Martial Inverse

Chapter 2428 Rising Wind

Chapter 2428

After staying in the Land of Thunder for about half a day, Feng Hao and the prince also left this place. As for what will happen to the two Supreme Elders in the Divine Master Realm, that is not their concern. Now that the situation has stabilized, the only thing they have to do is wait. It is the Terran meeting in less than ten days.

At that time, representatives of the top 50 races will appear in the human race in person, and most of these people have already been united by the Xuandao Valley, and there will even be strong people from the Xuandao Valley at that time, in order to contain the Supreme Being of the Primordial and others.

So now Feng Hao has to return to the human race as soon as possible in order to arrange some matters and deal with the next situation.

On the way back to the human race, Feng Hao also met the Supreme Being of Good and Evil and the Supreme Being of Hongmeng, and he also knew that the tasks of the two had been successfully completed. Facing the two supreme beings, the other party had almost no ability to resist, except for obedience. There is no other choice.

After they returned to Shengtian Academy, the Black Fire Qilin Sovereign and Haori Supreme also returned. Obviously, this time the action did not take much effort, except for Feng Hao who was a little troublesome, the rest of them were Had no trouble.

Seeing that things went so smoothly, Feng Hao also heaved a sigh of relief. Now that the potential troubles of these ten races have been successfully resolved, one-fifth of the top fifty races are on his side. The situation will also be slightly more favorable.

In the next ten days or less, besides arranging these things, Feng Hao also took time to be with the girls. After all, he was ashamed of these girls in his heart and wanted to accompany them better.

Less than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and in a blink of an eye, it was the time that was originally agreed. Early this morning, the entire Shengtian Academy was busy, and everyone was mobilized, except for those who were in retreat. All of the few people in the group appeared in the square of Shengtian Academy.

At this time, people of some races gradually appeared in Shengtian Academy. One race sent a representative, and at the same time, some other human races' alliance races arrived. This was Feng Hao's plan. When the time comes, he will Let Fengmeng appear upright in front of everyone in the Hundred Clans Continent!

"These people don't look weird at all. If they hadn't learned the news in advance, they wouldn't have been able to detect that they secretly joined forces with Xuan Dao Valley to deal with us." Huang Yuntian also sighed beside him.

This time, among the strong men sent by each race, the weakest ones are above the Great Emperor Realm, and there are even a large part of the races, even the Supreme Elders from the God Master Realm. It is conceivable that once the conflict breaks out, there will be It will be an uncontrollable situation.

Feng Hao shook his head and smiled at the side: "This is the way of the world. Before the rise of the human race, who would care about a race like an ant, but now it is a hundred races united to deal with it. Even giants like the Xuandao Valley is also like this.

Huang Yuntian and the others also smiled bitterly and said nothing. I really don't know whether this situation is luck or misfortune. If Feng Hao didn't have the support of those supreme beings, I am afraid that today's situation would be difficult to deal with. Fortunately, Feng Hao disappeared a hundred years later. , but came back with such a huge power!

A power that can make Xuan Dao Valley feel uneasy!

"By the way, all the top fifty races should be able to gather, right?" Feng Hao asked suddenly, glanced at the square of Shengtian Academy, and frowned.

"do not know,

I'll ask. "Huang Yuntian took a look, the number of people didn't seem to be very large, and his heart became more dignified.

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuntian turned around and left to inquire. After a while, he returned again, his face was not very good-looking, and he said in a deep voice: "It's a bit weird, but none of the top ten races appeared."

"Oh?" Feng Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, but this kind of situation made him a little unexpected. You must know that among the top ten races, except for the seventh-ranked Wuling clan, after being wiped out by himself, there are only a few races left. The next nine races and among these nine races, there are already seven races that can be confirmed and participated in the plan of Xuan Dao Valley.

But none of these races appeared at this time, is there something strange about this?

Feng Hao frowned and kept thinking in his heart, but he couldn't think of anything weird for a long time, so he could only continue to wait and see. Could it be that the seven races had other plans?

But at this time, at the gate of Shengtian Academy, there appeared an old man who looked like a farmer. He was dressed plainly, and there was no aura permeating his body, like an ordinary person who could not be more ordinary.

But no one dared to underestimate this old man. When passing by this old man, everyone, for some reason, retreated subconsciously, even the existence of some emperors.

The old man smiled slightly, and immediately walked directly into the Shengtian Academy. At the same time, both Feng Hao and the other supreme beings were slightly surprised, and they all turned their eyes away at the same time. At the door.

An old man dressed in ordinary clothes appeared in front of them. Feng Hao stood up slightly, and immediately walked towards this old man. I'm afraid this may have a great background.

"Why do you want to ask the senior's name?" Feng Hao appeared in front of the old man, and his tone was unknowingly somewhat respectful. Obviously, although the aura in the old man's body was restrained to the extreme, some fluctuations were still there. Can't hide the number of people present.

"Haha, I can't be honored as a senior. The old man is proud of the sky. Today, I heard that the human race intends to hold a hero meeting. The old man came over with a cheeky face. I don't know if anyone welcomes you."

The old man smiled authentically, but there was a kind smile on his dark face, which made Feng Hao not aware of any hostility.

"Of course you are welcome." Although Feng Hao didn't know what kind of person Ao Tian Po was, he didn't neglect him immediately, and he respectfully welcomed the old man to the first place.

Although Feng Hao didn't know who Ao Tian Po was, they did know that the existence whose reputation once shook the entire Hundred Clans Continent actually appeared in person at Shengtian Academy today, which is incredible!

At this time Ao Tianpo appeared in front of the Supreme Master Hongmeng and the others, even the Black Fire Qilin Monarch changed color slightly, looking at him with a strange look in his eyes.

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