Martial Inverse

Chapter 2465: Into the Deep

Chapter 2465 Into the depths

At this time, the restricted area in the early days has calmed down, and the entire restricted area is calm on the surface, and there are no more monsters appearing, only a group of powerhouses from Xuan Dao Valley are scattered and resting, but even so, they are still It didn't relax, it was completely preventing any unexpected things from happening.

Feng Hao also took advantage of this opportunity to take a look at the restricted area of ​​Taichu at this time. The entire restricted area of ​​Taichu is a huge canyon, and there is a bottomless crack in the ground. The countless monsters rushed out of it just now. of.

Feng Hao's heart moved, and he walked forward slightly, wanting to stand on the edge of the crack to see what was under the crack, but when he took a step, he gradually approached the crack, and suddenly some changes.

Feng Hao suddenly heard a vague voice, he was very surprised, but the voice was too vague, he seemed to hear clearly what the voice said, but he kept asking go forward.

However, at this time, the spirit beads in Feng Hao's body started to rotate continuously as if they had been resonated, and strands of faint blue light began to emerge from Feng Hao's body. This scene naturally attracted the attention of those present. Many people pay attention.

But from their point of view, Feng Hao suddenly walked forward. At first, not many people paid attention to it. After all, there were so many experts from the Xuan Dao Valley present, but the Supreme Master Hongmeng soon realized that something was wrong. At this time, Feng Hao's expression Began to become dazed, and walked forward with a blank expression.

"Feng Hao! Stop!"

Supreme Master Hongmeng suddenly shouted angrily, wanting to wake up Feng Hao in this state, but for some reason, Feng Hao still did not respond, and kept walking forward, even one of the many powerhouses in the Xuandao Valley Huangfu Wushuang also showed a look of anxiety, but she was extremely depressed and didn't show it too obviously!

"Oops, what's going on with Feng Hao now?" the Black Fire Qilin Monarch also asked with a livid face.

"There is a mysterious power in the restricted area in the early days. I am afraid that this power has affected Feng Hao." The Supreme Master Hongmeng also shook his head, and the figure flickered out directly, crossing the distance in one step, wanting to hold back like this Feng Hao.

But an even weirder scene happened. Feng Hao seemed to sense someone behind him, so he couldn't help but increase his speed, and kept rushing towards the entrance of the crack.

In the next moment, Supreme Master Hongmeng appeared in front of Feng Hao who was accelerating continuously, and stopped him abruptly, but at this moment Supreme Master Hongmeng saw a blank look on Feng Hao's face.

"Wake up!"

This time, the sky-shattering roar came from the mouth of Supreme Master Hongmeng. Even the powerhouses in the Xuandao Valley in the distance had some great emperors with low cultivation levels, and their faces turned slightly pale. Obviously, this roar made the breath in their bodies Extremely unstable.

However, after this roar, it was obvious that Feng Hao was also shocked from that strange state, and looked at the Primordial Priest in front of him blankly, not knowing what happened just now.

However, Feng Hao came back to his senses, and when he looked at his position, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Because of the rapid running just now, he is now on the edge of the crack. What happened? What's the matter?

"What happened to you just now?" Supreme Master Hongmeng also frowned and asked,

Feng Hao just now was too unusual, he seemed to have lost all consciousness, he was manipulated to move forward like a wooden man, "I don't know, just now I heard a vague voice echoing in my ears, I subconsciously I want to hear clearly what this voice is saying." Feng Hao said with lingering fear, even he himself didn't know what happened just now.

Hearing what Feng Hao said, the Supreme Master Hongmeng also frowned. What kind of power existed in the restricted area in the beginning of the world, so that Feng Hao always had this kind of situation? In the Great Emperor Realm, it is impossible for Feng Hao and other strong people to lose their consciousness without knowing it.

"Huh?" However, at this moment, Feng Hao made a sound of surprise, because he noticed that the three spirit beads in his body were almost operating automatically, which made him feel very strange. Zhu has already been integrated into the body by himself, how could such a thing happen.

Supreme Master Hongmeng slightly closed his eyes, noticed the energy fluctuations in Feng Hao's body, and said, "Could it be related to the three spirit beads in your body?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Feng Hao also fell into deep thought. It is very possible that the only thing that can be related to the restricted area is the Lingzhu. Beads resonate with something?

Subconsciously, Feng Hao raised his head again, looking at the crack in the canyon not far from him, and the fluctuations from the spirit beads in his heart also became more intense.

It must have something to do with the Lingzhu!

Feng Hao has already decided in his heart, and only in this way can he explain what happened to him. At the moment, he has developed an impulse to enter the depths of the restricted area, and he even guessed that there may be something in the depths of the restricted area. Lingzhu!

The fourth spirit bead!

Thinking of this, Feng Hao also wondered in his heart whether this is feasible. After all, this is the depth of the restricted area in the early days, and there are some unknown powerful existences sealed inside, but it is absolutely not feasible for him to enter rashly alone.

"Do you want the restricted area?" Supreme Master Hongmeng asked as if he had seen through Feng Hao's thoughts.

Feng Hao nodded and did not deny it, but he knew in his heart that this was almost impossible, let alone whether he had the ability to go in, even if he wanted to go in, I am afraid that other people would not agree.

God knows what else is in the depths of the restricted area, and if he goes in and breaks the seal, it will be even more troublesome.

But to Feng Hao's surprise, after pondering for a while, Supreme Master Hongmeng also said: "Then you go in with me."

Feng Hao was also taken aback for a moment, wondering if he had heard wrongly, that Supreme Master Hongmeng wanted to enter the depths of the restricted area? Do you want to bring yourself? What's the matter?

And judging from the tone of Supreme Master Hongmeng, it seemed that no one would stop him.

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