Martial Inverse

Chapter 2460 Stay

Chapter 2460 stay

And when the restricted area in the early days fell, the strongest man who had already returned to the Xuandao Valley in Penglai World also received the signal, and was shocked at the moment. Logically speaking, the strong man who sent out the restricted area in the early days was enough to suppress those monsters , but it was at this time that he had to send out a signal for help?

Could it be that the terrifying existence in the depths of the restricted area appeared?

Thinking of this, the most powerful people in Xuandao Valley were stunned. Without saying anything, they immediately sent out another group of elites from Xuandao Valley, and this time, even Huangfu Wushuang was one of them!

Moreover, just to be on the safe side, the strongest person from Xuandao Valley rushed over in person to see what happened in the restricted area in the early days.

At this time, in Shengtian Academy, Feng Hao and his party were indeed waiting for the strong men from Xuandao Valley to arrive. After waiting for nearly an hour, this group of strong people from Xuandao Valley finally arrived at the gate of Shengtian Academy .

The auras of the ten or so divine masters were not hidden at all, but they were afraid that others would not know that they were very present, and appeared in front of Shengtian Academy unscrupulously.

"Haha, this is the territory of the mere human race? Shengtian Academy?" The thin and tall God Master Realm powerhouse also looked at the plaque of Shengtian Academy and sneered, then raised his head and shot out a shocking energy, thinking To smash this plaque just like that.

However, at the next moment, a cold snort came from the square of Shengtian Academy, causing the complexions of the dozen or so powerhouses in Xuandao Valley to change at the same time! That shot of shocking energy tore through the sky, and before it hit the target, it was already solidified in mid-air!

Seeing such an astonishing scene, these powerhouses from Xuandao Valley were all stunned, completely unaware of what happened. The cold snort that echoed in their ears just now made them all startled suddenly, as if Locked by a powerful breath!

"Didn't Guiyi tell you that people from the Xuandao Valley are not welcome in the human race!" The voice of the Supreme Master Hongmeng also suddenly sounded like thunder, making the dozen or so divine masters feel chest tightness and shortness of breath at the same time.

The leader of the God Master Realm stepped back several steps in a row, his face was only a look of fear, and he stared at Shengtian Academy with wide eyes. Only now did he know that Guiyi might be eaten by the human race. It's a big loss, it's not fake!

"This aura... is definitely not from the God Master Realm!"

An old man next to him was also terrified. The pressure that was able to lock their aura just now was too great, almost making them unable to bear it.

However, when the figure of Supreme Master Hongmeng hovered in front of them, it made them feel unbelievable. At this time, Supreme Master Hongmeng was cut off because of his cultivation, almost the same as the existence of Ao Tianpo, but even better. First, it can be said that their realm at this time can be regarded as a pseudo-supreme.

It can't be compared with the real Supreme, but it is enough to suppress the existence of the ordinary God Master Realm!

Just the appearance of the Supreme Master Hongmeng did not cause enough deterrence. Immediately afterwards, when the Lord Black Fire Qilin and the Supreme Being of Good and Evil appeared together, the deterrent caused was big enough!

These strong men from Xuan Dao Valley almost held their breath, staring dumbfoundedly at these strong men who appeared in front of them, almost couldn't believe their eyes, what is going on? Can such a strong man appear in a human race in the Hundred Clans Continent? And five at a time?


Their hearts were filled with a kind of despair, they were all at a loss for being able to make Guiyi on the other side, let alone their little strength, no matter how much they came, it was far from enough!

"Damn Guiyi, I didn't mention the human race, but there are still these strong men!" The thin and tall strong man also gritted his teeth angrily.

At this time, Feng Hao also slowly appeared in front of Shengtian Academy, with a smile on his face, looking at the powerhouses of Xuandao Valley below, he sneered: "Didn't your Elder Guiyi tell you, Isn't the human race a place where cats and dogs can come and play wild?"

When these words were spoken, these powerhouses in Xuandao Valley immediately turned livid. This Feng Hao is tantamount to saying that they are cats and dogs, which is too irritating!

"Hmph, it's just a human race. Could it be that you still want to keep me waiting?" The tall and thin strong man also sneered, and naturally he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart. Although he was shocked, he didn't believe the wind. How dare you challenge the majesty of Xuandao Valley!

But he underestimated Feng Hao's bottom line, Feng Hao couldn't bear such provocative behavior like his door-to-door, even if you are from Xuandao Valley, so what?

"Xuan Dao Valley?" Feng Hao shook his head, then sneered and said, "You may have overestimated the three words, maybe it means that you alone can't let the human race feel the threat of the knife!"

Feng Hao's words are pearls, almost every word makes these strong men from Xuandao Valley feel sullen, but they are powerless to refute!

However, at this moment, there was a piercing sound from the sky behind this group of strong men. This sound was extremely sharp, but it made the entire group of people look shocked. signal of! If it is not an emergency, there will never be such a signal!

"Oops, it's the restricted area in the early days!" The thin and tall God Master Realm powerhouse thought something was wrong, and everyone wanted to turn around and leave immediately. Now that there is such a signal, it must have happened Big deal!

And if there is any major event in the restricted area in the early days, there is only one situation, and ** happened in the restricted area in the early days!

Feng Hao and the others also noticed the strange signal, and immediately looked at Hongmeng Supreme and the others, nodded, and then Hongmeng Supreme stretched out his hands slowly, and the space with a radius of hundreds of miles was slightly distorted Get up, the power of space continues to diffuse out!

"What are you going to do?!" Immediately, the strong man in Xuan Dao Valley realized that he and the others seemed to be imprisoned, unable to leave this area at all.

"Since you're here, don't think about leaving so easily. Only by answering some of my questions can you be qualified to talk about leaving." Feng Hao also crossed his hands in front of his chest, looking at this group of strong men with a sneer.

"Presumptuous! Can you delay the major events of Xuandao Valley? Let us go quickly, otherwise Xuandao Valley will pursue you in the future, and no one can save your family!" The strong man who owns Xuandao Valley also roared.

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