Martial Inverse

Chapter 2375: The Response of the Zero Family

Chapter 2375 The reaction of hundreds of clans

This night, Feng Hao went completely crazy with this kind of woman. People say that a small farewell is better than a newly married, Feng Hao and these women can be regarded as parting for a whole hundred years. This night, even the gentle and virtuous Yu Ning It is also under the provocation of Feng Hao that she fully blooms her own charm.

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Hao got up early, looked at the girls who were still asleep, smiled at the corner of his mouth, straightened his clothes, and walked out of here.

However, Feng Hao saw Huang Yuntian hurriedly walking up and down in Shengtian Academy, as if something important happened, he also frowned immediately, could it be that something happened again?

At that moment, he also grabbed Huang Yuntian and asked him exactly what happened?

Huang Yuntian rolled his eyes when he saw Feng Hao appearing, and said with a smile, "Isn't a moment worth a thousand gold last night?"

Feng Hao patted the back of his head in embarrassment, he also smiled, and asked, "What's wrong? Seeing you looking so hasty, could something have happened?"

"Isn't it a good thing you did?" Huang Yuntian glared at Fenghao, and said with a smile: "It's good for you, you slept soundly all night, and the people of Shengtian Academy were worried all night last night."

"Huh? Why?" Feng Hao also showed a puzzled look, this is unusual, there are four supreme beings sitting in this Hundred Clan Continent, who dares to come to Shengtian Academy for trouble?

"It can't be said that you are looking for trouble, but because yesterday's news spread, it can be said to have shocked the entire continent of hundreds of races. Some races sent spies to check it out. You didn't see the situation last night. Lots of spies." Huang Yuntian rubbed his brows and said in distress.

Feng Hao was speechless for a while, it seems that his actions yesterday were too big, making many races among the hundreds of races restless, and even directly sent spies to Shengtian Academy to see what happened.

"Then what about them now?" Feng Hao couldn't help asking.

"It's all in the square. Most of the spies are not stupid enough to break into Shengtian Academy, but there are always some damned blind people who barged in abruptly and were all caught. Now they are all concentrated in the square. Where, now I just want to discuss with someone how to deal with these guys." Huang Yuntian said with a wry smile, this matter should not be careless, because these spies are all from various races among the hundreds of clans, and you don't have to kill them, don't kill them Nor is it.

"Come on, take me to see these people. I would like to know which races are so interested in our human race." Feng Hao smiled mysteriously, his eyes sparkling,

As if he was calculating something.

Seeing Feng Hao's expression, Huang Yuntian felt a sudden chill in his heart, Feng Hao looked like a little fox at this moment.

"Fine, you can figure it out. Anyway, this matter is related to you, so I'm too lazy to wipe your ass." Huang Yuntian shrugged his shoulders and said, simply handing the ball to Feng Hao, let him Solve it yourself.

Feng Hao was speechless for a while, this matter did not seem to have much to do with him, it seems that the appearance of the four supreme beings made those people feel unbelievable.

Afterwards, Huang Yuntian also brought Feng Hao to the square, but there was a group of about 30 people in black standing in the huge square, standing there dejectedly, surrounded by Shengtian Academy The guard, showing a look like an enemy.

In fact, these people in black are from various races in the Hundred Clans Continent, and their cultivation bases are not weak. If they were replaced by the previous human races, they would not be able to stop these spies from infiltrating, unless Huang Yuntian and others guarded them. But it can't stand so many people.

What's more, according to Huang Yuntian, the number of real spies is definitely more than this. There is a large group outside Shengtian Academy, and these are just stupid enough to come in directly.

The appearance of Feng Hao naturally caused a sensation. Now, in the eyes of everyone in Shengtian Academy, Feng Hao exists like a god, and even the existence of the God Master Realm can force him to retreat. This is simply comparable to a legend. You must know that he is nothing more than a great emperor now.

A great emperor is able to compete against the God Lord, if Feng Hao can reach the God Lord, then it will be fine?

"Meet Fengdi."

All the human guards knelt down neatly and respectfully called Fengdi to Fenghao! These black-clothed spies were taken aback by this aura, and immediately set their eyes on Feng Hao.

They are very interested in Feng Hao, the lord of the human race. The powerhouses of all races have said that they must pay attention to this lord of the human race. exist.

At this moment, they saw Feng Hao approaching with a smile on his face, but they had an indescribable feeling that he did not have the courage of a strong man at all. Is this the majestic leader of the human race? Legend has it that all the patriarchs of the hundred clans are afraid of it?

"Come and tell me one by one, which race are you all from?" Feng Hao waved his hand, making these guards back away, facing these black-clothed spies, most of them are half-step emperor-level cultivation bases, There is even the existence of a god-lord realm.

People have to wonder, are these hundreds of clans crazy? In order to spy on the news, even the existence of such a mainstay is photographed. It can be seen that the human race is making the hundred clans feel uneasy.

The rise of a behemoth will inevitably reshuffle the division of power in the Hundred Clans Continent, and before that, they want to determine whether the human race is really as rumored, with superpowers.

"Hmph, how dare a person in the Great Emperor Realm treat me like this?" However, at this moment, the God Lord Realm existence among the spies in black said coldly, he couldn't feel anything on Feng Hao. The strange breath made him puzzled.

"Who is this guy?"

Feng Hao turned his head with a smile and asked Huang Yuntian, a cold light flickered in his eyes.

"Oh, this was sent by the Wind Spirit Clan. To deal with this guy last night, it was one of the strong men you brought back. It's called the Black Fire Qilin Supreme. He was the one who directly shot this guy down." Huang Yuntian suppressed the smile in his heart, this guy was considered unlucky last night, he ran to the place where the Supreme Black Fire Qilin stayed, wasn't he seeking his own death?

"The Fengling clan?" Feng Hao nodded. The strength of this race is not weak among hundreds of clans. No wonder they can send out an existence in the realm of a divine master.

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