Martial Inverse

Chapter 2403: The Creation of One Sentence

Chapter 2403 The Good Fortune of One Word

Fengmeng! A newly born force in Feng Hao's hands will inevitably sweep the entire Hundred Clans Continent in the future!

The world is not the wind alliance!

Feng Hao's ambition is also sufficient, he wants to bring the human race to an unprecedented height! Even... even become an ancient force that can be with Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng for an unknown amount of time!

Of course, this is still far away, but Feng Hao knows that he can only work hard to achieve this goal, because he has too many shoulders.

At this time, the most dazzling thunder burst out in the night sky of the entire Thunder God Palace, and even passed through the restriction of the Thunder God Palace, terrifying fluctuations swept across the entire Thunder God City!

In the face of the power of the divine scourge, it seemed that there was no possibility of any resistance from the prohibition of the Thunder God Palace, so the Lord of Thunder Spirit pondered for a while, and simply removed this layer of prohibition, and let his son face this final divine scourge!

At this time, the prince also erupted with an unprecedented aura. Looking at the thunderclouds rolling in the sky at this time, and feeling the gradually terrifying aura, he knew very well in his heart that he still had the last hurdle. If he survives, then he is qualified to become the pinnacle of this world!

Of course, it's just a qualification, everything depends on his own good fortune!

"Can you make it through?" The Lord of Thunder Spirit also looked at the night sky that was like daytime with a worried expression. The scourge suffered by his son was far beyond what he had experienced at the beginning.

In the heart of the Lord of Thunder Spirit, there is both comfort and worry. The stronger the scourge a person faces, it means that he can even go further in the future!

But what he was worried about was whether his son would be able to survive this last scourge?

"It's okay, he can do it." Feng Hao smiled mysteriously beside him, but he had stronger confidence in the prince in his words.

The Lord of Thunder Spirit's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he looked at Feng Hao full of gratitude. He knew that he was able to wake up because of Feng Hao's ability. Then it will definitely work!


The thunderclouds in the night sky were all compressed to a certain point, and finally all the thunderclouds disappeared, turning into a black divine thunder and crashing down.

Wherever it passed, the space was torn apart, and an invisible space storm was forming. Even Feng Hao and the others, who were far apart, were aware of the terrifying power contained in this thunderstorm.

"Black Fiend God's Scourge, it's actually this kind of God's Scourge?!" The Lord of Thunder Spirit showed a horrified look on his face, obviously he was quite familiar with the origin of this black divine thunder, because the Thunder Spirit Clan recorded that the one who created the Thunder Spirit Clan in the first place A divine lord, the scourge encountered is the black evil scourge!


The prince's unwilling and angry roar resounded throughout Thunder God City, and immediately rushed into this black evil scourge, struggling hard!

Feng Hao smiled slightly at the side, but he didn't say much. His own nine-pole scourge was even more terrifying at the beginning. This black evil scourge is nothing. If he can't even bear this kind of scourge, then the prince will He was so disappointed.

The black divine thunder was roaring, drowning everything, and the prince was not visible at all. If his berserk aura was not still there, even the Lord of Thunder Spirit would think that the prince could not hold on long ago.

After this situation continued for a while, a nine-color light suddenly emerged from the black divine thunder!

The pupils of the Lord of Thunder Ling widened suddenly, staring at the extremely faint nine-color light, and then his eyes turned to Feng Hao's body. Although the power of those colors is also full of violent and destructive power , but the Lord of Thunder Spirit knew that the kind of power Feng Hao possessed must be the nine-colored light that appeared in the Heisha Divine Thunder at this time!

"Okay, you can rest assured now." Feng Hao smiled slightly, and after seeing the appearance of the nine-color light, he also looked at the Lord of Thunder Spirit with a smile and said.

The Lord of Thunder Spirit froze for a moment, okay? that's it?

As Feng Hao said, after a while, the terrifying force of divine scourge that kept rolling in the midair gradually calmed down, and the night sky returned to darkness again, but the prince still didn't move at all.

A mass of black divine thunder seemed to have completely merged into the night sky, forming a chrysalis-like existence. Obviously the prince was inside at this time!

"The prince's aptitude is good, congratulations to the Lord of Thunder Spirit." Feng Hao also turned around and said with a smile, the prince had to say that his aptitude is really good, he just made a random call, but he didn't think he could really do it.

The nine-color light that appeared in the Heisha God's Scourge just now is the power of the Nine-Extreme God's Scourge that Feng Hao left behind on the prince, and it even contains the power of the Lingzhu. Only when the prince is most dangerous Only then will it have an effect.

By accident, it was effective when he survived the last black evil, which was beyond Feng Hao's expectation, because he hadn't guessed before that the prince would see through life and death, but instead It has entered the promotion stage.

And before the other party received the scourge, he even said that it would be best for the other party to try to fuse the power of the scourge, and it would be best if he could refine it. He didn't expect the crown prince to really do it. But the prince really did it at this moment, not only withstood the scourge of Heisha, but also began to gradually refine and fuse the power of this scourge!

That is to say, the prince can even have the same ability as Feng Hao in the future. Once the refining is successful, the prince will be able to manipulate the power of divine punishment!

Although it is only the Black Fiend God's Scourge, its power is certainly not comparable to that of the Jiuji God's Scourge, but it is also extremely amazing. This is equivalent to opening up a brand new path of cultivation. Once you are promoted to the God Lord, you can use the same method!

Feng Hao's words created a different kind of strong man just like him! It can even be said that this method is effective for the Thunder Spirit family, because this group of people are born to cultivate the power of the thunder attribute, and they have a great advantage in fighting against the punishment of heaven or the punishment of heaven itself.

After waiting for about half an hour, the black scourge in the night sky finally completely disappeared, and the figure of the prince finally appeared. Although his clothes were torn and his face was covered with blood, his expression was Revealed a kind of ecstasy.

ps: The violent change week is here. I have been silent for many months. Now I have the cheek to ask for votes. Every day, five changes are guaranteed, and two thousand votes will burst into one change. There is no limit to the cap. Does anyone dare to come?

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