Martial Inverse

Chapter 2554 Heart-to-heart

Chapter 2554 Confidence

Hearing Fenghao's question, Lehuang, Baoxian and Xuanyi, the three of them don't need to think about it right now, they know that this deal is definitely worth it!

Although the spirit fetus is rare, compared to the law of time, the latter is obviously more worthy of their possession!

The law of time, this kind of power that is only in legends, is much rarer than the spiritual fetus!

Le Huang was silent for a moment, his expression became very dignified, he looked at Feng Hao and said: "Brother Hao, I don't know what you are thinking, but I still want to say that the method of practicing the law of time is only in terms of value. , far surpassing this spiritual fetus, this is extremely unfair to you."

The Baoxian and Xuan doctor next to him also nodded, if it was someone else, they would have immediately nodded and agreed, but it seems that Lehuang is not happy about Fenghao's loss, on the contrary, he doesn't want to trade much.

"Haha, brother Le, I will do what I say, and you and I have a sympathetic relationship. Although the cultivation method of the law of time is extremely rare, to be honest, not everyone can practice it." Feng Hao There was a slight smile on his face, he only now felt that he had always underestimated Le Huang, and just based on the words just now, he was worthy of Feng Hao's friendship.

Moreover, this Le Huang is not considered an outsider, at least he is Le Xin's second brother, which is not a disadvantage.

Seeing that Feng Hao still insisted on using the practice method of the law of time as a transaction, Yue Huang's expression became very excited, he laughed and said: "Okay, I'm happy someone said it, and from now on, you and I will be brothers!"

Baoxian and Xuanyi looked at each other, nodded and smiled, for Fenghao, they also felt that this son was not easy, if they could make friends, it would not be bad for Lehuang.

Feng Hao smiled and said nothing, but if he knew that Le Huang was the one who was about to marry Huangfu Wushuang, his expression would be very exciting, even if it was Le Huang.

However, the two of them don't know each other's identities at the moment, and they are now talking with each other. Although it is largely based on the cultivation method of the law of time, Feng Hao doesn't mind.

After Feng Hao decided to make a deal, he immediately handed over the practice method of the law of time to Le Huang. This has always been remembered in his mind, and there is no big problem in dictating it directly.

Moreover, Feng Hao is also very irresponsible and authentic: "Cultivation methods are here, but how to practice and how to comprehend depends on the individual. Others can't impart experience, even he can't do it."

Regarding this, Yue Huang didn't mind too much. For him, it was enough to get the cultivation method of the law of time.

Because, even if he can't cultivate, there will always be someone who is suitable for cultivation in such a huge Ling Xiaofeng. As long as there is one person, it will definitely be a good thing for Ling Xiaofeng.

Many years ago, there was a Primordial Supreme, and now it is very likely that there will be a second Supreme Primordial, so this deal is largely taken advantage of by Le Huang.

If it were someone else, Feng Hao would naturally not be willing to suffer a disadvantage, but the other party is Le Xin's second brother, so he doesn't care about it, and the law of time does not mean that he can practice if he wants to, except for a suitable physique. It still depends on chance. You must know that even after so many years of hard work, he still hasn't fully realized it, and only got a little bit of it.


A group of four people reappeared in the sight of everyone outside. After seeing their appearance, everyone, including Guiyi, stared at them closely, wanting to know the result.

"After discussion, in the end, this spiritual fetus was obtained by this friend by my side." Le Huang glanced at the scene and said calmly.

As soon as this sentence fell, it immediately attracted many people's discussions. They all wanted to know clearly what Feng Hao had come up with to make Deta Xianlou directly make a deal.

"Young master, we just want to know what this man took out, can you tell us about it."

At this time, finally there was a young bird who stood up, Le Huang took a closer look, this person belonged to the strong man from the Xuandao Valley, I am afraid that behind this is the meaning of returning to oneness.

"This old man, isn't he ashamed enough?" Le Huang cursed in his heart, but kept a faint smile on his face and said: "According to the agreement with him, such things cannot be revealed, And with the witnesses of Baoxian and Xuanyi, the things he brought out are definitely worth trading for soul embryos, and they are even more rare than the things in the hands of these strong men present."

"That's right, I can testify to this point. If I were here, you wouldn't think that we have some shady dealings in Taxian Tower." At this time, the mysterious doctor also said indifferently.

Due to his identity as a mysterious doctor, when he said this, there were really not many people who questioned it, even the strong man from the Xuandao Valley who asked the question just now, did not dare to say anything more, after all, he did not dare to question the mysterious doctor. Maybe even Xuandao Valley can't protect him.

"Since this is the case, then we can only be convinced. This spiritual fetus is destined to have no destiny with us, and it can only belong to you, young hero." At this time, the strong man with the incomplete Supreme Divine Weapon also smiled easily.

Although the spiritual fetus is rare, the things they brought out are indeed inferior, and this cannot be forced.

"Accepted." Feng Hao smiled slightly, and said politely to these people.

Le Huang waved his hand, and then Miss Crimson walked over holding the jade plate containing the spirit fetus. Le Huang pointed to it and said, "Brother Hao, this thing belongs to you."

A gleam flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, this spirit fetus has finally been obtained!

He was also inexplicably excited, but he nodded immediately and said: "Let's put it with you first. If I guessed correctly, there is a seal on it. I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Haha, you're really smart. I originally wanted to tell you something, but since you've seen it, it's just right. I'll tell you after the auction is over, when you and I are talking to each other!" Le Huang also said. Smile heartily.

"Okay." Feng Hao also nodded.

Right now, the auction is going on, but the things that appear later, although they are quite rare, are not of much use to Feng Hao, nor can they attract his interest, and they are just a bystander. Those who come to watch.

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