Martial Inverse

Chapter 2406: The Princess of the Thunder Clan

Chapter 2406 Princess of the Thunder Clan

The next day, Feng Hao and the prince quietly left in Thunder God City. During this process, almost no one noticed. Although there was a lot of movement in Thunder God Palace, Lei Feng officially announced that she would come Take charge of the Thunder Spirit Clan!

Although there was a lot of discussion from the outside world, at this juncture, it did not cause too much surprise, and the neighboring races did not reveal their way. After all, everything now falls on the human race meeting more than ten days later.

Feng Hao and the prince were on their way quickly, they were dressed almost the same, their whole bodies were covered by black cloaks, like two ghosts, they were moving forward rapidly, the target was the place where the Lei Ting Clan was located!

The gap between the Lei Ting Clan and the Lei Ling Clan is quite far, even if the two go all out, it will take almost a day.

The extreme east of the Hundred Clans Continent is a magical area, filled with terrifying thunders everywhere, as if that area is the gathering place of thunders, and the Leitings are a race born for this.

All the thunders that fall are the blessed land of cultivation for every fighter of the Thunder Clan. They are born from the Thunders, but the power they possess is similar to that of the members of the Thunder Spirit Clan. They also control thunder.

"Master, I have seen this Thunder Clan before, and it is similar to the Thunder Spirit Clan's lightning attribute power, but in fact it is very different." The prince explained while hurrying.

"What's the difference?" Feng Hao raised his head and asked lightly.

"Those of the Lei Ling family have the power of thunder in their bodies, and they continue to practice to strengthen themselves. The Thunder family is just the opposite. Their bodies are like a huge container for absorbing the power of thunder! The power being manipulated is the power of thunder." The prince also replied based on his own perception.

"Container?" Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a look of astonishment, which he couldn't understand.

"Well, people from the Thunder Clan don't need to practice much. The only thing they need to do is to allow their bodies to continuously accommodate more Thunder. The power they use in battle is the power of Thunder." The prince nodded. nodded.

"That's it..." Feng Hao fell into deep thought for a while, then raised his head after a while and said: "According to what you said, if the Thunder Spirit clan is exhausted because of the power of thunder in their bodies, Wouldn't that just be slaughtered by others?"

Hearing this, the crown prince smiled wryly and said: "Master, your thinking is too simple.

How could Thunder Qi be so easy to deal with? To put it simply, many races are unwilling to deal with the Thunder Clan, because the Thunder Power they control is almost endless. Once inside their territory, it will only take a moment to recover. "

Hearing this, Feng Hao became slightly more serious. If he said this, as long as he was in the Land of Thunder, wouldn't all the power of the people of the Thunder Clan be inexhaustible?

If so, how can we fight?

Feng Hao is also a little speechless about the Thunder Clan. Although he established an alliance with the Human Clan a long time ago, it is just a piece of paper, and the contract may be broken at any time, just like this time he agreed to Xuan Dao behind his back. The same thing that Gu participated in dealing with the human race.

The so-called alliance is nothing more than a struggle of interests.

"So this time we went to the Land of Thunder. It's a little troublesome. If we can avoid causing big disturbances, we should not cause big disturbances. Otherwise, even if the two of us work together, it will be difficult for us to advance and retreat freely in that kind of place." The prince's expression changed A bitter look flashed across.

"Huh? Judging from your tone, it seems that you are very familiar with this Thunder Clan?" Feng Hao glanced at the prince, and there were some doubts in his words. Logically speaking, the relationship between the Thunder Spirit Clan and the Thunder Clan The difference is too far, but from the tone of the prince, it seems that he is very familiar with everything about the Thunder Clan!

The prince's face was a bit embarrassed, please cough a few times and said: "The Lei Ting Clan was originally married to the Lei Ling Clan a few years ago. When I first took the position of Prince, the other party was a member of the Lei Ting Clan. The princess is still here, but in the end it still didn’t work out, the girl from the Lei Ting Clan looked down on me.”

Hearing this, Feng Hao burst out laughing, looked at the prince strangely and said: "With your aptitude, you can't beat her? This princess from the Lei Ting family has some background."

"Ahem, I was just promoted to the holy rank at that time, and later I heard that it was the princess of the Thunder Clan who unilaterally canceled the engagement. After living for a while, I want to see if the Palace Master of the Thunder Clan is really such an awesome person."

"The result?" There was a smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth. He looked the prince up and down, and suddenly felt that this guy was getting more and more pleasing to the eye. Could it be because this matter was very similar to his own experience.

"The result?" The prince smiled wryly: "At that time, the palace master of the Lei Ling clan was already a half-step emperor, and even started to take over the Lei Ting clan. Later, my identity was revealed, so I could only be disheartened. hurry back."


After Feng Hao listened to it, he laughed heartlessly, which made the prince's face flushed and he was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I won't laugh at you." Feng Hao suppressed the smile in his heart, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said: "According to what you know, what kind of character is that princess from the Thunder Clan?"

The reason why Feng Hao asks this question is because he wants to know what kind of person is the person in power who is in charge of the Lei Ting clan. If he is the kind of person who is evil in heart and acts strangely, he can simply ignore this race.

"Be strong, pay attention to benefits, and exchange at equal value is her motto, and she will never suffer." The prince shrugged and said. He sneaked into the Thunder Land, but he knew the character of the princess of the Thunder Clan.

"If you say so, it's not surprising that she is in charge of the Thunder Clan and turned to the Xuandao Valley." Feng Hao also smiled slightly, as if he was thinking about something in his heart.

benefit? This kind of people is the smartest, but they are also the easiest to be misled by their cleverness. Sometimes what they see is just a big pie drawn by Xuan Dao Valley. Will there be real benefits?

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