Martial Inverse

Chapter 2397: Critical moment

Chapter 2397 Critical moment

The power of the nine-color scourge entered the body of the Lord of Thunder Ling, and it seemed to resonate with the power in the body of the Lord of Thunder Ling. It actually caused the long-silent energy in the Lord of Thunder Ling to circulate again stand up.

This situation naturally surprised Feng Hao, but he suddenly realized that what he contained in his body was the power of divine punishment, but what was in the main body of Thunder Spirit was the power of thunder attribute. Although these two kinds of power are not at the same level , but they belong to the same origin, and this will resonate, which is similar to the situation when Feng Hao sent a fortune to the prince before.

As the power in the main body of Thunder Spirit continuously resonated with the power of divine punishment in Feng Hao's body, Feng Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that the mass of gray energy entrenched in the heart of Lord Thunder Spirit seemed to be timid. Intent, there was a reaction of gradually shrinking, "This is what I want." Feng Hao smiled, and immediately reacted, and immediately increased his strength, constantly instilling the power in his body, the blue energy of the Lingzhu Combined with the nine-colored power of divine punishment.

This kind of effect is also remarkable, even the prince who is not far away can feel that his father's breath is gradually waking up, and he can't help showing joy!

Feng Hao made some estimates in his mind. When he sensed it, he found that the mass of gray energy in the heart of the Lord of Thunder Spirit had gradually weakened, and could no longer cause any damage to the Lord of Thunder Spirit's body. !

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't take half of the disappearance at all, but it will be able to completely wipe out this gray energy, so that the Lord of Thunder Spirit can wake up!

But what Feng Hao didn't expect was that the situation in the main body of Thunder Spirit was gradually changing, and someone in another place of Thunder God Palace couldn't sit still.

In the dimly lit room, he suddenly opened his eyes and said in astonishment, "Oops! Someone unlocked my poison!?"

Lei Feng and the other person were also awakened, and they all looked at him in surprise, not knowing what happened.

"Lei Huang, didn't you say that no one can understand your Su Gu San?" Lei Feng's face also became completely gloomy, and the situation became a little bad now.

"I don't know either. That mysterious strong man gave me this poison. Unless I have the antidote in my hand, no one can cure it. What's going on?" It also becomes ugly.

"Then what are you waiting for, rush to the Silver Thunder Palace immediately, otherwise things will change if it is too late!" The last elder also said in a deep voice, if they don't rush over now, once the Lord of Thunder Spirit is revived, then they The plan is completely in vain!

To know,

The rules of the Thunder Spirit clan are very strange, no matter what, including the tens of millions of guards in the Thunder God Palace, only the Lord of Thunder Spirit obeys! They will not be in charge of the orders of the elders, if they did not attack the Lord of Thunder Spirit this time, otherwise they would not be able to beat the guards of Thunder God Palace at all!

Lei Huang and Lei Feng looked at each other, nodded, and then each nodded their heads. If they waited like this, once the Lord of Thunder Spirit woke up, the scheme of the three of them would be exposed.

They already knew clearly that there was another mysterious God Lord Realm involved in this incident. If the Lord of Thunder Spirit woke up, he would be able to suppress the two of them by relying on him as the middle God Lord.

At that moment, the three figures also rushed out, appearing in the sky above the Thunder God Palace. Looking at the Silver Thunder Palace, which was still patrolled by guards, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it on the surface. , At this time, there is no breath at all!

"This group of trash!" Lei Huang gritted his teeth and said, they were all sneaked in, but the guards outside couldn't detect it at all!

The faces of Lei Feng and the other Supreme Elder were not much better either. If Lei Feng hadn't placed a restriction in the Yinlei Palace in advance, otherwise they would not have been able to notice that someone had sneaked in silently.

Lei Huang's face turned pale, and he casually shot out a burst of energy, which bloomed brightly in mid-air, as gorgeous as fireworks. This scene immediately shook the entire Thunder God Palace!

All the patrolling guards on the bright side or the guards hiding in the dark all showed up one after another and gathered around the three Supreme Elders!

"Someone has already sneaked into the Silver Thunder Hall, and you people don't even know about it?" Lei Huang scolded angrily. The group of guards all looked at each other with shock in their eyes, but they didn't notice that someone sneaked in at all.

"Thunder God Palace is on high alert, open the barrier, and prohibit everyone from entering and leaving!" Lei Huang also issued an order directly, his eyes looked at the Silver Thunder Palace, and gradually a killing intent emerged, this time whether it is Both the crown prince and the Lord of Thunder Spirit must die!

At the moment, the entire Thunder God Palace was alarmed. Above the Thunder God Palace, a bright light curtain appeared, seemingly indestructible. This is the housekeeping card of the Thunder Spirit Clan. It is said that it can stop the existence of the supreme level. hit!

And the changes in the Thunder God Palace naturally made the prince in the Silver Thunder Palace suddenly alert. He saw the bright light curtain appearing in the night sky outside from the window, and a bad idea appeared in his heart.

"No, they have already noticed!" The prince also whispered, not knowing what was going on in his heart, the other party had already noticed before half an hour had passed, disrupting their plan.

At the same time, he noticed that three extremely powerful auras were gradually approaching the Silver Thunder Hall! It was those three Supreme Elders!

"Damn it, something must have gone wrong." The prince's face turned livid, he clenched his fists, and looked at Feng Hao with his eyes still closed, but his father, the Lord of Thunder Spirit, showed no sign of waking up. .

As the three huge auras gradually approached, the prince's face gradually calmed down, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to face two divine masters and a great emperor, but he couldn't back down!

"Even now, I don't have the ability to turn around. Father, please forgive the child for taking the first step!"

The prince's expression became cold, the energy of the whole body began to surge violently, and some bright thunder lights gradually appeared on the surface of the body, vaguely with nine colors, but it was very dim, and it was impossible to detect it if you were not careful.

Unknowingly, even the prince himself didn't realize that the bottleneck of his cultivation seemed to be showing signs of loosening!

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