to take advantage of Liu Canyan's sister!" Xiao Qingmeng was so happy to see Feng Hao being so strong behind her, she almost applauded.

"Is that so?" Feng Hao's eyes suddenly burst out with murderous intent, sweeping across the sky, the power of the emperor was completely diffused, making everyone change color!

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