Martial Inverse

Chapter 2451 Nirvana Rebirth

Chapter 2451 Nirvana Rebirth

At this moment, Feng Hao finally woke up. After a long period of transformation, he was finally reborn from Nirvana!

The current Feng Hao has an extravagant aura on his body, which makes people feel that this is almost a divine emperor descending!

Feng Hao raised his head and looked around, his face became slightly dignified, and then his eyes fell on the huge red dragon-like red lotus in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


If other people hear the simple two words, I am afraid they will be stunned. This is actually the incarnation of the way of heaven! ?

The red dragon didn't show any movement, but looked directly at Feng Hao with a pair of eyes shining with a strange light, obviously feeling rather surprised!

"Hurry up and destroy it, it is not the consciousness of the way of heaven, it is just one-in-a-billionth of the power blessed by the red lotus, if time drags on for a long time, the real way of heaven will come, when the time comes The Hundred Clans Continent will be destroyed because of this!"

Hongmeng Supreme roared behind him, his expression was also unprecedentedly anxious, he also noticed the different will contained in this red giant dragon, it was not the ordinary red lotus scourge at all, but a part of the power that blessed the way of heaven , even if this power is very weak, no one can do it, not even the Primordial Supreme!

"I know, since it's not the real way of heaven, what's there to be afraid of?" Feng Hao also smiled slightly, and then his palms were slowly raised, and a layer of bright nine-color hazy light was Suddenly condensed out, and there was a faint sound of dragon chant!

Feng Hao glanced at Feng Xiaoyun, who was lying on the ground in the distance, and knew that he was undergoing a final transformation. If he could succeed, he would be able to truly grasp the power of resentment in his body, and this is the prerequisite for success , That is to cross the current Red Lotus Scourge!

"Red lotus scourge? I don't know if it's the horror of red lotus scourge or the terror of nine poles?" Feng Hao raised his head, his thoughts changed, and suddenly there was a shocking sound of dragon chant, which made the entire Hundred Clans Continent feel it A terrible breath is gradually waking up!

"It's Feng Hao! Feng Hao has awakened!"

At this time outside, Xian'er suddenly opened her eyes, a blush appeared on her pale pretty face, she exclaimed in surprise!

"Yes, it is indeed him. It seems that this kid has made great fortune..." The Supreme Good and Evil also sighed and shook his head, his expression was also filled with a burst of relief. Now that Feng Hao has awakened, then In the face of divine scourge, no one in the Hundred Clans Continent or even the Penglai World is better than him. 】Huang Yuntian, Yu Ning and other girls were also completely relieved after knowing that Feng Hao had woken up. Then they don't know what to do.

At this time, all the powerful people in Shengtian Academy were boiling, and everyone's face was filled with excitement. Feng Hao, the leader of the human race, finally woke up safely, which is undoubtedly something worth celebrating for them. things.

And Lei Feng and the others also looked at each other, each showing a relaxed look. Now the Hundred Clans Continent is already in chaos. If even Feng Hao has an accident at this time, then I am afraid that no one can really stop this* *.

At the moment when Feng Hao's terrifying energy fluctuations diffused out,

There was also bursts of dragon chant, and after a while, a burst of bright nine-color divine light and a red divine light like a raging fire were completely revealed in Shengtian Academy.

This sign lasted for a while before it slowly disappeared...

What happened in it, no one knows, even if someone asks Feng Hao in the future, Feng Hao just laughs and doesn't say a word, until the moment when he really faces the heaven, the human race knows, it turns out that Feng Hao has faced it a long time ago God!

In the square of Shengtian Academy, the nine-color light and the flame-like red lotus scourge also disappeared in an instant, and the huge red dragon was also directly scattered in mid-air, only Feng Hao held his hands behind his back with a look on his face Looking at the place where the Red Lotus Scourge disappeared was a little complicated.

At that moment just now, many thoughts flashed in Feng Hao's mind. He vaguely felt that he seemed to have noticed some things, some of the most secret things about this world, which even powerful people like Hongmeng Supreme could not touch!

Feng Hao didn't know why those thoughts appeared in his mind like this, but everything seemed so strange, which made him have a new understanding of the world and the way of heaven, but this perception , can only temporarily exist in one's own heart.


At this time, behind Feng Hao, Hongmeng Supreme also stood up slowly, because Feng Hao finally appeared, and his injuries were not serious, but his face was abnormally pale, and his breath was extremely weak.

"The injury seems to be serious?" Feng Hao frowned, and immediately wanted to stretch out his hands and use the power of the spirit beads in his body to heal Hongmeng Supreme, but Hongmeng Supreme shook his head and refused.

"The scourge of heaven this time, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible for us to have such terrible harm, it's just that the way of heaven has intervened." The supreme being Hongmeng smiled wryly and shook his head.

"From now on, I'm afraid the few of us are no longer supreme."

Feng Hao was shocked by the words of Hongmeng Supreme, what is going on? No longer Supreme? Could it be that the Red Lotus Scourge is so terrifying?

Feng Hao immediately showed a look of guilt. He knew very well that these supreme beings, including Xian'er, were all because of him, and they would have evolved into this appearance, otherwise such a thing would not have happened at all.

"Don't blame yourself, this may not be a good thing for us." Hongmeng Supreme revealed a relaxed smile, and said: "The cultivation bases of the few of us have all been cut off by the way of heaven. In this way, We only have the strength of the Divine Master Realm and the Great Perfection Realm."

"Why did Tiandao do this?" Feng Hao also frowned, this time the Red Lotus Scourge revealed strangeness everywhere.

"Remember the catastrophe I mentioned? The catastrophe in ancient times caused the fall of countless supreme beings and divine masters, and when I returned to the Hundred Clans Continent, I also said that after finishing this incident with the human race, even if it didn't happen now In this case, the Supreme Being of Good and Evil and I will also perform self-destruction."

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