Martial Inverse

Chapter 2439 Sequelae

Chapter 2739 sequelae

He has used the Phoenix Nirvana regeneration magic technique many times in a row. Even though Feng Hao has already broken through his state, it is obviously very difficult. At this time, when the fighting state is released, the whole person is relaxed, and Feng Hao immediately noticed it. Some negative consequences of this kind of magic brought him.

"How is it?" Seeing Feng Hao's appearance, Xian'er frowned and cared about Feng Hao very much. She felt that Feng Hao seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, and this was just her feeling.

"It's's just a sequelae after using the secret technique just now." Feng Hao shook his head with a wry smile, apparently because of this feeling of weakness in his body that made his whole person feel bad.

Xian'er's face changed slightly, she stared blankly at Feng Hao, a kind of surprise gradually appeared in her beautiful eyes! Even fear!

Feng Hao didn't pay much attention to it at first, but soon he also noticed that it was unusual. At this moment, because the people of Shengtian Academy were all looking at him, everyone could see the changes in Feng Hao's body. eye!

Feng Hao felt that his body seemed to have lost all strength at once, even... even the power of divine punishment in his body could not be mobilized at this time, this sudden situation made Feng Hao feel very at a loss !

At this time, Supreme Master Hongmeng and the other four also noticed the changes in Feng Hao's body, their faces changed slightly, and they flickered in front of Feng Hao, but they also showed the same eyes as Xian'er and others!

Feng Hao looked at the five people in front of him in a daze, taking their expressions into his eyes, not knowing what happened at all in his heart.

"" Supreme Master Hongmeng seemed to be stunned, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Feng Hao smiled wryly and said: "What am I, isn't it just the aftereffects of using the secret technique? What's so strange." After saying this, Feng Hao lowered his head and glanced slightly, and suddenly his own face suddenly changed. Change!

His long black hair... turned white rapidly at this time!

In almost an instant, Feng Hao noticed that his black hair had turned into white hair. This strange phenomenon really made Feng Hao feel terrified. Now he finally understands why even Xian'er Supreme Master Hongmeng and others will always show this kind of frightened look.

"What's going on?" Feng Hao's eyes couldn't believe it, but the facts were naked in front of his eyes, and at the same time, he also noticed that the vitality in his body began to flow away!

This passing phenomenon is extremely obvious, as if there is an invisible force eroding all the vitality in Feng Hao's body!

"Oops, there is a problem in my body, you come to protect me!" Feng Hao also knew the seriousness of the matter at the moment, and immediately said to the people around him, and then he immediately sat cross-legged in mid-air, Began to fall into retreat!

The development of the situation was beyond Feng Hao's expectation. He did not expect that the magic of Phoenix Nirvana Regeneration would cause such a terrible sequelae this time, which was simply inconceivable before.

What he has to do right now is to prevent the vitality in his body from passing away, otherwise, he may not need others to do anything, and he will sit directly between the heaven and the earth!

The faces of Xian'er and the others became extremely solemn, they did not expect that they were just reveling in the victory of the human race,

This kind of thing happened right after that, which made people lament the unpredictability of the world, and at this time, there was a lot of discussion in Shengtian Academy, because Feng Hao's state was really suspicious.

Xian'er waited for a few people to be too lazy to care about the thoughts of the people below. The most important thing now is to help Feng Hao protect the law first.

And some strong people of the human race, such as Huang Yuntian and others, also knew Feng Hao's situation at this time, and they sighed in their hearts. They didn't say anything, but sent some guards from Shengtian Academy to clean up the battlefield.

Today's battle took place in Shengtian Academy. Fortunately, the battles at the supreme level were all outside the scope of Shengtian Academy. Even if there is an enchantment of Nuwa Stone, it may not be able to resist it for a long time.

As for those powerhouses of other races, everyone was seriously injured and couldn't leave even if they wanted to, so they just sat down cross-legged in the square of Shengtian Academy and began to recover from their injuries. Still able to notice what is going on with Feng Hao at the same time.

This human race is able to have this kind of situation today, which has a lot to do with Feng Hao, and these supreme beings will help Feng Hao obviously because of Feng Hao's face, if something really goes wrong with Feng Hao , I am afraid that the status of the human race will plummet again!

This is the reality. In the face of the interests of the various tribes in the Hundred Clans Continent, except for the most loyal allies, the other so-called alliances and vassal forces are very powerful. Influence, then these people will simply turn around and attack the human race.

Therefore, now both the human race and other races are waiting for Feng Hao's final state.

Until this time, someone noticed that the square of Shengtian Academy was in a mess, and the corpses lying on the ground were all from the powerful heritage of each clan in the Hundred Clans Continent, and the weakest one was also in the Great Emperor Realm. But I didn't expect to die to the end!

Seeing such a tragic scene, many people's hearts also became heavy. If the human race failed this time, then it is very likely that they were lying on the ground.

At this moment, Feng Hao fell into a kind of deep retreat, and he has no perception of the outside world at all. Now he is constantly observing the situation in his body, and why such a huge vitality is passing away.

And this time it is very surprising that the three spirit beads in Fenghao's body did not move at all, like a mud cow entering the sea, this time there was such a terrible change in his body, the three spirit beads did not move at all .

Normally, even if there were some injuries on his body, the three spirit beads in his body would automatically release energy to heal him, but this time the three spirit beads did not move at all, which made Feng Hao very puzzled .

Feng Hao noticed it for a while, and found that all the vitality in the body was gathering towards a place in the dantian.

,--! ! !

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