Martial Inverse

Chapter 2401 Tell the whole story

Chapter 2401 Tell the whole story

The Lord of Lei Ling did not kill Lei Feng, but said in an indifferent voice: "Lei Feng, you are also the Supreme Elder after all, do you really think that you can revitalize the Lei Ling clan by relying on Xuan Dao Valley? ?”

Lei Feng's expression was gloomy, and she shook her head. No matter how much she said so far, it was useless to win the king or lose the bandit. She lost, it's that simple.

"Tell me everything you know, otherwise I don't mind using some strong methods to deal with you." Feng Hao's expression did not change at all, he was not interested in the affairs of the Lei Ling clan, and he did not plan to intervene. Help everything is for the human race.

Lei Feng raised his head, looked at Feng Hao with a hint of contempt, and said, "I don't want to say, do you have the ability to force me?"

"Presumptuous! Lei Feng." The Lord of Thunder Spirit immediately scolded, Feng Hao is now his savior, so naturally Lei Feng's attitude cannot be tolerated, and he knows better than anyone else that Feng Hao is terrifying .

"You can try." Feng Hao laughed, and immediately a layer of nine-colored thunder appeared on the surface of his body, constantly lingering around, filled with a terrifying and amazing aura, making the entire Thunder God Palace completely filled with a kind of Furious breath.

This time, Feng Hao didn't hold anything back, he mobilized all the power of divine punishment in his whole body, and the resulting suppression of momentum was completely incomparable with the previous one.

Lei Feng stared blankly at Feng Hao at this moment. For some reason, she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. She could sense that if Feng Hao wanted to deal with her, he might really have something to do. various means.

"Lei Feng, tell it all, don't forget, today's human race still has four supreme beings sitting in town, today is Feng Hao's arrival, if it is the supreme descending, it is very likely that your stupid behavior will be for the entire Lei Feng. The spirit clan will bring destruction!"

The Lord of Thunder Spirit also sighed. Today's human race is too popular, and it has to be said that it makes the hundred races afraid. Once the four supreme beings come out, who else in the Hundred Races Continent can stop them?

"I advise you to speak out, otherwise you will only be asking for trouble." Feng Hao smiled slightly, with a cruel arc on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Maybe I can't take your life, but don't forget Now, the human race of today is not the human race of the past!"

When Lei Feng heard the words, he was like a thunderstorm, and the whole person fell silent. It is true that Fenghao alone has made the human race become a few people, not to mention that there are still four supreme beings sitting in the human race!

"Promise me one condition, and I'll say it!" Lei Feng gritted his teeth and said,

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of implicating the entire race.

"If the human race is here, the Leiling clan will be here!" Feng Hao also knew what she was thinking in her heart, and immediately gave a promise. This sentence shocked the Lord of Thunder Ling and Lei Feng.

The Lord of Thunder Ling sighed, just based on Feng Hao's words, the human race will inevitably rise in the future, and it is impossible to deal with him simply by Xuandaogu's manipulation behind the scenes. Xuandaogu's imagination of the situation in the Hundred Clans Continent is too simple up.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything I said to you!" Lei Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, with Feng Hao's guarantee, at least he doesn't have to worry about what the human race will do to the Lei Ling clan in the future.

Feng Hao nodded, sighed secretly, these three people just couldn't understand the situation, if dealing with the human race could make his Lei Ling clan rise up, then the Hundred Clan Continent would have been in chaos long ago.

"I want to know how many races are involved in this matter!" Feng Hao asked in a deep voice, he must clarify this issue, otherwise it will affect some future decisions.

"You don't know?" Lei Feng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, if Feng Hao didn't know the specific list, how would he find the head of the Lei Ling clan?

"I know part of it." Feng Hao shook his head, looked at Lei Feng and said, "Don't try to hide anything, I know a lot, and this counterattack, I am not alone, the other four Supremes have already set off, you It should be fortunate that I am the one who came to the Thunder Spirit Clan, if it is Supreme, you can imagine that the current Thunder Spirit Clan would have ceased to exist long ago!"

Hearing what Feng Hao said, the Lord of Thunder Spirit's heart skipped a beat. If the supreme being really descended...the consequences would be unimaginable!

Lei Feng's face was full of horror, and she calmed down after a while. It was only then that she realized how stupid it was to allow those experts from Xuan Dao Valley to participate in this plan.

At first I thought it was done without anyone noticing, but who would have guessed that the human race had already noticed something, and even knew which races were involved. At that moment, Lei Feng shook his head, sighed and told all he knew .

After a while, Lei Feng finished all he knew, and at this time Feng Hao was also in deep thought. According to what Lei Feng said and what he knew, at least in this incident, There are more than one hundred races involved!

Moreover, even many of the top-ranked races among the hundred races participated silently, and outsiders could not detect any clues at all.

"I've already said what I know. If you want to kill, you can do whatever you want!" Lei Feng felt helpless when she saw Feng Hao's expression. She knew what she had done. It must be impossible to bear her any longer.

Death may be her end.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill you." Feng Hao raised his head slowly, but his words were astonishing, which made Lei Feng stunned.

The Lord of Thunder Ling next to him also breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, two of the three Supreme Elders have died, and Lei Feng is the last one. He is also unwilling to take action against Lei Feng, after all, this is Lei Ling. The background of the family.

The Lord of Thunder Spirit was also thinking in his heart before, if Feng Hao insisted on killing Lei Feng, he would even come up with some conditions in exchange, as long as Feng Hao didn't attack Lei Feng, but he didn't expect that it would be like this easily.

"Although I don't kill you, it's because you are still useful to me." Feng Hao looked at Lei Feng calmly and said, "As for your life and death, the decision is not mine, but the Lord of Thunder Spirit!"

Lei Feng looked at Feng Hao silently for a long time, and then heaved a long sigh, which seemed to contain endless regret.

"If I see you sooner, I will definitely not agree to Xuan Dao Valley." Lei Feng smiled bitterly, Feng Hao gave her the feeling that she was even more dangerous than Xuan Dao Valley.

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