Martial Inverse

Chapter 2484: Inheritance of the Ancient God

Chapter 2484 Inheritance of the Ancient God

Until now, Feng Hao finally understood that this is definitely the imprint of power left by that ancient divine weapon, because the power of the spirit beads in his body is ancient, triggering this imprint, allowing these scenes to reappear on his body in front of you.

Pangu used the ancient gods to break through the chaos and opened up the world. Nuwa used her divine power to create all things, including the human race, until the appearance of this dark monster swept the whole world. In the end, the ancient gods all died Recovery, it took the last strength to complete the seal of the three restricted areas!

"Could it be that this Lingzhu...does it have something to do with Pangu among the ancient gods, or Nuwa?" Feng Hao watched all this quietly, unable to move even if he wanted to. Had a lot of thoughts.

Thinking about everything now, the Lingzhu must be related to these two ancient gods. As for whether it is Pangu or Nuwa, I have to know, Feng Hao is more inclined to the former.

However, after the two ancient gods sealed the dark monsters in those time and space images, the images began to freeze. Feng Hao raised his head and looked at the two figures that made him extremely familiar, and he couldn't calm down. .

Gradually, after a while, one of the burly male figures slowly walked towards him, but Feng Hao found that at this moment, the light in front of his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Obviously this burly man was very close to him, but the bright light made his eyes squint, and he couldn't see clearly the real appearance of this burly man!

The bright light gradually replaced everything, and in an instant, the distorted space around him also collapsed instantly. Feng Hao's body suddenly felt a feeling that it was about to be torn apart, and the power of chaotic space began to pervade continuously. out.

"Oops, this..."

Feng Hao had a bad feeling in his heart at the moment, and at this moment, he didn't care to see clearly the appearance of the burly man who was gradually approaching him, so he forced himself to calm down, so he wanted to get rid of this helplessness urgently. The state of moving.

"Move quickly!!!"

Feng Hao let out a roar in his heart, he knew that if he continued like this, he would probably be torn apart alive by this kind of violent space force, this kind of scene was obviously not what he wanted to see.

Suddenly, the three spirit beads in Feng Hao's body trembled slightly, and immediately Feng Hao felt an unprecedented ease, as if all the strength strengthened in his body disappeared without a trace!

He was able to move. With the help of the three spirit beads, Feng Hao could finally move. He directly opened his eyes suddenly, and what caught his eyes was a bright light, but he was not afraid at all, directly Stimulating the power in his body, he forcibly broke free from all confinement!

At the same time, the surrounding space suddenly shattered, just like a mirror, it became fragmented, and Feng Hao's body also realized that there was no such violent space force pulling him. body of.

At this moment, Feng Hao can no longer think about the matter of those two figures. The most important thing at the moment is to let himself survive this change!


The moment a loud noise came out, the whole space became fragmented, and Feng Hao also noticed the flow speed of the law of time again,

This time it seems to be accelerating continuously. Fortunately, he has the power of Lingzhu in his body, and the law of time here seems to be unable to affect him.

Feng Hao's face became extremely solemn, he didn't make any movement, he just circulated the power of the spirit beads in his body, and he didn't dare to take any easy actions at the moment, for fear that it would cause some unnecessary troubles.

However, in a trance, in this kind of time passing by quickly, surrounded by a radiant light, Feng Hao suddenly heard a faint sigh.

"Oh, it's still too weak... Am I too impatient?"

The appearance of this sigh almost made Feng Hao think that he had an illusion, but when he wanted to pursue it patiently, there was a loud bang again from the surrounding space, as if the stars were turning and the sun and the moon were overturning in an instant.

The surrounding scenery changed again, and this time after a while, Feng Hao suddenly relaxed, half-kneeling on the ground directly, panting and looking at the surrounding situation.

He finally came back, and in front of his eyes was still the towering tomb, still releasing that kind of domineering that cannot be expressed in words, but the gray energy that just appeared in front of his eyes was condensed and formed. But the ancient magic weapon disappeared.

"What... what's going on here?" Feng Hao kept panting heavily, with cold sweat dripping down his face. The experience just now seemed to have given him a nightmare, but it was so real.

Feng Hao calmed down for a moment, and finally recovered. He stood up slowly, and when he wanted to continue to approach the towering tomb, he discovered that there was an invisible invisible force in front of him. Stop him, so that he can no longer have the ability to move forward.

After trying many times, Feng Hao finally gave up directly. He knew that he should have no way to get close to this tomb, and there is obviously something related to the ancient gods in this tomb, and it is no exaggeration to say that , which contains the inheritance of the ancient gods!

At this time, Feng Hao began to think back on everything he had experienced, and found that the faint sigh that appeared at the end was exactly the same as the old voice that appeared at the last moment when he passed the scourge last time!

In other words, the person I encountered just now is the same person as the one I experienced before!

Who is he?

At this moment, Feng Hao's heart is also a little flustered, is this really his own illusion? After the last scourge, Feng Hao thought for a long time but did not come to a conclusion. In the end, he could only say that he had an illusion, but when something happened again, can he still say it was an illusion?

"Is it too weak?" Feng Hao raised his head slowly, looking at the towering tomb in front of him, the sigh echoed in his mind just now, and his fists could not help but clenched, yes, he is still too weak !

Thinking about it now, it is very likely that what I faced just now was a great fortune, maybe even the inheritance of the ancient gods, but it was because I was too weak to accept all this at all!

,--! ! !

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