Martial Inverse

Chapter 2547: Point Break

Chapter 2547 Breaking

At the moment, when Feng Hao’s words fell, many people also cast a foolish look at Feng Hao. They all took out this kind of thing, you are just a nameless boy , do you still want to come up with something rarer than the supreme phalanx?

That is simply impossible!

For ordinary people, after Guiyi took out such things as the supreme phalanx, other people, if they were Feng Hao, would be very consciously silent, because no matter what they took out, it would not be comparable, and it would simply be self-inflicted. It's just a shame.

"Young master...look at this..."

After Feng Hao spoke, Miss Honghong also hesitated for a moment, glanced at Feng Hao, and then turned her eyes on Le Huang, this thing happened in this direction, all of a sudden even Baoxian didn't know what to do. How to do it.

Le Huang was silent at this moment, resting his chin in his hand. After a while, he said: "I feel that Hao Feng has always been very mysterious, but he is not a reckless person. He should be a Has his reason."

"You mean he can come up with something comparable to the unified supreme phalanx?"

Miss Crimson also covered her red lips in surprise, which is a bit unbelievable. If it was a different person, a strong man from the two giants, it might be credible to say it, but facing Feng Hao who is so unreasonable The nameless boy who knows where the trouble came from is obviously a bit of an idiot talking in his sleep.

"Forget it, since he is so persistent, let him continue. I want to see what else Haofeng can do."

After thinking for a while, Le Huang also smiled lightly, and then he also nodded to Bao Xian, indicating to let Feng Hao continue, and at the same time, there was a faint expectation in his heart.

Although, this expectation does not seem very realistic.

"Okay, since you want to continue, then you can take out your things. The old man is not in a hurry, and he doesn't care about seeing one more thing. The young man, don't let the old man down."

Baoxian also looked at Feng Haodao with a smile, and there was an extremely complicated look in his eyes. He really hoped that Feng Hao could reverse this situation, but the reality told him that it was a bit too much.

Feng Hao nodded, but he was not in a hurry, instead he focused his attention on the phalanx in Guiyi's hand and observed it carefully for a long time.

Gui Yi frowned, and then said with a sneer: "How about it? Nameless boy, take out whatever you have, as long as you are not afraid of embarrassing yourself!"

As for Feng Hao, Gui Yi naturally didn't recognize him, but he subconsciously hated this guy, because it seemed that this guy was very happy together, and if he said that, he was naturally a member of Ling Xiaofeng, Although he is very strange.

As for some problems with this phalanx, Gui Yi was so confident that Feng Hao, an unknown boy, would definitely not be able to see it. As long as no one could see it, then almost no one present could stop him.

"Before that, I have a doubt, and I would like you to explain it to me."

Feng Hao smiled, he was not in a hurry to take out his own things, but instead asked Gui Yi, with a feeling that everything was under control in his expression, and now things became more fun.

Faced with Feng Hao's question, many people present frowned slightly,

Is this Feng Hao questioning? Could it be that even Baoxian didn't trust her eyes?

You must know that in Ta Xianlou, Baoxian dare not talk about other abilities, but his ability to identify things is first-rate, which made many people quite displeased at the moment.

Baoxian was also displeased in his heart, but he didn't show it, because he still had to give Lehuang three points of face, and now he wanted to see what kind of tricks this Feng Hao was trying to make.

Seeing Feng Hao's expression, Gui Yi's heart skipped a beat, thinking to himself, could it be that Feng Hao saw something unusual? Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible, even Baoxian can't see it, let alone other people.

"Hmph, then you can ask, so that you can be more determined!"

Thinking of this in his heart, Gui Yi sneered again and again, his face was full of confidence, he didn't believe that Feng Hao could see these unusual things.

"Since this phalanx belongs to the Supreme Being of Light and has his brand on it, why don't you go to comprehend it yourself?" Feng Hao asked with a slight smile, pretending not to care.

Hearing Feng Hao's question, many people present at Taxianlou suddenly laughed. Feng Hao was lucky enough to be able to ask such an idiotic question. Isn't it very simple? And, it must be impossible to comprehend, this is something that a three-year-old child in Penglai World knows, but Feng Hao is asking.

It was like a joke on the scene, but Feng Hao pretended that the laughter didn't exist, looked at Gui Yi with a calm expression, and waited for his explanation.

Gui Yi took a deep breath. He originally saw Feng Hao's tricks, but he didn't expect to ask such a stupid question, and he said directly: "Isn't this simple? Xuan Dao Valley's Mental Dharma does not belong to the power of the light attribute, even if I get this Supreme Finger Bone, I still can't understand the mystery in it, although it is rare, it is of little use to me."

Guiyi's answer can be said to be normal, even Baoxian nodded, because the fact is that, as Guiyi said, he is not a light attribute power, and there must be no way to refer to this phalanx.

"You are lying!"

At the moment, Feng Hao retorted directly, these three short words scared the Baoxian next to him, what's the matter?

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

At that moment, Gui Yi's face turned livid, which was almost equivalent to being scolded by Feng Hao by pointing at his nose. For him, the majestic Supreme Elder of Xuan Dao Valley, had he ever suffered such a thing?

Who is Feng Hao? He's just a nameless kid, dare to point at him and scold him?

"Am I lying, you know in your heart, what's wrong with this phalanx, I believe you are also very clear, do you want me to tell you all?" Feng Hao also smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, Feng Hao's words shocked the audience again. What does this mean? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret on this phalanx? But Baoxian has passed, there is no problem with this phalanx.

Not far away, Le Huang also frowned slightly, the situation seemed to have exceeded his expectations.

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