Martial Inverse

Chapter 2506: Simpler request

Chapter 2506 A simple request

"any request?"

Hearing what Feng Hao said, not only did Haotian not relax, but he looked at Feng Hao cautiously, no matter how stupid he was, he could guess that Feng Hao's purpose was not simply to save himself. Obviously there are other plans.

"It's a very simple matter, you just nod your head." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, but did not speak out in a hurry.

"I will not do any betrayal or anything that is not good for Ling Xiaofeng." Haotian immediately stated his position. It is naturally possible to make a request for Feng Hao, but it must be under certain conditions, such as Ling Xiaofeng is the most important!

"Don't worry, I won't let you do anything that is not good for Ling Xiaofeng." Feng Hao rolled his eyes at Haotian. up.

Watching Feng Hao say this, Haotian was relieved immediately, his dignified face gradually slowed down, showing a slight smile and fisted at Feng Hao: "Senior, what is the request, now you can speak directly Bar."

Feng Hao nodded, glanced at Hao Tian and said: "It's very simple, hand over something to your young master for me, Le Tian."

However, unexpectedly, Haotian did not directly nod his head in agreement, but showed a puzzled look, and said, "Who is Letian?"

Hearing this, Feng Hao almost fainted from anger. What is going on with this guy? Doesn’t he even know Le Tian? If he remembers correctly, his status in Ling Xiaofeng is not low. He used to follow him The old and strong man in Letian called out the name of the young master from time to time, and he was obviously the young master of Ling Xiaofeng.

However, at this time Haotian told him who Le Tian was.

"Your Ling Xiaofeng's young master, Le Tian, ​​you don't know him." Feng Hao looked at Hao Tian with an incredulous look, which is almost impossible.

"I really don't know each other. There is no young master in our Lingxiao Peak, but only one princess named Lexin." Haotian showed a very serious expression, and explained to Feng Hao, even if Feng Hao saw his expression sè, also can't detect that the other party seems to be lying.

"happy heart"

Feng Hao suddenly looked sad, and this time it was a lot of fun. If there is no such person as Le Tian, ​​then who is he who met him before? Could it be that he appeared out of thin air, and who is that Le Xin? .

Thinking hard, Feng Hao didn't have any clue, this gave him a little headache, but after a while, a thought suddenly flashed through Feng Hao's mind, he glanced at Hao Tian and said: "The music you mentioned What does the heart look like?"

"I said senior, are you thinking about our princess?"

Hearing Feng Hao's question, Haotian suddenly showed a hostile look. Looking at Feng Hao is like looking at a big bad wolf. Obviously, Le Xin is in the minds of many young children of Ling Xiaofeng. favorite object.

"Go, go, I won't fall in love with a yellow-haired girl, answer my question quickly." Feng Hao waved his hand, signaling Haotian to answer quickly.

Haotian pursed his lips, and recalled at the moment: "Princess Lexin is a very beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a fairy. She just doesn't eat fireworks in the world. When people see it, they can't help but feel pity."

Feng Hao next to him has black hair,

What kind of thing is this? Is this Haotian crazy?

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and made a picture of Le Tian in his mind, and explained to Haotian, to see if this Le Tian is the so-called Princess Le Xin, because he is extremely suspicious now that the two are the same at all. personal.

After Feng Hao made some gestures, Haotian also took the back of his head and said: "You are talking about our Princess Lexin, how could it be called Letian."

After hearing Haotian's affirmation, Feng Hao secretly shouted in his heart, sure enough, the so-called Letian was made of Princess Lexin disguised as a woman, and he had misjudged it before.

This point, even Feng Hao himself found it unbelievable. According to his own level at that time, he couldn't even tell that a man disguised himself as a woman. A little higher, of course, this has a lot to do with Feng Hao not even thinking about it, otherwise it can still be observed by paying more attention.

"I said senior, you know Princess Lexin." Haotian glanced at Feng Hao, with great doubts in his tone, when did his own Princess Lexin know such a peerless powerhouse, Feng Hao in front of him could almost Compared with his own master, he may be stronger.

You must know that my master is already a very powerful existence within Ling Xiaofeng. As the Supreme Elder, all the existences with such a state in the outside world are famous people, but Feng Hao is like this mystery.

"If I'm not wrong, your Princess Lexin is the Letian I know." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders. For this result, he obviously feels a little bit pained, but this is the most appropriate explanation.

"How about this, I have a jade slip with my mark on it, you just need to give this to Princess Lexin." Feng Hao took out a jade slip from his bosom and handed it to Haotiandao.

Because of his own identity, he didn't intend to go directly to find Letian, it shouldn't be Lexin, so now that he knew the other party's true identity, Feng Hao felt that he should be more cautious, after all, Ling Xiaofeng was involved. Princess.

"This matter should not be difficult for you." Feng Hao glanced at Haotian coldly, and his tone became a little bit more serious.

Haotian hesitated for a moment, took the jade slip, and had a difficult choice in his heart. In Lingxiao Peak, it was not difficult for him to meet Lexin, but Fenghao's identity had always been so mysterious that he dared not Self-assessment, if Princess Lexin is involved, then the matter will be a big deal.

Feng Hao glanced at Haotian, and immediately understood what he was thinking, sighed, and said helplessly: "How about this, you meet Princess Lexin first, and tell him that an old friend is looking for her, surnamed Feng. Yes, and then give this thing to her, if she is willing to accept it, it will be fine, if she is not willing to accept it, let it go at this time."

For Fenghao's approach, it is extremely safe, but the premise is that Haotian will nod and agree to help.

Seeing that Feng Hao said so, Hao Tian also nodded, and said: "Okay, then I promise you."

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