Martial Inverse

Chapter 2389: Encounter

() Chapter 2389 Encounter

Even Feng Hao was interrogated twice. Although he was not noticed, Feng Hao also knew that Thunder God City was really heavily guarded at this time. If he wanted to do something, it might still be a bit difficult.

Feng Hao stood on the street, raised his head and looked at a series of lofty buildings in the distance, his face revealed some vague expressions of fear, he sensed that there were several powerful auras entrenched in that piece of buildings , should be the so-called Supreme Elder of the Lei Ling clan.

"Two powerhouses in the God Master Realm, one Great Emperor" Feng Hao lowered his head slightly, and immediately knew that the background of the Lei Ling clan was relatively small compared to other races, and they only had two God Master Realm existences, and They are all the next gods.

"Forget it, find a place to stay and wait until it gets dark." Feng Hao took a look at the sky, it was already close to dusk, and now he found a random inn to live in. He originally wanted to stay in the inn However, because the atmosphere in Shencheng was too serious, almost no one dared to talk about it, so Feng Hao did not encounter any valuable news.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the entire city of God also gradually calmed down. The city of Thunder God at night was still dead silent, and it was pitch black everywhere, only the sound of whoosh piercing through the air could be heard from time to time, which was the darkness of the city of Thunder God. Hide the strong.

It gradually entered the middle of the night, and Feng Hao, who had been sitting cross-legged in the room, opened his eyes suddenly, took a deep breath, put on a black night clothes, and prepared to visit Thunder God Palace at night.

The concealment of the aura in Feng Hao's body is almost perfect, unless it is the powerhouse of the Dzogchen God Master Realm, it is possible to detect his existence. Even on the road, Feng Hao moved forward quietly, and met several waves of powerhouses patrolling back and forth. But none of them were able to successfully discover Feng Hao.

Looking around, he was already approaching the Thunder God Palace. At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the air in front of him, and it was quite dense. It was obviously more than one person. For safety, Feng Hao also put his figure in front of him. Hidden in the darkness, no one can detect it.

Five guards in silver-white armor came from a distance, their aura was not weak, and the leader of them was actually the existence of Banbu Great Emperor.

However, when this group of people passed through Feng Hao's vicinity, they stopped suddenly, which made Feng Hao hold his breath, what's going on.

"Commander, why did you stop?" One of them asked inexplicably, and immediately glanced around but found no possible signs.

"There are people around here." The leader said coldly,

The eyes are almost extremely sharp, even in the dark night, they still flicker past from time to time.

Hearing what he said, the expressions of the four guards behind him also changed suddenly, and immediately showed alert expressions, their eyes kept scanning the surrounding dark environment, but they didn't notice anything wrong place.

"Come out, I've already noticed your aura." The commander suddenly said loudly, making Feng Hao, who was hiding in the dark, frown. Did this guy really find himself? Impossible, one and a half Emperor Bu could never detect his breath.

There was still silence all around, not to mention people, not even a ghost, let alone anyone hiding in the darkness, except of course Feng Hao.

Feng Hao's expression fluctuates, he is constantly thinking in his heart, he can't figure out whether this guy really found himself, although it is obviously impossible, but the other party just happened to say this not far from where he stayed, it is really Very suspicious.

At this moment, Feng Hao's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and his eyes were fixed on a certain dark place in front of him. He caught a faint breath just now, and there was actually someone there.

"Prince, don't forget, I grew up with you, and I cultivated the same mentality, your breath can't hide from me."

The leader at the head also sighed suddenly, Feng Hao was in a trance, hey, he was so lucky, he just came out and met a so-called patricide prince, now it seems that there is no need to go deep into Thunder God Palace.

Following this sentence, there was a sudden sigh in the darkness, full of helplessness.

There was a sound in the dark place not far in front of Feng Hao, a rather young figure gradually came out of the darkness, the bright moonlight shone on his face, let Feng Hao see the blood-stained face The body, and those tired eyes.

"Lei Tian, ​​I didn't expect that I couldn't hide it from you in the end." The person who appeared suddenly also sighed, his expression a little sad.

"Prince, follow me to Thunder God Palace." The guard commander named Lei Tian also showed a helpless look.

"You know that I won't even die when I go back. Those people dared to attack even my father, let alone me." The prince of the Lei Ling clan was a little distressed, and immediately looked at Lei Tian, ​​​​and said: " Lei Tian, ​​only you can help me now."

"Prince." Lei Tian's voice suddenly raised a few degrees, looked at the prince and said, "You know, the Supreme Elder has taken over the Leishen Palace now, and our guards can only follow orders."

"Lei Tian, ​​do you also think that I killed my father?" The prince obviously became agitated.

"I don't know, I am the guard of Thunder God Palace, and I must obey orders." Lei Tian also showed a complicated look in his eyes. For the prince, who grew up with him, he couldn't believe that he would treat him His father started, but he was arrested and returned, this is an order.

"Lei Tian, ​​you have disappointed me so much. Don't tell me you don't know the intentions of those elders at this time." The prince said disappointedly.

"I'm just a guard, and I'm following the orders of Thunder God Palace." Lei Tian felt helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

"You know I won't be caught without a fight." The prince's expression gradually turned cold, and there was a kind of unyielding in those sharp eyes. When Feng Hao saw this kind of eyes, he knew in his heart that the Lei Ling clan's There is definitely an inside story behind the matter, and the prince's eyes alone would never kill his own father.

"Prince, don't force me to wait. This place is not far from Thunder God Palace. If there is any movement, countless guards will be attracted." Lei Tian said in a low voice.

"No matter what, I will not give in." An unyielding aura erupted from the prince's body, and his eyes were fixed on Lei Tian and his party.

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