Martial Inverse

Chapter 2430: Alliance of 8 Clans

Chapter 2430 Eight Clan Alliance

Feng Hao roughly counted the races that appeared in the place, and found that there were quite a few of them, most of them were definitely involved in the affairs of Xuandao Valley, but some of them had very ambiguous attitudes.

For this part of the race, Feng Hao did not make any moves, but he believed that if the conflict broke out and the real strength of the human race was revealed, it would probably be their choice.

At this time, it was obviously an extremely delicate atmosphere. Everyone was talking and laughing on the surface, but no one knew the true face behind this kind of smile.

At this time, suddenly, dozens of tyrannical auras erupted outside Shengtian Academy!

These tyrannical auras appeared very suddenly, but also very arrogant, as if afraid that others would not know, the expressions of Feng Hao and others also changed slightly, and immediately they also said to themselves: "Finally here...these guys."

Soon, in front of the gate of Shengtian Academy, there was a team of more than a dozen people. The aura of these people was unusually majestic, at least they were all above the Divine Master Realm!

In addition, there are a few men in black robes standing in front of them, their expressions are stern, but the aura in their bodies is not revealed at all, but it can give people a feeling of palpitations. After these people appear, they will immediately cause Despite the astonishment of these races inside, such a powerful force is enough to sweep the entire continent of hundreds of races!

Some people have guessed the origins of these people one after another. Obviously, this group of people are all representatives of the top ten races, and each of them has a cultivation base above the God Master Realm, except for the four black-robed men in front. In addition to being unable to see through, there are two extremely terrifying auras, on par with Ao Tianpo!

Immediately, the atmosphere became very subtle. The eight races joined forces to deal with the human race. All of the few races present fell into silence, watching the situation.

Feng Hao looked at this group of people, and after a long time, he said to himself: "So, the real focus of Xuan Dao Valley is on the top ten races, no wonder they will appear together."

Up to now, not only Feng Hao, but even Supreme Master Hongmeng and others have seen that the situation has become a bit difficult to grasp. There are four Supreme Realm existences from Xuandao Valley, two supreme beings who are masters of the Great Perfection, and A dozen or so high-ranking god masters, this power is enough to deal with the human race!

"The Primordial Clan ranks first, and the Tianri Clan ranks second..." Feng Hao looked at the two strong men in the Great Consummation of the God Master Realm, and sighed, the background of the strong men of these races is not a joke. But these two people are already shocking existences!

At this time, there is no need to say anything about the situation. After this group of people appeared, their aura directly locked on the people of the human race, and the meaning could not be more obvious!

"Sure enough, you guys are old and immortal. After all these years, you are living quite comfortably."

However, at this time, Supreme Master Hongmeng and the others couldn't sit still anymore. Obviously, he also knew the Supreme Beings sent by Xuandao Valley, and they had a good relationship. Judging by Supreme Master Hongmeng's tone, they even had some grievances.

"I never thought it would be you."

And the leader, a supreme powerhouse from Xuandao Valley, was silent for a moment, and he was also quiet and authentic. Hidden under the black robe was a withered and old face.

It's also a sharp ejaculation!

Immediately, as if the sky was about to change, an indescribable sense of oppression filled everyone's hearts, and no one interrupted, because this was a negotiation between the Supreme Realm powerhouses, and they were far from qualified to participate. Which comes.

"I'm afraid I really disappointed you, and I'm not dead." The Supreme Good and Evil also stood up slowly at this time, with a somewhat indifferent expression, staring at the four men in black from a distance, and his voice was a little cold.

"Out of the four supreme beings, there are three traitors from back then. It really is unpredictable." At this moment, another strong man from Xuan Dao Valley also said coldly.

"Traitors? I can't say that, I'm just dissatisfied with your original actions." The Supreme Sun Hao also said at this time, looking at these people, he also sighed in his heart. Once upon a time in the world of Penglai, these were the existences that he needed to look up to. But today, I am already standing side by side with them.

"I remember you. Back then, a godly boy with good aptitude in Lingxiao Peak, I didn't expect you to have entered this realm." The old man in the Xuandao Valley who spoke first also recognized the Supreme Sun. The mainstay of the two giants with many strengths has left the Penglai mainland!

"I said Gui Yi, an old guy. I haven't seen you for so many years. You don't mean to come here to catch up with us." Supreme Master Hong Meng also sneered and looked at the other three people, saying: "Gui Yuan, Gui Wu, Gui Ji , you are all here, so why hide and dare not see people with your true colors?"

According to Supreme Master Hongmeng, the leader of the Xuandao Valley powerhouse is now simply hiding his identity. The headed old man is named Guiyi, an old antique from Xuandao Valley, and the other three are Guiyuan, Guiwu, and Gui They are all strong men of the same generation, and they have become the foundation of Xuan Dao Valley!

"There is no need to say anything more about today's intention, the human race will no longer exist from now on!"

Gui glanced at Hongmeng Supreme and the others, and also directly stated the purpose of this time, which is to directly destroy the human race! Feng Hao and the others showed a kind of anger on their faces, this Xuan Dao Valley is too arrogant!

"Just because of you?" Supreme Master Hongmeng shook his head, and said, "It's not that I don't look down on you, it's because you just want to destroy the human race. I'm afraid it's still a bit difficult."

"Of course we don't intervene, the main thing is to restrict you few supreme beings enough." Xuandao Valley's Guiyi said indifferently, with a normal expression, as if he really didn't intervene, but he didn't know that the matter this time was Xuandao Valley. Together, this is called non-intervention.

Feng Hao glanced at Gui Yi speechlessly, and sighed in his heart, there is really nothing he can do about being shameless, especially when a supreme level powerhouse has the cheek to say such things, he really has nothing to do with him .

"If I say no, I won't do it." The Supreme Master Hongmeng said with a light smile, "Guiyi, it's time for us to settle the grievances that happened many years ago."

"It's over? That's good, the old man also wants to see if he can break through the final confinement..." Elder Gui Yi shook his head and sighed.

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