Martial Inverse

Chapter 2552 In exchange for...

Chapter 2552 In exchange

After such a farce, many powerhouses present shook their heads in silence. This process was really enjoyable to watch, and no one could have guessed the result.

Because of this incident, many strong people present have a much higher evaluation of Feng Hao, not because they treat him as an ordinary emperor, after all, he has achieved what even Baoxian can't do. matter.

As for Baoxian, he sighed secretly in his heart. Although the origin of this young man Feng Hao is unknown, but this skill made him love talents, and even had the idea of ​​taking Feng Hao as his apprentice in his heart. .

"Sure enough, it's scary to be young. If it's like this now, there will not be many people who can participate in the end." At this time, the mysterious doctor also smiled faintly beside him.

Indeed, now apart from Guiyi, there are still three people, one is the Supreme Divine Weapon with incompleteness, the other is the Linglong Fairy Fruit, and the Supreme Divine Crystal. These three people are the strongest competitors, and now there is one Feng Hao.

Of course, the premise is that Feng Hao can come up with something of the same value, otherwise there is no way to get the soul.

"Boy, you are very pleasing to the eye. If the things you bring out are not bad, I will voluntarily withdraw from this competition." At this time, the mysterious doctor also smiled lightly beside him.

After all, what Feng Hao did just now allowed Taxianlou to avoid a major loss. If Taxianlou was allowed to get the so-called Guangming Supreme Fingerbone, it would really be a big blow. deficit.

"That's right, boy, the mysterious doctor has said so, so I will say the same. As long as your stuff is not too bad, then I will quit and sell you a favor."

At this time, another middle-aged man also laughed and said, Feng Hao recognized him, he is the guy who owns the Supreme God Crystal, and judging by his clothes, he should also belong to Ling Xiaofeng, and his status is not low.

"The little one thanked the two seniors for the time being." Feng Hao smiled slightly, and then said with a confident expression: "No matter what, I will definitely get this spiritual fetus today. "

"Haha, it turns out that young people are crazy enough, then I'll wait for you to come up with something to open everyone's eyes." Xuanyi and Baoxian both looked at each other and smiled, even Feng Hao said so, but they did I began to look forward to what Feng Hao could come up with.

Moreover, looking at this posture, it seems that other people are also very interested. Now they no longer think that Feng Hao is a nameless boy with unknown origin. How can it be ordinary people who can have this vision.

Even Gui Yi, who stepped down in embarrassment, stared at Feng Hao with a gloomy face, wanting to see what this guy could come up with.

Facing the eyes of so many people, Feng Hao smiled lightly, but he said to Le Huang: "There is something, can we discuss it."

Facing Feng Hao's performance like this, Le Huang was immediately puzzled, and immediately nodded, saying: "Just say it."

"The thing I want to trade is a bit special, and I don't want too many people to know." Feng Hao pondered for a while, and said slowly, because he planned to take out one thing as a trade, and once such a thing is sold If the world knew about it, they would probably all go crazy because of it.


"Le Huang frowned. If it had been done before, it probably wouldn't be a big problem, but after Guiyi's troubles, it seems a bit unsuitable now. He is also in a dilemma right now.

"What is it, can you tell me a little bit about it." Le Huang was also pondering in his heart, and he soon thought that if Feng Hao didn't lie, then what he would show would be shocking to the world.

"It's a way to cultivate strength. Believe me, this kind of power only appeared in legends." The corner of Feng Hao's mouth slightly raised. Originally, he didn't want to make such a deal, but the other party was Le Huang, and he was Le Xin's second brother. Brother, the most important thing is that after a long time of cognition, Feng Hao still thinks that Le Huang is a reliable person. If this is the case, it is not a disadvantage to exchange a kind of power method he has mastered.

"Power." Le Huang frowned even more, he seemed to be hesitating, because such a move would inevitably cause dissatisfaction among other strong men, but when he said this after passing Feng Hao, he immediately said to Feng Hao in his heart I am very interested in that kind of power.

"Allow me to discuss it with other people." Le Huang gritted his teeth and said, not immediately agreeing, nor immediately rejecting, but gave a very pertinent answer.

"It's okay, I can wait." Feng Hao also said with a light smile. If Yue Huang really wanted to persist, then he could only give up. The fetus is much more important, if it is not for Le Xin's face, he would not consider using this thing in exchange.

That's right, what Feng Hao wants to exchange is the cultivation method of the law of time.

In the past, under the icy ocean, on the half of the bronze stone tablet found, he has completely remembered the cultivation method of the law of time, although Feng Hao has not been able to truly grasp this power so far, but obviously a There are still methods of cultivation.

Afterwards, Lehuang discussed with Baoxian and Xuanyi with a serious face, and then left for a while, not knowing where he was going, Feng Hao guessed in his heart that Lehuang should go Ask his father.

Feng Hao is not in a hurry, anyway, even if the deal fails in the end, it will not be him who suffers, but Le Huang. Now it depends on whether Le Huang has the opportunity to get the method of practicing the law of time.

And this scene obviously caused some other strong people to talk about it. They don't know why this Le Huang went there, and why he stopped suddenly. They are still waiting to see what Feng Hao can come up with. .

About half an hour later, Le Huang appeared, and behind him were Baoxian and Xuanyi. Both of them had faint smiles on their faces, and their eyes were full of strangeness when they looked at Feng Hao.

"Brother Hao, my father nodded. You can make a deal like this, but you must have two old people, Baoxian and Xuanyi, present together." After Lehuang appeared, the first sentence was like this.

Hearing Le Huang's words, Feng Hao just smiled, and said softly: "You will feel that this is the most correct decision you have made in your life."

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