Martial Inverse

Chapter 2501: Counterbalance Immortal

Chapter 2501

The moment the sword light appeared in the hands of the immortal warrior, Feng Hao moved.

Almost no one present could detect the sign of Feng Hao's attack, even the immortal martial artist, who could not detect any energy fluctuations at all.

This is the frightening thing about Feng Hao, the cultivation of this immortal warrior is only at the level of the lower god master realm, if they fight seriously, Feng Hao may not be inferior to the opponent.


When the long sword in the hands of the immortal warrior was about to fall on the head of the young warrior in Ling Xiaofeng, it was blocked by a nine-color divine light rushing out from nowhere.

This scene seemed to be frozen in time. The young man from Ling Xiaofeng thought he was doomed, but when he found out that the long sword in the hands of the immortal warrior was only a finger away, he suddenly Shengdi was blocked by a nine-color divine light.

Immortal warrior's expression suddenly changed drastically. He didn't expect that someone would really block his attack, and he suddenly shouted angrily, his black hair moved without wind, and the long sword in his hand burst out with a little bright light The divine light seemed to break through the barrier.

At this time, the people around were also stunned. This was originally a struggle between Ling Xiaofeng and the immortal organization. They didn't dare to intervene at all. At this moment, someone dared to stand up and make a move. Then it shows one thing It is very likely that the person who came was from Ling Xiaofeng.

Thinking of this possibility, the surroundings suddenly became lively. If the strong Ling Xiaofeng appeared, then the warriors of the immortal organization would probably have to stage a fierce battle with each other, and this would be an eye-opener for them.

When the long sword in the hands of the immortal warrior bloomed, the space was slowly distorted, filled with some strange fluctuations, and the people around were holding their breath. Who on earth intervened in this battle.

A moment later, a burly man's figure emerged from the ripples in the space. What is worth noting is that his white hair is particularly attractive, and what's weird is that the fluctuations that emanate from him, It is no worse than the warriors of the immortal organization.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some unborn old monsters from Ling Xiaofeng."

"It's possible that there will be a good show to watch."

At the moment, there are more discussions around than I love you. Of course, the person who appeared suddenly is Feng Hao. Besides him, who else would intervene in this kind of battle.

"Who the hell are you?" The immortal organized the warrior's arms to shake repeatedly, wanting to swing his long sword to break through the obstruction of the nine-color divine light, but he found that all the strength of the long sword he was holding was like a mud cow entering the sea. There was no reaction at all.

At the moment, he was also extremely astonished. The person in front of him was definitely not weaker than himself.

"Guess." Of course, Feng Hao didn't state his identity clearly, nor did he pretend to be Ling Xiaofeng, but instead showed a mysterious smile, making it even more difficult to guess his identity.

"Senior, if you save me, you will be paid a lot."

At the moment, the disciples of Ling Xiaofeng who are behind Feng Hao also know that they are lucky, that a mysterious strongman appeared to save him, and he is very excited at the moment, this is better than dying under the hands of the warriors of the immortal organization.

"Hmph, you pretender, you're not from Ling Xiaofeng at all."

The martial artist of the fairy organization snorted coldly, and then slowly drew back his long sword, knowing that the long sword could not advance half a point again this time, and could only wait for the next attack.

"I didn't say I was from Ling Xiaofeng." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, with a strange smile on his face, looked at the warriors of the immortal organization and said, "I'll protect this person."

Hearing what he said, many people around took a deep breath. Who is this person and what is his background? He dared to say that to the immortal organization. You must know the reputation of the immortal organization. It is not weaker than the two giants, and even for some people, they are even more unwilling to offend the immortal organization, because it will be endless trouble.

Once you offend the immortal organization, it will really make people crazy. If you can't kill you once, there will be a second time, and the third time will know that it can kill you.

"Are you provoking Xian?"

Unexpectedly, this warrior of the fairy organization did not get angry, but said coldly, because he had already noticed some intriguing meanings from Feng Hao. If the other party dared to say this, he must still have his own grasp.

But who is this person's identity?

"Perhaps you can understand it this way. Anyway, it's not the first time I've provoked your immortal organization." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, showing a look of indifference, which naturally shocked everyone next to him again.

You know, since ancient times, there have been many people who have offended immortals, but these people usually end up not going well, but Feng Hao said so at this time, doesn't it mean that his background is even worse? Is it simple?

Hearing what Feng Hao said, the warriors of the immortal organization also frowned. He found that he really couldn't see through Feng Hao at this time, and he was shaken in his heart for a while, but he knew that it was obviously impossible for him to retreat like this , In this case, the reputation of the immortal organization will be affected, and it is not the style of the immortal organization to leave just by a word from others.

"It seems that you don't want to." Feng Hao raised his eyebrows, noticed the change in the aura of the immortal warrior, thought for a while in his heart, and knew his guess, so he would definitely not leave willingly.

"That depends on whether you have such ability." At the moment, the martial artist of the immortal organization also snorted coldly. It is impossible for him to just sit and watch Feng Hao take people away. This is not in line with the way immortal organizations do things. Talented people can be overbearing.

"Oh, then what are you going to do." Feng Hao raised his brows, saying that it is almost impossible to fight, if it really attracts other strong people from Ling Xiaofeng, then no matter whether it is a warrior from the immortal organization Ideas or his ideas are in vain.

"Take me ten moves undefeated, I will leave immediately."

The warrior of the immortal organization said indifferently, with a kind of proud self-confidence in his tone. He believed that if he could not defeat Feng Hao within his ten moves, then it proved that he was indeed no match for Feng Hao.

"Ten strokes, just want to defeat me, so bold, then come." Feng Hao laughed, and immediately stretched out his hands, signaling: "I also want to see what the immortal organization is capable of. "

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