Martial Inverse

Chapter 2490 Mysterious Existence

Chapter 2490 Mysterious Existence

"It's good if we can find it now!" The Supreme Being of Hongmeng also took a few steps, and patted Feng Hao's shoulder. This time they were finally able to rendezvous successfully. When entering here, the teleportation array had an accident with Feng Hao , which no one can imagine.

However, fortunately, everything is still safe now, and everyone is still alive, and this is the most important thing.

"Let's go, let's find a chance to leave here." Feng Hao also said with a light smile. For him, the purpose of entering here this time has been achieved, so Feng Hao dare not continue to stay in this right and wrong place.

Vaguely, Feng Hao already had a bad feeling in his heart, and after experiencing this mysterious place, the uneasy feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

"Have you found the fourth spirit bead?" Hongmeng Supreme also frowned slightly and said, after all, this trip is the most important to Feng Hao, if he has already found it, he will naturally leave.

"Well, I already know what's going on, but I don't have much ability now, so I can only wait until later." Feng Hao's tone was also a little hasty. For some reason, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, even Even the three spirit beads in his body were trembling constantly.

This situation shows one thing, that is, something bad is about to happen!

"Let's go, don't linger!" Feng Hao's tone became hurried, and his figure was the first to step out at that moment, but he found that, at some point, the ground suddenly rose into a black God's light.

These black auras are constantly protecting each other and intertwining together. From a distance, it looks like a formation. After the appearance of this formation, Feng Hao's expression obviously changed, because where his eyes passed , Those monsters that were constantly roaring in this place before suddenly changed into wisps of black aura, and all of them were sucked into this formation under the soles of their feet!

"Oops, what's going on?" Feng Hao's expression changed suddenly, his eyes were slightly crinkled, and he already found that his body seemed to be unable to move. These black lights were constantly following all of them People's feet drilled upwards, as if they wanted to enter their bodies.

Feng Hao wanted to resist, but for some reason, there was a sudden loud noise in his mind, the consciousness of the whole person became muddled, and suddenly quieted down, just like Feng Hao, there were other people.

Including the Priest of Hongmeng, the Supreme of Good and Evil, the Supreme of Bright Sun and the Monarch of Black Fire Qilin, etc., only Feng Xiaoyun's body constantly showed a soft divine light, as if to resist this black divine light invasion.

Because Xiao Qiuqiu was hugged by Feng Xiaoyun, the two of them didn't change much at the moment, the only thing was that Feng Xiaoyun still had a little bit of spiritual consciousness, but it was in vain, even if he tried to struggle, he couldn't.

"Jie Jie, although it's a bit short, it's enough, there's no way to hell..."

Feng Xiaoyun was in a trance, but he heard such a low murmur, accompanied by other similar laughter, not the same person, he wanted to open his eyes hard to see what happened, but he But can't do it.

I don't know how long this vague feeling lasted. Everyone's bodies, including Feng Hao and others, fell to the ground in an instant. disappear,

It's like it never appeared.

But at this time, the mysterious place that was originally filled with many monsters suddenly became empty, not to mention monsters, not even a ghost. This scene is really shocking .

The only thing that remains the same is that the mysterious black building still stands tall on the ground, but compared to before, it seems to be missing something.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like a moment, or like a century has passed, Feng Hao, who has been in a coma for a long time, suddenly moved his fingers, and then slowly opened his eyes, scanning around.

"What the hell happened here?" Feng Hao raised his head slightly, looking at the surrounding situation with blank eyes, but there was a big gap from before he passed out. Those ubiquitous monsters were already All disappeared.

Before the coma, all those black auras that appeared on the ground also disappeared, which is too weird!

After Feng Hao woke up, the rest of the people also woke up one by one. They also looked around with a blank look. They also didn't know what happened, why did they suddenly appear so big? The change.

However, what they don't understand the most is that they actually passed out at the same time, so what happened during the time they passed out? No one knows this.

Feng Hao looked at Supreme Master Hongmeng and others, and subconsciously asked, "What do you think?"

Supreme Priest Hongmeng, Supreme Good and Evil and the others shook their heads, but they didn't say anything. They also checked their bodies, but there was nothing wrong with them. This was what made them most uneasy.

"I remember... vaguely, when I was in a coma, I heard a lot of laughter, but those laughter disappeared in an instant, I don't know if it was an illusion." Feng Xiaoyun frowned and said, his arms Xiao Qiuqiu also grinned in confusion.

Feng Hao frowned, stood on the spot and thought deeply for a moment. Before he fell into a coma, the uneasiness that appeared in his heart, especially the abnormal movement of the spirit beads in his body, made him realize that it might not be so simple this time.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Hao waved his hand, feeling that since he couldn't think of any results, he could only leave this place as soon as possible. Walk back the way you came.

Of course, we can only walk in the direction that Hongmeng Supreme and the others came from. Along the way, everyone maintained an atmosphere of silence, because this is really too weird. what's going on.

However, they didn't know that when they passed out, apart from Feng Hao and Feng Xiaoyun, there were some mysterious existences in each of them, and they and themselves didn't realize this.

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