Martial Inverse

Chapter 2414 Help

Chapter 2414 help

Isn't this just playing her after all? Want her to make a vow out of thin air, but get nothing in the end?

Who is Princess Leia? The scheming was amazing, but she didn't expect that Feng Hao would suffer in the end, which made her feel angry.

"Don't get angry, I haven't finished yet." Feng Hao smiled, Princess Laiya's expression was already in his expectation, and he shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't say anything Wrong, if not, you can ask the prince, the reason why he was able to survive the scourge at the beginning and control such a power that ordinary people do not have is also because of such a simple sentence."

The prince nodded lightly beside him, a kind of black divine light suddenly rose in his hand, but it contained endless meaning of destruction. This is the power of the black god's scourge. Mang said softly: "Although it sounds unreliable, when you really get to that point, you will be able to understand the meaning."

"Also, as far as I know, the only two races that can use this method are the Thunder Spirit Clan and the Thunder Clan, because you are born with the power of the Thunder attribute, and the degree of compatibility with the power of divine punishment is better than others It is higher, but it is not 100% successful, there are risks involved, of course we have to think about it individually." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, he did not lie about this point, the fact is.

Laiya forced herself to calm down, thought about it in her heart, and felt that what Feng Hao said was not unreasonable, but she was not willing to be put together by Feng Hao like this, and she didn't get any benefits, so she just let Feng Hao take advantage of it. Great benefits.

It's not Princess Laiya's temperament to let others take advantage of her and suffer her own disadvantages.

At that moment, Princess Laiya's eyes rolled slightly, and she seemed to think of something in her heart. She smiled and said: "Feng Hao, since we have already formed an alliance, why don't you help me solve the affairs of my family now, how about it?"

Princess Laiya seemed to have found a way to make Feng Hao suffer a dark loss, and a smug smile appeared on her pretty face.

"What's the matter?" Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, and a bad premonition subconsciously emerged in his mind, but he couldn't guess that what Princess Laiya's request would be like next.

"Help me get rid of those elders in the clan." Laiya said relaxedly.

"Get rid of the Supreme Elder in the clan?" Feng Hao smiled wryly this time, he was just joking, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible for him to face the Supreme Elder of the Lei Ting Clan alone.

"Big sister, who are those old fellows from the Thunder Clan?" At this time, the prince who was beside him also asked after a moment of pondering.

"Two god masters, two great emperors, just these four people." Princess Laiya clapped her hands and said, a kind of coldness gradually emerged in her words. For these four elders, it seemed that Laiya really had a heart. There are many grievances.

"Judging from your tone, these four elders seem to make you very dissatisfied." Feng Hao also heard the indifference in Princess Laiya's voice, and said with a smile at the moment.

"Of course, those four immortals thought they killed my father and pushed me to this position, so that they could continue to control the entire Lei Ting clan. At best, I'm just a puppet in their eyes!"

Hearing what she said, Feng Hao couldn't help being a little bit astonished. Although each of the hundreds of clans has a grand elder,

But almost all the Supreme Elders don't care about the affairs of the clan, unless something happens that can affect the entire race, they will come forward, otherwise, the clan leader usually orders everything!

"Indeed, if I remember correctly, your father should be the Great Emperor. Why did he die suddenly ten years ago? My father and I have also discussed this point, but there is no conclusion. Suddenly." The prince seemed to have remembered something.

"Hmph, dead?"

All of a sudden, Laiya's pretty face was covered with a layer of chill, and she gritted her teeth and said: "At the beginning, my father wanted to break away from the Thunder Clan from their hands, but they noticed it, so they united, Killed my father, and then pushed me to the front, in fact, they are manipulating the Thunder Clan behind the scenes."

"This point was also noticed by the people of Xuandao Valley, so Xuandao Valley agreed to help you eradicate those elders afterwards?" Feng Hao smiled slightly, guessing why Laiya would betray the alliance of the human race, I'm afraid This is the only thing that can make her tempted.

"That's right, when their mysterious strongman appeared, he also promised me such a condition." Laiya glanced at Feng Hao and said.

"Actually, have you ever thought that if you really agreed to Xuan Dao Valley, even if I don't deal with you afterwards, you will not end well." Feng Hao smiled, but felt sorry for Laiya in his heart. This kind of extremely intelligent woman is sometimes confused.

Is Xuan Dao Valley really so easy to talk to?

At this time, Laiya was also stunned. She only realized this problem now. Will Xuan Daogu really help her afterwards?

For her alone, to deal with two gods and two great emperors? Laiya also became suspicious in her heart.

"There is no need to guess, Xuandao Valley will deal with you directly afterward, even so, those elders will not express anything, because you are just a puppet to them." Feng Hao said so Saying that, Laiya felt even colder in her heart.

Because what Feng Hao said was almost the truth, recently she also vaguely noticed that those elders seemed to have some actions, it seemed that they wanted to replace herself, the patriarch of the Lei Ting clan, but she Because of the promise of Xuan Dao Valley, he didn't take it to heart.

At this time, combined with what Feng Hao said, it is even possible that this kind of thing will happen!

"These bastards!" Laiya also cursed fiercely, unknowingly, she was almost slapped.

"But no matter what, if you want me to help you, you have to deal with these four Supreme Elders, otherwise they will make some small moves. You also know that now I am the patriarch of the Thunder Clan on the surface, but I have decided to Nothing."

In the end, Laiya simply threw the problem back to Feng Hao and asked him to solve it. Who asked him to propose a transaction and cooperation, and this is not too much. If the four elders are not resolved, there will be some An accident will change Fenghao's plan.

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