Martial Inverse

Chapter 2488 Mysterious place!

Chapter 2488 Mysterious place!

The situation that Hongmeng Supreme and others are facing at this time, even though they know that there are many dangers ahead, they must continue to move forward. Although this feeling of being led by the nose makes them very uncomfortable, it is There is no way.

Whether it is Fenghao or Hongmeng Supreme, both sides are advancing rapidly. As long as they walk in the right direction, the monsters that appear on the way will not attack them actively, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer up...

But at this time, in that mysterious black building, there are still a huge number of monsters roaring around. The mysterious black building towers high above the ground, and the surrounding monsters seem to be against this mysterious black building. Have great fear.

"Those people...should have come here soon, right?"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the black building, revealing a kind of viciousness, and there was a bit of urgency!

"It should be soon, there are monsters appearing continuously on both sides, as long as they leave this direction, the monsters will continue to attack them, forcing them to move forward in this direction."

Another female voice also sounded eerie, and after hearing it, people couldn't help but feel horrified.

"Could it be that our intentions are too obvious, what if those two notice it? This is the only chance we have to wait!" The third voice also sounded in time, but it revealed a kind of worry.

"Jie Jie, so what if they know, they can only come to this place obediently in the end!"

The majestic voice who was the first to speak before also laughed strangely, and the laughter spread throughout this place, making the space tremble endlessly!

"As long as they step into the range that our power can diffuse, no matter how powerful they are, they will definitely not be able to escape from our palms!"

"That's right, Jie Jie, I have already arranged the formations around here, as long as they can appear here, then we have a chance to leave this ghost place again, damn Pangu!!!"

After the sound came out, the black mysterious building suddenly became quiet, and there were still countless monsters roaming and roaring around, as if this was a hell!

At this time, Feng Hao has gradually approached this area. At this time, he was passing through a stone forest. At the same time, he noticed that there were more and more monsters appearing, and the number even exceeded what he had encountered before. Sum.

Especially the surrounding environment made Feng Hao feel more uneasy. There are black rocks all around, and there is a kind of palpitating power everywhere. Feeling this, Feng Hao is also deeply moved. After taking a breath, he knew very well that he was probably getting close to his destination.

And what he hopes now is, is he able to see the appearance of Hongmeng Supreme and others in that place as he wishes?

After passing through this strange black stone forest, Feng Hao suddenly noticed the change of the scenery in front of him. An empty plain was filled with endless black monsters. Cast your gaze over suddenly!

Thousands of monsters stared at Feng Hao at the same time. If ordinary people were in such a situation, they would have been terrified.

But Fenghao was not afraid at all, he raised his head and glanced at Yuan Fang, but at the end, a mysterious black building appeared!

This black mysterious building, like a nine-story demon tower, is still towering into the sky, making people daunting. However, in this kind of place, there is such a mysterious building, which makes Feng Hao's heart arouse. A little surprised.

What appeared earlier was a tomb, which contained the inheritance of the ancient gods. However, this place is different. It is full of monsters. It can be said that it is full of monsters. The buildings that can appear in this place may not represent any good things. .

However, at this time, Feng Hao also had some answers in his heart, then it is very possible that the seals in this mysterious black building are those ancient monsters that even the ancient gods cannot completely kill! Real monsters, and only in this way, can explain this building that looks like a demon-suppressing tower.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao's heart suddenly moved, and a touch of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes, because he also sensed the aura of Feng Xiaoyun and others, and he could already feel it vaguely.

If you didn't guess wrong, then it is very likely that the end of the journey this time is that mysterious black building!

"No matter who you are, if you have any tricks, just show them. I don't believe that you have been sealed for so long, and you still have the ability to reach the sky!" At that moment, Feng Hao's face gradually became dignified, and he stepped forward firmly. Following his footsteps, even though there are millions of monsters around him, he is not afraid at all!

However, the situation faced by Supreme Master Hongmeng and others at this time is also the same. After entering this place with monstrous demonic energy, they also found that the distance between themselves and others was very close to Feng Hao, so they all speeded up and headed towards Feng Hao. Go to that black mysterious building!

However, at this moment, as if the existence in the black building had sensed their arrival, there was a cruel sneer, and he murmured: "Since they are all here, let's wait for me to greet you." , enjoy the desperate killing!"

After the sound fell, the expressions of the surrounding monsters suddenly changed, as if they had become crazy, and they each let out an uneasy roar. This situation quickly spread and spread all over the entire place. Area monsters!

A moment later, no matter it was Feng Hao, Hongmeng Supreme and the others, they all sensed that the monsters around their place had suddenly undergone some changes, showing signs of being a little irritable!

Originally, even after these monsters saw their appearance, they behaved very calmly, at most they just watched him quietly, but at this time Feng Hao saw a desire to attack from the eyes of these monsters, It also contains a kind of killing!

"Oops, these monsters...couldn't be..."

Feng Hao took the changes in the monsters around him into his eyes, and an uneasy thought appeared in his heart at the moment, these monsters probably wanted to attack him at this time, right?

,--! ! !

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