Martial Inverse

Chapter 2536 Shocking details

Chapter 2536 Shocking background

Thinking of this in his heart, Feng Hao's heart was filled with shock, more than a hundred strong men above the Great Emperor Realm? This Taxianlou is so terrifying? Even with the support of Ling Xiaofeng behind, this force is too powerful!

And before that, if he hadn't entered the Immortal Stepping Tower, he wouldn't have known that there would be such a terrifying background.

Le Huang has been paying attention to the change of Feng Hao's expression. Seeing Feng Hao's expression now, he also chuckled and said: "You may be thinking a little too much. There are a total of 120 steps in this staircase. layers, but not every layer has corresponding strong men, and among this part of strong men, some are from Ling Xiaofeng or Xuan Dao Valley."

Hearing what Le Huang said, Feng Hao suddenly understood, and he was relieved at the moment. It turned out that the one hundred and twenty stairs were not all full, but Feng Hao guessed that there should be no less than one hundred people. About one hundred of them, although some of them are strong men from Ling Xiaofeng and Xuan Dao Valley, but this is not to be underestimated.

"Is there no strong person from the Guardian Clan?" Feng Hao also asked casually. When the Guardian Clan broke out in the restricted area in the past, he occasionally heard from the conversations with Hongmeng Supreme and others. The power of the world exists alongside the strength of the two giants, but few people in the world know about it.

"Huh? Do you know the Guardian Clan?"

At the moment, Yue Huang was also slightly surprised and said, knowing how to protect the clan would not be so simple.

Feng Hao came back to his senses, but he secretly said in his heart that he had slipped his tongue. He changed his mind and said with a casual look: "My master mentioned to me that there is a family called Guardians in this Penglai world. According to reports, its existence is no weaker than the existence of Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng."

This answer can be described as flawless, even if Yue Huang had suspicions in his heart, there was no way to say it out, but at the moment Le Huang believed in it. It was very loud, but Feng Hao deliberately concealed it.

Le Huang also did not continue to pursue the issue of Feng Hao's identity. Everyone is a smart person. If Feng Hao doesn't say anything, then Le Huang will not continue to ask. It's better to follow this way, at least it can be with Feng Hao. Hao intersected.

"The powerhouses of the Guardian Clan are generally not born, unless there is a major event, so generally speaking, the world only knows about Xuandao Valley and Ling Xiaofeng, and they don't know anything about the Guardian Clan." Le Huang laughed.

"With Brother Le's tone, I think Brother Le's status in Ling Xiaofeng is not bad, right?" Feng Hao asked unintentionally, he was trying to find out the identity of the Emperor Le.

In fact, if Feng Hao didn't ask, as long as he saw Le Xin after staying for a few days, and asked again at that time, he would also be able to know the identity of Le Huang.

"Haha, I'm ashamed to say that my father is the suzerain of Ling Xiaofeng." Le Huang smiled slightly. Unlike Feng Hao, he did not continue to hide his identity. After all, there is no way to hide this, as long as he goes out casually Ask who Le Huang is, I believe a lot of people will tell you.

Hearing Le Huang's answer, Feng Hao's body stiffened suddenly, but he soon returned to normal. Although his face didn't look changed, a turbulent wave arose in his heart.

It can't be such a coincidence, can it? Lehuang is actually the son of the suzerain of Ling Xiaofeng? Doesn't that mean he is Le Xin's elder brother?

Thinking of this, Feng Hao couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. After playing for a long time, Le Huang was still Le Xin's brother. If he knew this, he wouldn't have to go through such troubles, but Feng Hao suddenly thought of something.

Earlier, Huangfu Wushuang told himself that Xuandaogu decided to marry her to a younger generation from Ling Xiaofeng. This...couldn't this be the Emperor Yue?

The more he thinks about it, the more likely it is, Feng Hao is really entangled in his heart at this time, but he is not easy to ask, because the marriage that Huangfu Wushuang said is only known to the two powerful people. Asking out of mouth, this will definitely make Yuehuang suspicious.

The only way to know the answer to this question is to ask Le Xin.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Feng Hao could only sigh, this world is so small, unexpectedly the Le Huang he met was not only a brother and sister relationship with Le Xin, but more likely the one who married Huang Fu Wushuang.

"What's wrong?"

At the moment, Le Huang who was next to him also asked in puzzlement. He also felt puzzled when he saw Feng Hao's complicated expression.

"No... nothing, it turns out that Brother Le is still the son of the suzerain of Ling Xiaofeng, no wonder he has such abilities, he is really a tiger without a dog, it is really admirable." Thoughts of conjecture are thoroughly hidden well.

"Haha, it's nothing..." Yue Huang shook his head, and laughed at the moment, and at this moment, the two of them had gradually reached the highest point of the stairs.

Standing here, looking down from a distance, this staircase is 120 floors, which can be said to be very high. Now Feng Hao is standing here, and there is an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the real Taxian Tower." Le Huang laughed, patted Feng Hao on the shoulder, and then slowly showed a colorful light in Le Huang's hands.

As this divine light gradually enveloped Le Huang's hands, then Le Huang's palms directly melted away in the empty space in front of him, and a moment later, the split space formed a vortex.

Obviously this vortex is a space teleportation point leading to another place, and Feng Hao also showed a slightly surprised look beside him, such a stepping fairy tower actually has such a background, but these methods are impossible for ordinary people to complete, even for ordinary people. It can be clearly imagined that the construction of the Taxian Tower probably took a lot of effort.

But the space formation of the one hundred and two-story corridor and the space teleportation in front of Feng Hao's eyes are beyond ordinary people's knowledge. It can be said that if Feng Hao is allowed to do it, it may be difficult to do it at all.

Facing Le Huang's invitation, Feng Hao also smiled and nodded, and immediately the two of them directly stepped into the vortex of space.

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