Martial Inverse

Chapter 2562 Spirit Embryo!

Chapter 2562 Spirit fetus!

It has to be said that Yue Huang's worries were not superfluous. Guiyi did not leave Taxianlou directly, but seemed to be waiting for Feng Hao to leave. He was so humiliated by Feng Hao in front of everyone, so it was impossible for him to just stop there give up.

At the moment when this majestic spiritual energy emerged, Gui Yi's expression changed suddenly in the Taxianlou, clenched his fists, and said to himself: "This kid actually refined it directly in the Taxianlou Got a spirit fetus!"

His original plan was to wait for Feng Hao to leave in Ta Xian Tower, and then look for an opportunity to make a black hand, but he didn't expect that Feng Hao directly refined the spiritual fetus in Ta Xian Tower.

At that time, even if he catches Feng Hao outside, it will be useless even if he kills him.

"Elder, young master, they have already rushed to the Vientiane Mountains, do you think you are going to leave?"

At this time, the space next to Guiyi slowly twisted, and the figure of another strong man also appeared.

"Have they already gone? Well, that kid will be lucky this time, don't let me see him again!" Gui Yi gritted his teeth and said angrily, and immediately left Taxianlou with a wave of his sleeves.

At this time, Feng Hao was in the building, naturally he didn't know how many people were staring at him just now, he watched the red silk twisting in front of him continuously, as if something was about to rush out from below.

Feeling the majestic aura, Feng Hao also knew that under such circumstances, he must not waste any more, because aura is the root of the spiritual fetus, if it leaks too much, it will damage the spiritual fetus.

At that moment, he also took a deep breath, and directly uncovered this layer of red silk, and suddenly a soft divine light appeared in front of Feng Hao.

A mass of soft divine light about the size of a fist, this is a piece of jade-like thing, but it is extremely penetrating.

"Is this the spirit fetus?"

Feng Hao's mind also trembled slightly, the thing that appeared in front of his eyes was obviously a spirit fetus, and it actually looked like this.

When he came back to his senses, Feng Hao also directly cut a hole in his palm, and some bright red blood seeped out, Feng Hao directly covered this so-called spiritual fetus with this palm.

The situation changed abruptly at this moment, when Feng Hao's palm covered the spiritual fetus, the aura that diffused everywhere disappeared suddenly, as if it had never existed before.

However, Feng Hao discovered at this time that the opening in his palm seemed to have something drilled in at this moment, and the next moment his whole body seemed to be washed by the majestic spiritual energy.

This extremely comfortable feeling made De Feng Hao uncontrollably let out a groan, the pores all over his body spread out, and his whole body was constantly washed by this majestic spiritual energy.

All the spiritual energy contained in this spiritual fetus poured into Feng Hao's body, causing some unbelievable expressions. Feng Hao vaguely felt that there seemed to be something extra in his body.

Before he had time to feel where this feeling came from, Feng Hao noticed some fluctuations in his dantian, and he was also happy at the moment, this is a sign of a breakthrough!

It has been a long time since he returned from breaking through the Great Emperor of Zhenwu Continent,

He has been looking for a way to make a breakthrough, but he has found that he has been unable to make a breakthrough, but he never expected that there will be a sign of a breakthrough at this juncture.

"Could it be related to this spirit fetus?" Feng Hao didn't have time to think about it, so he tried to make a breakthrough with his mind at the moment.

Although this scene was not presented in front of Le Huang and the others, the ups and downs of Feng Hao's aura also aroused the astonishment of these people.

"This guy... is really a monster, even refining a spiritual fetus can make a breakthrough." Yue Huang sighed, even he shouldn't say anything, this luck is too bad.

"The little guy who can be valued by the Supreme Being and the Supreme Good and Evil is not so weak." Elder Tianyi said with a smile. Where will it be weak.

"Haha, this guy, if I don't go to the Vientiane Mountains tomorrow, I really have to get drunk with him again!" Le Huang laughed.

After learning about Fenghao's breakthrough, Lehuang and the others did not leave at all. Instead, they sat directly in the area near Fenghao's building to prevent people who did not know current affairs from appearing, in case Fenghao was destroyed. breakthrough, that would be bad.

Yue Huang knew very well that after reaching the Great Emperor Realm, it would be very difficult to make further breakthroughs. Although there are many god masters in this Penglai world, and there are some supreme-level existences, but more of them are , a strong man who has stopped at the Great Emperor Realm all his life, and thus cannot go any further.

After this situation lasted for an hour, the aura in Feng Hao's body finally began to stabilize, and in the room, Feng Hao also opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The middle emperor!

I actually took advantage of the opportunity of refining the spirit embryo to trigger the promotion!

"Very good, the cultivation level has increased by a few points. In this way, the confidence of this trip to the Vientiane Mountains is much greater!" Feng Hao raised his mouth slightly, although the gap between the lower emperor and the middle emperor is not It's very big, but for Feng Hao, this small leap of the realm can increase his combat power a lot!

Now, what he can do is truly invincible in the Great Emperor Realm, even in the face of some Great Emperors who are about to break through, he is worthy!

"If... this time, the Vientiane Mountains can absorb the Qi of the real dragon, maybe it can also make a breakthrough!" Feng Hao was a little excited in his heart, although the mysterious doctor and others said that the Qi of the real dragon can be suitable The existence of God Master Realm makes a breakthrough.

However, Feng Hao's own body is much stronger than that of ordinary God Master Realm existences. He is confident that if he has the opportunity, he can also absorb these real dragon auras!

If he can absorb it successfully, then he may even directly attack the Divine Master Realm!

God Master Realm! As long as he breaks through to this realm, then he will naturally no longer be afraid of enemies in the God Master Realm like Chunxuan! Even in the face of Gui Yi, he is able to protect himself.

"This trip to the Vientiane Mountains, don't let me down..." A murmur came from Feng Hao's mouth.

,--! ! !

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