Martial Inverse

Chapter 2286 Arrangement

Chapter 2286 Arrangement

Looking at the back of Feng Shenzi leaving in a hurry, the smile on Feng Hao's face gradually froze. This matter sounds easy to solve, but in fact it is still very troublesome. The human race has a supreme being in charge, and there is quite a lot of pressure, not to mention that Xuandao Valley will intervene at that time.

"The situation of this matter is a bit subtle." Hongmeng Supreme sighed, he didn't expect Xuandao Valley to arrange the situation in advance to target the human race, especially after they appeared, the time for them to act was even earlier Quite a lot.

"But it's good, at least we know, and they don't know that we know, this is our advantage." The Supreme Good and Evil also smiled.

At this time, Huang Yuntian, Dongfang Zheng, and even Supreme Sun Hao and others had already appeared, because Feng Hao notified them to come, saying that there was something important to discuss, and all of them appeared now.

After Huang Yuntian and the others heard the news, they also expressed their shock. Obediently, he almost became the public enemy of a hundred clans. He himself was still in a daze and didn't know the situation. This was the worst.

"Damn it, these races...are going to be so vicious and unite to destroy the human race!" Huang Yuntian gritted his teeth and said, he valued the human race more than anyone else, and when he learned that there is such a shocking conspiracy waiting for the human race, he naturally felt the same. With anger, I wish I could kill him immediately.

"There is nothing impossible with the temptation of profit." Dongfangzheng seemed to see it clearly, and sighed: "In fact, I have already expected this point, but I didn't expect it to be so severe, even worse than I expected. more serious."

Dongfangzheng had expected this a long time ago, because Feng Hao's strong rise gave hope to the human race, and naturally some races did not want the human race to return to its previous peak, so they would definitely do something wrong, but they did not expect that this time even Penglai The giant forces of the world are also involved.

"So we have to find a solution now, otherwise we will be very passive in half a month." Feng Hao said helplessly, the most important thing in front of him is to find a suitable way to make these people fall hard once!

That's the only way to let them know that it hurts, and they will never attack the human race again, otherwise, it will be futile.

"I think it's possible to ask Ling Xiaofeng to come forward? After all, Ling Xiaofeng is also one of the two giant forces." Huang Yuntian frowned.


Supreme Master Hongmeng, Supreme Good and Evil, and Feng Hao all said in unison at the same time, expressing that it is absolutely impossible.

Everyone was astonished. Could it be that even Ling Xiaofeng was a threat? But the relationship between Feng Hao and Ling Xiaofeng seems to be quite good, and even sent a strong person to help last time, although it didn't work.

"You have underestimated the power of giants in the Penglai world. Outsiders don't know about the existence of such connections between Xuandao Valley and Lingxiao Peak." Hongmeng Supreme coughed a few times and said, "I know this best. Once Ling Xiaofeng is notified, it is very likely that Xuan Daogu will also know, and we will not be able to detect how things will change by then."

Huang Yuntian and others fell silent. At this moment, it seemed that the human race was isolated, and everyone seemed to be dealing with the behemoth of the human race that was about to rise again. Because of Feng Hao's appearance, many people were already restless.

"Maybe it can be like this." The Supreme Being of Hongmeng rubbed his brows and said, "The only one who can rely on us now is ourselves. We must not let other forces know about this matter."

"If Xuan Dao Valley doesn't intervene, we can indeed solve this matter by ourselves. After all, with the supreme being in charge, those guys will not take risks, but the problem now is, once Xuan Dao Valley arrives at that time, the strong will hold you back." , I am afraid that the human race alone will not be able to face the unity of so many forces from hundreds of races." Feng Hao said distressedly.

"We have another advantage." The Supreme Being of Good and Evil smiled and said, "They thought we only had four Supreme Beings, but they didn't know that there were actually five Supreme Beings!"

While saying this, Feng Hao and the others were all brightened! Yes, and fairy!

On that day, Fenghao made a strong return, accompanied by Hongmeng Supreme and others to let everyone know that four Supremes appeared in the human race! This point must have convinced Xuandao Valley and Baizu, but Xian'er did not show up that day.

But relying on this alone, it became the trump card of the human race!

"If the guess is correct, Xuandao Valley will send some strong people to contain the four of us, and the united races among the hundreds of races will directly deal with the human race. When we are restrained, we will not be able to intervene." Hongmeng Supreme Smiled, this strategy has to be said to be very simple, but it is extremely deadly to the human race!

If there is no Xian'er, even if they know about this, it will still cause Feng Hao and others a headache. Once the Supreme is restrained, the human race does not have much strength to deal with the union of hundreds of races.

But now the situation has become favorable to the human race. No one knows that there is still a supreme being among the human race. Once it appears at that time, those races among the hundreds of races may be severely intimidated.

"In addition to this, there must be other actions to cooperate, and the hostility of the human race will be minimized as much as possible!" Hongmeng Supreme also took a deep breath.

"What do you mean...?" Feng Hao squinted his eyes, and guessed in his heart what Supreme Master Hongmeng wanted to say, but he was not sure whether it was feasible or not.

"He wants to unite more races to deal with us, so what we have to do is to unite more races. If we can even directly instigate the opposite like the Wind Spirit Clan, then those people's faces will probably become very angry. Wonderful." Supreme Master Hongmeng also said with a smile.

"However, if this is to be done, there must be very high requirements for the races to be united, and it is absolutely impossible to let Xuan Daogu and others know in advance, otherwise it will be useless." The Supreme Good and Evil added beside him.

Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, and many thoughts flashed in his mind. He seemed to be thinking about which race among the hundreds of races is worth wooing. Those who can agree with this condition must be the allies of the human race. Second, it cannot be ranked too high among the hundred races, and third, it must be determined that this race has not been found by that black hand.

Only by satisfying these three points can he become a helper for the human race, which makes Feng Hao quite a headache.

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