Martial Inverse

Chapter 2391 Help

Chapter 2391 help

The prince of the Lei Ling family looked at Feng Hao in astonishment, and for some reason, a look of horror appeared in his heart. Facing Feng Hao, he had no ability to resist at all, because he sensed the thunder attribute power in his body, At this moment, it was unexpectedly suppressed abruptly.

"You....Who are you?!" the prince stammered authentically, psychologically full of shock at the sudden appearance of Feng Hao, a mysterious person.

"Come with me, if you don't leave, those old fellows in Thunder God Palace will be disturbed, and it will not be easy if you want to leave." Feng Hao smiled slightly, also said with a smile, turned around and left.

The prince froze on the spot, seeming to be weighing in his heart. In the end, he also gritted his teeth and followed directly. He knew that if Feng Hao wanted to mistreat him, he would have done it long ago. But now Feng Hao's expression seems to be He wants to help himself, although he doesn't know what the purpose is, but this is his last hope!

The prince's face turned pale, and he glanced at the Leishen Palace, which looked like a giant in the dark night, and turned his head away cruelly, following Feng Hao's back!

However, after Feng Hao left for a while, the space here suddenly distorted, and a vague figure suddenly appeared in the night sky, wearing gorgeous clothes, giving people an aura of calmness and self-prestige .

"Huh?" After the figure appeared, it frowned immediately, glanced at the black residue left on the ground, squeezed it a few times, and its expression changed suddenly, and it said to itself: "They are all dead."

And at this time, the space next to him was also distorted one after another, and another figure appeared, it was a woman, and when she saw that there was no one here, her face also changed suddenly.

"It's too late, they are all dead." The man sighed softly, and the black ash in his hand drifted away with the wind.

"Lei Tian is dead?" The woman frowned. She was able to kill Lei Tian silently. At least they had to be in the God Master Realm to be able to do this. Other gods?

"It's such a powerful thunder attribute power, I don't know who it is?" The man was also a little worried, glanced at the woman and said: "Lei Feng, continue to block Thunder God City, and absolutely must not let the scapegoat escape!"

The woman named Lei Feng also nodded, and immediately the two disappeared here again. They are the Supreme Elders of the Lei Ling Clan, two experts in the Divine Master Realm!

But after they left, two figures gradually came out from the nearby darkness, they were Feng Hao and the prince!

"Ha ha,

Did you see that, the two god masters want to deal with you, it seems that you are in a bad situation. "Feng Hao also said with a smile, he knew that once the battle was resolved, the opponent would definitely come in a short time, so he didn't leave immediately, but relied on his perfect aura to hide in the dark, even The two supreme beings are undetectable.

The prince took a deep breath, looked at Feng Hao and said, "Can you help me?"

"Of course I can do what I said, but you have to tell me everything you know first." Feng Hao smiled slightly, then looked around and shook his head, saying: "This is not a place to talk, talk to me bring it on."

The prince nodded silently, and immediately followed Feng Hao and completely disappeared into the darkness, and the entire Thunder God City returned to silence again.

Feng Hao and the prince returned to the inn silently. During this process, no one knew about it. No one expected that the prince would hide in the inn.

After returning to the room, Feng Hao also saw clearly how embarrassed this so-called prince of the Thunder Spirit Clan was at this moment, covered in blood, disheveled hair, and even emitting a foul smell from time to time.

"Go and clean up first. Look at you, you don't look like a prince." Feng Hao not only shook his head, it seems that the prince is also in a desperate situation. If he didn't come in time, he might still Really suffer.

Hearing this, the prince looked at himself, nodded in embarrassment, and immediately went to wash it up, and even changed into clean clothes before appearing in front of Feng Hao.

Feng Hao smiled slightly, and said: "Now you are a human being, it seems that you will not be cornered during this period of time."

"Yes, I have been like a bereaved dog during this time, but the entire Thunder God City has no place for me!" The prince also shook his head and smiled bitterly. As a prince of a race, he has been reduced to such a point that he has to It's extremely sad.

"Come on, tell me what happened." Feng Hao also smiled slightly.

"Who are you? Can you tell me?" The prince's face turned serious. He really needed Feng Hao's help, but before that, he also wanted to know Feng Hao's identity.

"The lord of the human race, Feng Hao!"

Feng Hao didn't hide anything, and directly revealed his identity.

A look of astonishment appeared on the prince's face, and he exclaimed in shock: "You are the master of the human race, Feng Hao!!?"

"I don't think anyone in the Hundred Clans Continent has the interest to imitate me." Feng Hao said with a smile: "Now you should be able to tell me everything."

"What you used just now was the power of divine punishment? No wonder the power of the thunder attribute in my body cannot be mobilized!" The prince's expression was startled, and he also showed the original expression.

Feng Hao smiled and said nothing, the prince is only half a step into the realm of a great emperor, it would be a bit of a joke to want to fight against him, even if the two are in the same realm, the prince is definitely not a match for the strength in his body.

"Since you are the lord of the human race, I am here to ask you, if you can help me and my father, the Lei Ling clan will be the vassal of the human race and live forever!" After the prince learned of Feng Hao's identity, he also Kneel down and swear!

Feng Hao was also stunned by this kind of action, and immediately helped him up, saying: "Get up first and then talk."

"No, if the lord of the human race doesn't agree to my request, I won't be able to kneel!" The prince gritted his teeth and said, a majestic prince kneeling to others already caused him a great loss of self-esteem.

Seeing this appearance, Feng Hao suddenly had some clear understanding of this matter in his heart, and sighed: "Get up, no matter what, what the human race needs is not a vassal race, but an ally!"

Hearing this, the prince was shocked all over, and he also heard the meaning of Feng Hao's words.

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