Martial Inverse

Chapter 2380 Bow your head

Chapter 2380 Bow Your Head

Feng Lingzi raised his head to the sky and screamed, his face suddenly turned pale, his arms... were actually cut off directly! Looking at the wound with almost no blood, Feng Lingzi also felt a kind of despair in his heart, he felt that there was an unusually hot energy that was constantly eroding his wound.

If this delay continued, there would be no possibility of his arms growing out!

"It's fine to break his arms, there's no need to do it." Feng Hao took a look and knew what was going on. At the same time, he looked at the black fire unicorn monarch respectfully. Things are too deadly.

After all, if it goes too far, then the human race is tantamount to provoking the race thoroughly, and then those races will be completely united to deal with the human race. This situation is not what Feng Hao wants to see, and it is not his original intention.

The Lord of the Black Fire Qilin nodded, and flicked his fingers lightly. Immediately, Feng Lingzi screamed, and at the wounds on his scorched black arms, there were two groups of black flames that looked like thin snakes coming from the wind. Lingzi's scorched black wound came off directly, and returned to the body of the black fire unicorn.

With the departure of the black flame, Feng Lingzi's face became a little pale, and his wound had already leaked a little blood, which made him breathe a sigh of relief, and finally Feng Hao didn't kill him.

However, before Feng Lingzi came back to his senses, Feng Hao's next words made his heart go cold.

"Come on, continue to tie him up and hang him at the gate of Shengtian Academy. Continue to inform the people of the Fengling clan. If they hurt you again, they will directly destroy this clan!"

Feng Lingzi's face was pale, a dignified existence of God Master Realm, but was hanged at the door by others, how could he survive? Especially for the Fengling clan, the existence of the two god master realms were tied directly at the door, which might make some races laugh.

But Feng Lingzi didn't resist, he didn't dare and couldn't, but there was still the supreme existence of the Black Fire Qilin Monarch beside him, if he made any changes, his fate would be one word, that is death!

Several human guards glanced at each other, but also tied up Feng Lingzi at this time and hung it up directly at the gate just like the previous strong man in the God Master Realm, which also made them feel very excited , this is a divine master.

Usually, when meeting these existences in the God Master Realm, which one would not bow their heads, but now they can be tied up and hung up, which is not a very happy thing.

"You, go to the Wind Spirit Clan again,

If they are ignorant of current affairs, then the next one will come is the Supreme! "Feng Hao casually pointed to a human guard, and said with a smile, this human guard happily went to the Fengling clan again.

Now these guards are not at all afraid of what the Wind Spirit Clan will do to them. No matter what, there is a supreme being sitting behind them. If you give the Wind Spirit Clan two guts, they will not dare to do anything. How many gods can a race have? At this moment, two of them were hung at the gate of Shengtian Academy. If the Fengling clan is so obsessed with obsession, then it is no wonder Fenghao.

The human race wanted to show their prestige, but your Fengling clan bumped into it so ignorant of the times, who is to blame.

Following the unlucky situation of the Fengling family this time, a strange scene appeared at the gate of Shengtian Academy. There were still some spies hidden nearby, so he took another deep breath at this time.

"No, we must strongly demand that the clan not face the human race forcefully!"

"If you can't make friends, you can't have any grudges. The human race is too scary!"

All of a sudden, the spies outside the Shengtian Academy finally left completely, and they didn't dare to stay near the human race at all, as if the human race was a purgatory here. The aura that came out made them all afraid of it.

Feeling that the aura around Shengtian Academy finally completely disappeared, Feng Hao raised his head leisurely and said with a smile: "These annoying flies finally disappeared."

"Hehe, why are you so afraid? With a few of us here, even if those races unite, they are not opponents at all. It's better to kill them directly in their lair." The voice of the Black Fire Qilin Monarch is filled with a chilling taste .

"What we want to do is to establish prestige, not massacre." Feng Hao shook his head and sighed: "And this is the idea of ​​Hongmeng Supreme and others. Although they didn't say it clearly, I can roughly guess that they What do you want to do?"

"Oh? What kind of tricks do these two old bastards want to play?" Hearing this, the Black Fire Qilin Monarch also laughed. Since this is meant by Primordial Priest, it must have other uses.

"If I'm not mistaken, Hongmeng Supreme wants to completely integrate the entire Hundred Clans Continent and fight against the Dao of Heaven!" Feng Hao's eyes flickered, and the tone of this sentence was deliberately lowered, after all, it sounded too shocking.

Hearing the word Tiandao, the face of the Black Fire Qilin Sovereign became more dignified. After thinking about it in his heart, he immediately realized that the imprisonment of today's Dao is gone, and the former strong has been revived again. This is for Tiandao , is not a good news.

It is even conceivable that in the near future, the Dao of Heaven will even trigger another catastrophe, which will sweep across the Hundred Clans Continent, and even the Penglai World, and the first to bear the brunt is the existence of these Supreme Beings, and even the God Master Realm!

"I'll find out in half a month, just wait." Feng Hao also smiled mysteriously.

At this time, because of the actions of Feng Hao and the Black Fire Qilin Monarch, the two powerhouses of the God Master Realm were hung at the door, which caused a greater shock to other races. After several hours, people of some races finally came forward Come get someone.

Different from Feng Lingzi of the Fengling clan, these people already deeply know that the human race must not be provoked at this time, so everyone who comes has a high status, some are even contemporary patriarchs, or some elders, they They all came here in a low voice, and even brought some rare treasures in exchange for their own clansmen.

Feng Hao looked at these people with a smile, and his heart was also happy. Obediently, this time he made a lot of money. First, he can gain prestige, and second, he can get a lot of benefits. These races dare not have any opinions at all.

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