Martial Inverse

Chapter 2475: Do your best

Chapter 2475

Faced with the situation of these monsters, Supreme Master Hongmeng and others obviously frowned. This is not a good situation... Once these monsters start to charge wildly, they will bear unstoppable power.

Although these monsters are indeed very weak in their eyes, even so weak that they can be ignored, but the number in front of them is too terrifying. Once they rush out like a raging ocean, even if a few of them join forces, they will not be able to blocked for too long.

Monsters can unscrupulously ignore the surrounding environment, but they can't. Once they are infected with the terrible cold breath, they will completely turn into ice sculptures and sleep here forever.

Although it has the ability diffused by the spirit beads in Feng Hao's body at this time, for the current monsters, the signs shown are probably reckless and also the power diffused by breaking through Feng Hao.

These monsters seem to be ordered by someone behind them, and all their actions are extremely neat. It is simply unimaginable for other people, these are just monsters.

At the same time, outside the restricted area in the early days, the same Xuandao Valley powerhouse also noticed unusual energy fluctuations, and immediately fell into a state of alert again, and even triggered a signal, this time Tongtian returned again!

Standing on the edge of the crack, Tongtian was blown by a slight cold wind, raising his robe. He frowned and looked at the restricted area in the beginning, feeling the chaotic energy fluctuations, like a raging ocean. It is about to rush out and sweep the world.

"What happened next?"

Tong Tian murmured to himself, but he still didn't know that in these years, no one had strengthened the seal of the restricted area in the early days, which led to today's situation, even at this time, he Still kept in the dark.

In the depths of the restricted area in the early days, the power of the seal is recovering, and the majestic power of the three spirit beads in Feng Hao's body surges out like a flood, and is quickly absorbed by the entire Chaos Wuji seal.

The surrounding gods are getting brighter and brighter, and there are even faint signs of illuminating the entire underground world. At this time, Supreme Master Hongmeng and the others suddenly sank, feeling an unprecedented depression The feeling is slowly permeating out!

And this kind of strong people of their level can feel such a suppressed fluctuation, which is obviously diffused by the seal of Chaos Promise. It can be seen that as long as they persist for a while, then the three in Fenghao's body will Just one spirit bead can revive the entire seal again!

At that time, the chaos in the restricted area in the early days will completely subside. As for these monsters, they will be turned into ashes under the power of the seal!

And with the awakening of the power of this seal, at the same time, the surrounding monsters seemed to be unable to suppress the fear in their hearts, and actually fell into a state of madness, constantly roaring up to the sky!

Countless monsters roared up to the sky, shaking the entire underground world! Even the many powerhouses in Xuandao Valley guarding the restricted area outside suddenly changed their expressions. What happened down there?

No one knows, even if it is Tongtian, he dare not enter the depths of the restricted area without authorization, because he knows how terrible the seal below is, and there is a terrifying existence that is almost unimaginable sealed, even if the Supreme enters,

An accident is also completely buried in it!

"You try your best to protect Feng Hao! Don't let these damned beasts destroy you at these times!" Hongmeng Supreme is also pale. Now that Feng Hao awakens the power of the seal, it has entered the most critical moment. If these monsters initiate Charge, act recklessly, even without fear of the power of the seal, charge them, then whether it is Feng Hao, or them again, I am afraid that the end will not be good.

The Supreme Good and Evil, the Black Fire Qilin Monarch, and the Supreme Sun also looked at each other. The three of them took a step together, and immediately the peak power burst out in their bodies. Although they are not as good as before, they look at the hundreds of clans. The mainland is still at its peak.

The three of them joined forces to guard Feng Hao's side, and kept dispersing those monsters who tried to break through the seal!

As for Xiao Qiuqiu and Feng Xiaoyun, they carried the Supreme Master Hongmeng on their backs, and sat quietly beside Feng Hao waiting for the result. Feng Xiaoyun still had a faint smile on his face, having gone through so many things. , he has absolute confidence in Feng Hao and in his father!

And after Supreme Master Hongmeng got close to Feng Hao, his complexion also changed slightly, because he noticed that some faint blue energy lingering on Feng Hao's body was also approaching him indistinctly, Supreme Master Hongmeng slowly He stretched out his palm to grasp the blue energy in his hand, and his body trembled suddenly, revealing an inconceivable expression.

Because at that moment just now, Supreme Master Hongmeng also sensed that the faint blue divine light derived from Fenghao's body surface also has a great effect on him, especially for him who is almost exhausted. Under the state of the lamp withered, it turned out that the energy that had disappeared in his body was rapidly recovering!

Supreme Master Hongmeng just smiled at the moment, and didn't say much immediately. He sat down cross-legged directly, and at the same time began to absorb some of these faint blue energies. He knew that this was done on purpose by Feng Hao, and he wanted to quickly recover to the peak state.

Because the energy contained in the Lingzhu is too huge, even if the Chaos Promise Seal is awakened, it has been running for more than half an hour, and there is still no sign of stopping, let alone the Hongmeng. The power in Supreme's body recovered.

"Hold on, hold on for another half an hour! No, ten minutes is enough!" Hongmeng Supreme also gritted his teeth and said to the three of them. Just now, Feng Hao communicated with his spiritual consciousness, and it seemed that he could feel it through the fluctuation of the energy flow of the seal. If you persist for half an hour, you can almost completely activate the entire seal!

But Supreme Master Hongmeng took a look at the three of them, and felt that they should last for less than half an hour. He gritted his teeth and said that as long as he persisted for ten minutes, under the blessing of the blue energy on Feng Hao's body surface, Supreme Master Hongmeng's energy was in full swing. Quick recovery, only ten minutes, he only needs ten minutes!

Once the ten minutes are up, the power in Hongmeng Supreme's body will return to its peak again, so if he participates in the attack again at that time, he should be able to delay the time to half an hour!

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