Martial Inverse

Chapter 2457: Unrest in the Restricted Area

Chapter 2457 Forbidden Zone**

The world of Penglai is a forbidden zone.

At this time, because of the riots in the restricted area, the elite powerhouses from Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng's two giants gathered here, the purpose is to suppress the riots in the restricted area this time!

In the restricted area of ​​Tianjue, the sun and the moon are dark, bloody fights are everywhere, endless monsters are roaring, and the powerhouses of Xuandao Valley and Lingxiao Peak are constantly fighting bloody battles. There are countless monsters in the forbidden area, and it is impossible to kill them all!

And in the sky outside the restricted area, there are three figures standing in the sky, they are the real power holders of Xuandao Valley and Lingxiao Peak, the top one among the Supreme Elders, the one in the Supreme Dzogchen Realm exist!

Next to the two of them, there is this old man with white beard and hair standing, he is the old man Xuanyuan who protects the clan!

These three people stood outside the restricted area of ​​Tianjue, with indifferent expressions, but they did not participate in the battle below. Perhaps these monsters were already difficult enough for ordinary people, but for the three of them, there was still a lot of trouble. Not enough to worry about.

Even the old man Xuanyuan moved his fingers from time to time, and immediately several terrifying light speeds descended from the void, constantly bombarding and killing those monsters who wanted to escape from the restricted area of ​​Tianjue by taking advantage of the chaos.

"This time the forbidden zone attack seems not so simple, it's too sudden." After a long time, the old man Xuanyuan also frowned and said, looking at the fighting situation below, there was also a worried look between his brows.

In fact, the last time Fan Chen escaped and entered the restricted area of ​​Tianjue, the old man Xuanyuan who guarded the family also noticed something was wrong. Increase the strong to patrol the periphery of this restricted area.

At first, the situation was calm and calm, but since yesterday, for some reason, the entire restricted area of ​​Tianjue began to explode, and even the old man Xuanyuan didn't expect it. There are not a few monsters that have escaped within.

"Have you noticed that these monsters seem to be too easy to deal with?" Suddenly, the most powerful man in Xuandao Valley also frowned, his eyes fixed on the bottom, and the three of them fought in the restricted area. It's all at a glance. Although these monsters are innumerable, they look too vulnerable!

Seeing that even an ordinary saint-level peak powerhouse can easily kill a monster, this is what makes them feel the most strange. Monsters are sealed in the restricted area, which has been handed down from ancient times. , It is rumored that when the world was first opened, the existence of these monsters was enough to destroy the balance between the world and devour everything for a living. If there were no ancient gods who sealed these monsters and formed a restricted area, I am afraid that there would be no such thing today. The Penglai world in this world will not be divided into hundreds of races and continents, but will become a land of death!

Wherever the monsters pass, there are killings!

These monsters can only kill, and they can still be infected. If you are not careful, once you get infected, you will become another monster!

And these are just the monsters described in the ancient books, all of them are extremely powerful and difficult to deal with, but the scene in front of them makes the three of them hesitate, and even an ordinary holy rank peak powerhouse can kill monsters , although the number is quite large, there will be no threat at all.

"I'm also very surprised about this, and have you noticed it?" The old man Xuanyuan scanned the entire restricted area below, a worried look appeared on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Few of these monsters are resisting. The purpose is just to leave the restricted area of ​​Heaven's Absolute!"

"It is recorded in the rumors that monsters are the most sensitive to aura and live by devouring aura. There are so many strong people below us, and the aura contained in each person's body is extremely majestic, but these monsters did not attack them. , as if they were avoiding them.”

Hearing what the old man Xuanyuan said, the other two also frowned and began to think. After a while, the most powerful man in Ling Xiaofeng raised his head suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face, and said in a low voice: "You mean, these monsters themselves Are you sane?"

As soon as these words came out, even he himself felt unreliable. These monsters that can only kill actually have sanity? What a joke.

But Elder Xuanyuan nodded solemnly, and this scene made the two most powerful men take a deep breath, is this okay?

"I'm just skeptical, after all, the movements of these monsters are too weird." The old man Xuanyuan said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid that apart from these monsters, those who escaped from the restricted area should also be killed, otherwise they will pass through the restricted area." , directly descending on the Hundred Clans Continent, it will be another disaster at that time!"

The strongest person in Xuandao Valley and the strongest person in Lingxiao Peak looked at each other, and nodded with sympathy, because the explosion in the restricted area was too sudden, and it was already too late for them to suppress it in an organized way. A whole night has passed, and during this whole night, many monsters must have taken the opportunity to leave the restricted area, and some of these monsters appeared in the Penglai world, but more likely, they appeared directly in the hundred Clan Continent!

Therefore, those monsters that escaped must be encircled and suppressed no matter what, and none of them must be left behind!

"Xuanyuan, you sit here, the two of us will send other people to encircle and suppress the fleeing monsters, and try to suppress the scope of control of the matter to the minimum!" The most powerful person in Xuandao Valley also said in a deep voice, the seriousness of the situation is already beyond the limit. beyond their imagination.

"No, do you think it's really as simple as escaping from these monsters?" The old man Xuanyuan seemed to think of another possibility, took a deep breath, and said: "The behavior of these monsters is obviously not accidental. It seems more that there is something that is persecuting these monsters!"

"Heaven's Absolute Forbidden Zone is just one of them, and there are two other forbidden zones, which are also sealed with monsters...Could it be...!"

The old man Xuanyuan suddenly raised his head, his face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "The purpose of these monsters is probably to break the seal of the other two restricted areas, so as to trigger a real riot!"

At this point, even the old man Xuanyuan himself is terrified, if that is the case, I am afraid the consequences will be really unpredictable!

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