Martial Inverse

Chapter 2481: Prosperous Ancient World

Chapter 2481 Prosperous Ancient World

Without any accident, Feng Hao directly entered the teleportation array just like the choice of Hongmeng Supreme and others. As he expected, the moment he stepped into the black pit, the surrounding situation also happened. some changes.

Some bright rays of light suddenly appeared on the ground. They were cumbersome runes and strong spatial fluctuations. At this moment, they diffused out, and a strong and bright beam of light rushed out of the entire black pit. , directly to the sky!

However, in such a majestic scene, Feng Hao's body gradually disappeared into the black pit, and when he reappeared, he was in another place, and this place was indeed the same as before. The wilderness is very different.

The other side that Feng Hao reappeared was a place that looked like a mountain range. With a glance, there were lush green everywhere, revealing vigorous vitality. Some ancient trees were tens of feet high, comparable to mountain peaks.

Seeing the sudden surprise around here, Feng Hao was also taken aback for a moment, the contrast between the front and the back is too big, where is this place? Could it be that he has already left the restricted area?

Feng Hao frowned, feeling slightly, and felt that he should still have not left the restricted area, but he didn't know where this place was. There were bursts of roaring sounds in the distance, like the roar of wild animals , this is obviously a land full of majestic vitality everywhere.


When Feng Hao was in a daze, the ancient tree in the sky suddenly fell down at a moment in front of him, as if being hit by some huge object, Feng Hao frowned slightly, and immediately dodged to the side.

At this time, a giant beast with a body shape like a mountain appeared, running forward, but it didn't notice Feng Hao's existence, and there was not much intersection at the moment.

"My God, is this a prehistoric and prosperous age, and there are such ancient giant beasts?" Feng Hao was also amazed, this is really too rare, and then he started to walk in this place, and found many interesting things.

Wherever you go, you can see all kinds of precious medicinal herbs everywhere, and there are even some species that are almost extinct and invisible in the outside world, but at this time they appear here in patches. After walking for a while, Feng Hao is His face became weird.

He felt that the energy in his body seemed to be suppressed. As he walked more and more, his body actually appeared a sense of fatigue, which made Feng Hao even more curious. Apart from serious injuries, he had already It's rare to get that feeling.

Afterwards, Feng Hao's body surface began to overflow with a little blue light, and the power of the Lingzhu was mobilized again. Although it could not bless anything, it could ensure Feng Hao to reduce this strange suppression.

After walking for a long time, Feng Hao finally walked out of this continuous green area, but in front of him, there was a towering building that looked like a tomb.

That's right, it's a tomb. The building that appeared in front of Feng Hao is so tall that you can hardly see the height when you raise your head. It seems to be piercing the sky. It's not a tomb, it's more like a powerful existence sleeping !

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and he noticed an indescribable aura pervading the surrounding area, filled with a kind of arrogance that cannot be expressed in words, as if this tomb inherited the aura of its owner before his death, which makes people look away. Shengwei.

It's not just a tomb,

It's more like a strong man sitting in the town, with the momentum to suppress the heavens and myriad ways!

And as Feng Hao gradually approached the tomb, his face became more weird obviously, he could clearly feel that the aura in his body was suppressed even more, and even the three spirit beads also emitted strange fluctuations .

"Could it be here?"

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, noticing the fluctuation of breath in his body, especially the abnormal reaction of the Lingzhu, which made him feel slightly happy. Could it be that he has found the right place? The fourth spirit bead lies in this place?

Feng Hao didn't enter the tomb in a hurry, but kept walking and observing the surrounding area. Finally, after a while, he stopped and raised his head to stare blankly at the towering building.

This is not a simple tomb, but it doesn't look like it from the outside, on the contrary, it looks like a palace of supreme existence.

Feng Haoshen took a deep breath, the moment he approached the tomb, there was a sudden change, and a gray aura was released from the surface of the building, lingering around , vaguely as if to block Feng Hao's way.


With a loud noise, Feng Hao stepped back a few steps abruptly. Just now, he wanted to resist these gray divine lights, but found that he was simply unable to resist this kind of gray divine lights. His power was forced to retreat abruptly, one can imagine how terrifying power this gray light possessed.


When Feng Hao retreated, the space trembled slightly, and the gray light flickered continuously, but in the end, a strange weapon was condensed, suspended in front of Feng Hao. At that moment, Feng Hao's body trembled slightly, and his legs seemed to be unable to support, shaking constantly.

Feng Hao's face became extremely ugly, his eyes stared directly at the strange weapon condensed from the gray light in front of him, his body was trembling, because he found that he could not bear this kind of coercion!

" definitely not the Supreme Divine Weapon!" Feng Hao decided in his heart immediately that the weapon condensed from the gray divine light has a great background. He has seen the Supreme Divine Weapon, but it is impossible to give it to him. He brings this terrible coercion.

Even he himself could not bear the coercion, unless the real Supreme was in charge of the Supreme Divine Weapon, otherwise, if Huangfu Wushuang used to hold the Tiankun Divine Mirror, there would be nothing he could do about him.

Looking at the strange weapon in front of him, Feng Hao frowned slightly. This weapon didn't look like a sword. If you had to say it, it was more like an axe, but the handle was a bit long.


Suddenly Feng Hao was taken aback, he remembered some records in ancient books, about the ancient gods, it was rumored that in the past, Pan Gu's weapon was an ax, and Pan Gu used this ax to open up the whole world, cut through All chaos!

"Could it be the axe?"

,--! ! !

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